Sentences with phrase «time effective method»

Flying around Europe makes a convincing case for us as if you don't have a lot of time, this is the most cost and time effective method.
This book will walk you through a one - time effective method which is less costly at the same time effective.

Not exact matches

Since the topics for eNewsletters are normally short, this method is more effective and less time consuming.
Before you know it you'll be able to extract the useful information from a podcast in a third of the time, making this an incredibly effective method of learning.
Participating in real - time events can be effective with alternative methods like responsive marketing, but it requires appropriate resources and planning for proper execution.
This method is effective, per se, but people undoubtedly fall out of the sales funnel when they have to leave Facebook to visit a different site or when there is too long of a gap from the initial response that made the viewer want to buy the item and the time it takes to complete the transaction.
Actual «acts of abstinence» succeed in preventing pregnancies 100 % of the time, but that's a totally misleading metric, You are claiming that a METHOD is 100 % effective simply by counting only those times the method wMETHOD is 100 % effective simply by counting only those times the method wmethod worked.
The method has proved effective at times, though it can also show, in hindsight, how much cultural perceptions have changed.
It is not my intention to discuss such ways of reaching the «unchurched»; suffice it to say that the World Council of Churches has lately been studying the problem of evangelism and has recognized that the older methods, effective enough in their time, will not serve today and new methods need to be found.
However, businesses are always looking for the most cost - effective and efficient production methods, especially in these challenging economic times.
MGI's innovative new system is a cost - effective, fully digital process that eliminates the time, waste and limitations of traditional foiling, UV screen and embossing methods.
«The way he coached us during my time there was impressive and I am sure that the methods I enjoyed and found so effective will continue to be employed.»
For some time now I have been a massive supporter of Arsene Wenger and his ability to cultivate talent and do it all through a cost - effective business model, but in the past couple of years as a supporter like many others we have been supportive and patient of his methods with no end product.
Leaving your baby in the car seat for hours isn't ideal, and may not be safe, but for the occasional fussy times, this method can be very effective.
My mission is to help you rely on your core values while at the same time learning effective methods of parenting so you can really learn to love and experience the joy of parenting.
This method suppresses ovulation, and with perfect use (meaning you return to your caregiver at the right time for shots) it's more than 99 percent effective in women who aren't breastfeeding.
Some practitioners recommend foregoing the use of Nystatin completely and going on to other methods because more times than not it is not effective.
After investigating various educational methods, they found Waldorf education to be relevant, effective, and time - proven, with over 98 years of successful application worldwide.
But I would no sooner discount the efficacy of Pit or Cytotec as effective methods of augmentation even given the times when they failed to perform as intended 100 % of the time.
While remaining to be within a budget plan method is required, you could be better off investing a little bit a bargain a great deal a great deal much more for a kid infant stroller ahead of time, instead as compared to getting a cost effective young adult baby stroller together with having it injures after a collection of months.
Potty training in one day is a method that is very effective and does work.It was originally created for children with special needs, since it works off the basis of watching your child's facial expressions and movements prior to going potty and then being able to get them to the potty in time.
Timing ovulation can be an effective method to get pregnant more quickly, because right before, and during ovulation, a woman's body is most fertile for conception: the cervical fluid aiding the sperm mobility to swim more quickly towards the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg.
Positive reinforcement appears to be the most popular and effective form of toddler discipline, next to distraction - especially when faced with a time consuming search for alternatives to the more assertive discipline methods.
Even if you can not practice full time EC, you can still take advantage of it whenever you are home with your child, and even though it may not be as effective as a potty training method when done part time, it can still provide an incredible bonding experience and reduce your reliance on diapers.
Likewise, incorporating an ongoing postnatal support package increased the information and resources available to the new parents over time and were consistent with Hannula et al.'s review (Hannula et al., 2008) that found intervention packages using various methods of education and support were more effective for breastfeeding support than interventions concentrating on a single method.
Of those parents who say they spank their children frequently — several times a week or more — fully 77 % do not count it as «one of the most effective methods of discipline.
While online petitions can at times be an effective means of gathering support for some issues, Mass Audubon's experience is that emailing and calling legislators and the Governor's office is a more personal, timely, and direct method of requesting action.
Eileen Harrison Photo: Chelsea Vice Is «time out» an effective method for disciplining children?
The new method, published in Scientific Reports, could dramatically reduce the effective half - life (an indicator of the amount of time it takes to bring radioactive materials down to safe levels) of long - lived fission products [1](LLFPs) from hundreds of thousands of years to within a hundred years.
However, this method entails many uncertainties, such as the extent of ancestral polymorphisms, effective population size, and generation time.
The reduction in energy loss demonstrated by this experiment is over 100 times more effective compared to previous methods that used intermediate bands.
«The method appears to be very effective as a locally administered treatment that also protects the body from cancer's spread away from the treated tumors, and it is also very mild, so it can be applied many times over if needed,» El - Sayed said.
The study points out that complete compliance with hand hygiene guidelines that are established for non-operating room environments would consume more than the 60 minutes available in each hour of anesthesia time, «a fact that identifies a need to create more practical — but still effectivemethods of controlling bacterial transmission in anesthesia work environments,» the authors write.
«Our goal is to document where new Dryas populations live and develop effective methods to monitor population size over time to ensure their protection.
This method will be capable of giving an effective certainty at the moment of establishing the treatment, will also save time and decrease rejection, increasing the quality of life, allowing the survival of more patients and optimizing the health system, informed Gilberto Castañeda Hernández from the department of Pharmacology.
While these methods are effective in estimating IgG concentration, many dairy producers do not have access to these tools or do not take the time to test their colostrum prior to feeding.
Furthermore, most scientists are given no guidance about the most effective and time - efficient methods of civic engagement.
The technique that was developed served to automate the process — turning a prohibitively time - consuming task into an efficient and effective method for fossil reconstruction.»
Alzheimer's has no cure at this time, but determining more effective treatment and prevention methods, as well as finding a cure for the disease, is a high priority for researchers.
Our method, based ideally on 20x and 50x of NaS and Illumina reads respectively, provides an efficient and cost - effective way of sequencing microbial or small eukaryotic genomes in a very short time even in small facilities.
Our radiation oncologists, who are at the forefront of research, have been leaders in developing and evaluating new therapeutic methods that spare healthy tissue and deliver effective doses of radiation over a shorter period of time.
The results showed that MarginProbe ® was up to three times as effective in finding additional cancer on the margins of tumorous tissue as traditional methods, such as inspecting and imaging the tissue.
The prevalent methods for achieving DNP in solutions are typically most effective in the regime of small interaction correlation times between the electron and nuclear spins, limiting the size of accessible molecules.
The method is advantageous as it is time and cost effective and no prior knowledge of the outcome protein's structure is necessary.
Decreasing your carb consumption is one of the most effective methods to lose excess fat and this has been supported numerous times by lots of studies.
And unlike most things that sound too good to be true, this actually isn't, because we're not talking about the latest fitness fad, but a method of training that has been proven over decades to be far more effective than normal steady - state cardio (where you maintain the same pace for an extended period of time).
There is even an incredibly effective weight loss method called intermittent fasting, which involves deliberately going without food for extended periods of time (15 - 24 hours or more).
I have discovered some interesting methods that not only make intermittent fasting super-easy, but make it super effective at the same time.
This is somewhat obvious but spending greater time in the stretched position while staying tight and learning how to co-contract reciprocal muscle groups (during eccentric lengthening) is one of the most effective methods for enhancing mobility.
In addition, over time, artificial pest controls become less and less effective, so that even more chemicals must be used or other methods found.
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