Sentences with phrase «time during the mediation process»

You can see a lawyer at any time during the mediation process.

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One point that we do not make enough is that mediation reduces stress by providing a structure and process during a time when families feel out of control.
Participants may choose to terminate mediation at any time during the process.
Mediation is a dispute resolution process which typically focuses on time with the neutral mediator when needed during a divorce.
Parties who consider what they have learned during the mediation process often reach a settlement after the hearing in order to avoid spending precious time and additional funds which may never be recovered at trial.
The mediator is responsible for facilitating the communication between both parties during the mediation process to ensure that each party is provided with uninterrupted time to speak.
Therefore, if you would like to make it through the divorce mediation process quickly, it is smart to set aside some extra time during the week or over the weekend to complete the form and compile all of the attachments (bank statements, etc.).
There are a lot of factors that take place during the divorce mediation process and often, they are all taking place at the same time during the divorce mediation appointment.
While many clients choose mediation at the outset of their case, mediation can start at any time during (or after) the divorce process.
During the mediation process you will also learn how to better communicate with your spouse and your children so that future conflicts can be minimized, thereby giving fragile relationships a chance to improve over time.
The time to clear up these understandings is during the mediation process.
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