Sentences with phrase «time doing what»

I love outdoors, to fish, swim, just have great time doing what I love.
Whether it's painting, running or reading, make sure you spend time doing what you're passionate about before you start your online dating for the day.
Then we won't waste time doing what really doesn't work for the other.»
We also automatically filter out inactive users, and proactively remove users we suspect of not being genuine, so our users spend their time doing what matters most: dating.
Anyhow, I am hoping that you are having an amazing day and that you have at least some time to enjoy beautiful weather and spend your time doing what you love.
That optional work doesn't fit, so say no and spend more time doing what you love.
And then it hit me — the teachers who had turned me on were the ones who were having a heck of a good time doing what they were doing.
But thankfully, everyone in the family took a no - interference stance and let me spend some time doing what was catching my fancy.
That means less time tuning your guitar and more time doing what you love - playing it.
«She [Murray] has a decent amount of time doing what she's been doing,» said Antzoriak, who works for the Garden City Water Department.
And, I'm no shrink but I would suggest that you not connect your experience of your dad's workaholic tendencies with your husband's; your husband is not your dad, and your kids need not resent him for time doing what a farmer must do.
Reconnection might require a bit of rough and tumble, or getting on the floor at children's level, or spending time doing what they most like to do.
All in all, I wish I spent less time in my early pregnancy watching YouTube videos and reading blogs and worring about fighting with the hospital and doctor, and more time doing what I'm doing now: talking to people who actually live where I do and have given birth at my hospital, who had positive experiences.
I just wanted to be a college student, spending my free time doing what my friends were doing, not talking to a lot of people I didn't know.
I am trying to find the positive in often times too much negative, and I no longer spend time doing what doesn't bring me joy nor spend time with those that don't embrace me for exactly who I am.
We've been keeping it simple to save time in the kitchen and spend more time doing what we want, especially on work days.
It took me a few minutes to realize that was a legitimate New Year's resolution — to spend time doing what you love.
In times of uncertainty with moving (or any life event) taking a break and spending time doing what you love, with those you love, is SO important.
Less time doing dishes means more time doing what I want to do, so keto on with this ridiculously easy keto stir fry!
200 + Podcasts, 100 + Articles, 20 + Books... In 11 Bullet Points — Life Learning 200 + Podcasts, 100 + Articles, 20 + Books... In 11 Bullet Points For the past 8 months, I have spent my time doing what I've wanted to do for years: listening to podcasts, reading books, and reading articles.
«You will spend 15 % of the time doing what you love (your gift... in my case coaching and writing) and 85 % of the time marketing, administrating, selling, strategizing your business, and answering a sh ** load of email.
When I learned about the systems already created which allowed me to reach cash flow more quickly and spend most of my time doing what I do best, franchising simply made sense.
So we can spend our free time doing what we like, like hanging out with our friends, our family, or even getting ahead in our career.
Other times they do what they threatened to do, letting contract run down because of bargain - hunting clubs, but they lose the player to someone like Munich.
You don't want your child to expect a reward every time she does what you ask or refuse to help if she doesn't get a reward.
You're there to make him happy, and often times do what his wife isn't doing for him at home.
It's about time you do what you want and get what you want.

Not exact matches

I know what you're thinking: If interleaving works better, why do we tend to practice one skill at a time?
We already knew what we were doing the second time around.
With these high - performing high - priced funds, you'll need to have a long time horizon and do some digging to understand what you're actually investing in — and whether they make sense for you.
I don't even know what this word means anymore, and we must use it a dozen times in the course of a half - hour news meeting here at
Have free time you don't know what to do with?
Next time you're at a cocktail party — and I don't think my social circle is particularly retrograde — watch what happens when both men and women are asked some version of «What do you do?&rawhat happens when both men and women are asked some version of «What do you do?&raWhat do you do
What did you do the last time someone tried to share something awesome with you?
«What you're doing over time, is you're teaching them to become independent investigators,» says Newnham.
Spend time listening to what your loyal customers and clients are saying so that you can consistently perfect what you do.
What other tool do you use practically every time you step foot into your kitchen?
Using this to my advantage, I have the benefit of picking and choosing what I want to offer, not sacrificing my time and money to do research and development.
What do you prefer to spend most of your time on?
So, there's a tremendous amount of standard business wisdom about how you need to have an elevator pitch, a small nugget that will encapsulate what it is you do with the amount of time it takes to pitch your business to a theoretical once - in - a-lifetime investor in a chance elevator encounter.
This does not mean to abandon your lifelong friends, but rather to be thoughtful about who you spend time with and what the mutual value is in the relationship.
But what they don't know is that the companies that spend the most time convincing you that they are «better» are the ones who are charging you for it.
Meeting participants should know what they should be doing and that there will be a time where their actions will be reviewed.
It seems there is never enough time in the day to get what we need to do done.
If you aren't getting paid to do something, and the task will take away time from accomplishing what you are paid to do, saying no demonstrates your commitment to your role and the value of your time
«Now Mark, I am more than willing to give you my time and really work with you to find out exactly what the best solution for you and your specific situation is, I'm just going to ask for one thing in return... As we go through this, if you don't feel that what we have is a good fit, are you okay telling me that?
Being deliberate about how I am going to spend my time and then reflecting (that day) on what went well and what I could have done better are a powerful combination for me.»
One of the most important jobs any leader does is decide what issues to tackle inside the organization at any given time.
Ergo, how many times did I have to listen to «Hey blondie, what are you doing here?»
In other words, I could decide what I wanted to do with my own time.
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