Sentences with phrase «time during a school»

Setting strict limits on screen time during the school week (or even banning screens entirely for younger kids)
All the students did prayers at some time during the school day.
MECKI: I touched clay for the first time during school art classes.
Locally grown food was served 90 times during the school year including whole wheat flour, greens, apples, tomatoes, watermelons, and peaches.
Granted, the nurse is a very nice lady, and I became close with her, but what high - schooler wants to be away from her friends during lunch, one of the only times during a school day where we actually get to sit down and relax?
We intend to amend the registration requirement for independent education settings so that all such settings which children attend full - time during the school day have to register, and we will consult in due course on detailed proposals.»
17 - year - old Maddy Wilford, a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High junior who was shot several times during the school shooting on Feb. 14, 2018, was first treated on scene by Coral Springs Fire Dept. Lt. Laz Ojeda.
I'm pretty freakin» fortunate to have time during the school day to dash down the street for vegan gluten - free food when I don't pack a lunch.
Whether you have a dedicated desk or the kitchen table, having everything your child (ren) needs right at their fingertips will ensure homework gets done in a timely manner so you can have more family time during the school year.
Once four or five computers are available in every classroom and labs allow entire classes of students to visit and do research at any time during the school day, then the use of the Internet in our classes and schools will take off.
You have only so much time during the school year to teach your curriculum.
This simple lesson in following directions can be used at any time during the school year.
Sometimes a principal just needs to make time during the school day to tackle email, reports, or other tasks.
I've classed the resource as suitable for ages 7 - 14, but it really does depend on the age at which your students begin their FRENCH, and what areas of learning they might need to focus on at particular times during the school year.
These games, developed with collaborators at HopeLab, can be played at any time during the school day: transitions, downtime, or as a reward for good behavior.
One third of children aged six to 17 said there was a designated time during the school day to read a book they had chosen independently (not textbooks), but only 17 per cent do it every or almost every school day.
The tasks and prompts would be drawn from a state database of assessments, administered locally by educators at any time during the school year.
An annual celebration of Earth Day should not be the only time during the school year when you devote significant classroom time to exploring issues of environmental awareness and stewardship.
We've insisted on all students sitting national literacy and numeracy tests through the National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) four times during their schooling.
Secondary schools usually employ specialist teachers to deliver their curriculum, who deliver their lessons at specified times during the school week, often resulting in missed opportunities to identify connections between STEM subjects.
These mini lesson plans, perfect for filling those little extra bits of time during the school day, help you make the most of every moment.
Previous research examining the affect of allocating time during the school day to physical education programs showed similar results, demonstrating that [some] decreased time spent in academic programs did not adversely affect the academic performance of the students.
The programme is fully supported, flexible and can be completed at any time during the school year.
Practice attentive behavior in non-threatening, non-crucial times during the school day.
Class Rules Smooth Way for the Year Rules in School, a book from the Northeast Foundation for Children, tells teachers how they can regain instructional time during the school year by helping students develop class rules and consequences at the beginning of the year.
A student observed any time during a school year in a charter or pilot school was classified as a charter or pilot student for that year.
«We met four times during the school year for day - long brainstorming.
Because recess is typically the only time during the school day that children are free to...
At any time during the school year and notwithstanding any prior determination to the contrary at the time of the child's initial enrollment or re-entry into the public schools of the district, the board of education or its designee may determine, in accordance with paragraph (6) of this subdivision, that a child is not a district resident entitled to attend the schools of the district.
Performance - based compensation systems must consider gains in student academic achievement as well as classroom evaluations conducted multiple times during each school year among other factors and provide educators with incentives to take on additional responsibilities and leadership roles.
She meets with each school's student council two or three times during the school year gathering feedback: Do you like your teachers?
Few student responses focused on traits Hattie notes that drive impact on learning such as: «Know what I am learning and how and if I am making progress, seeking feedback, looking for challenges, being resilient, and viewing error as a path to learning, etc.» Many of Valley View's schools charted student responses over time during the school year to determine if students had changed their views.
The early elementary staff met several times during the school year to discuss instructional issues.
Seventy - one percent of California children suspended in 2009 - 2010 were suspended two or more times during the school year, according to the Civil Rights Project's analysis of U.S. Department of Education's civil rights data.
Additionally, three times during the school year, central office personnel and our improvement contractor from the state observed with us to make sure that as a group, we were calibrated on our expectations and criteria.
Committees must meet a minimum of six times during the school year between August and June, and participants must attend a minimum of six meetings, or 75 % of all scheduled meetings in a school year (there can be no mixing and matching of team meetings)
An alternative application procedure allows pupils to apply for open enrollment at any time during a school year if certain criteria are met.
It's proven, low cost to implement, and takes no additional time during the school day.
By providing time during the school day for teacher leaders and teachers to work together, principals ensure that the teacher leaders are not continuously forced to make choices between time devoted to their own classrooms, time devoted to improving instruction, and their own personal time.
Of all the «education reform» elements that teachers seem to value most is having TIME during the school day to meaningfully collaborate with other teachers.
Denver Public Schools has been using SGOs for many years; their 2008 - 2009 Teacher Handbook states that an SGO must be «focused on the expected growth of [a teacher's] students in areas identified in collaboration with their principal,» as well as that the objectives must be «Job - based; Measurable; Focused on student growth in learning; Based on learning content and teaching strategies; Discussed collaboratively at least three times during the school year; May be adjusted during the school year; Are not directly related to the teacher evaluation process; [and] Recorded online» (for more information click here).
Unlike their secondary school counterparts, there is very little time during the school day to support planning, preparation, and collaboration with colleagues so they must depend on time before and after school.
These reported implementation fidelity results were obtained through a combination of teacher surveys and structured classroom visits by project staff at specified times during the school year.
What do you do when you come into work and you learn that one of your PE teachers has a standing golf tee time during the school day and your janitor has been stealing snacks from the kitchen?
The school also gives teachers time during the school day to look at what the data they've collected on students is telling them, so they can focus on what students need to learn.
The beginning teachers were required to participate in an online discussion board created for the cadre a minimum of three times during the school year.
The independent evaluator will observe the teacher at least three times during the school year and issue a report with his or her rating of the teacher.»
planned maintenance carried out during the maintenance window of 10.00 pm to 2.00 am UK time during term time or at any time during school holidays;
The SCLDA team included one primary investigator with extensive experience in the integration of museum resources in the classroom, two education staff members who organized and oversaw the PD project, and two local instructional coaches who observed teachers» classrooms (approximately four times during the school year per teacher) and provided further teacher support as needed.
This saved time lets teachers teach one or two more classes at the elementary level, or 50 percent more students at the secondary level, and still gain several hours of planning, team collaboration, and development time during the school day each week.
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