Sentences with phrase «time effects create»

The use of 3D layers, CGI, and real - time effects create a look not seen in other productions.

Not exact matches

In the post, Feld, a long - time advocate for a «Startup Visa» to allow more international entrepreneurial talent to come to the U.S. to build businesses and create jobs, remarks on just how hard the current administration has fought to keep the program from going into effect. allows you to create video or photo slideshows on mobile or desktop, use real - time effects, and work with more than 80 templates and visual art.
«Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself,» David McCraw, assistant general counsel for the Times, wrote in a letter addressed to Trump's attorney, Marc Kasowitz, on Thursday afternoon.
During this time, she marveled at single mothers and refugees who had next to nothing, yet were able to create businesses that had a positive effect on local economies.
In his regular press conference after the ECB's governing council meeting, he said the uptick is «overwhelmingly» due to energy prices having hit a seven - year low this time last year, creating a base effect that exaggerates today's modest rebound.
The series of studies tested the effects of power hierarchies on team productivity by creating teams with either a mixed propensity towards leadership — in one case some participants were primed to feel powerful by thinking of a time they wielded power over others while others subjects were asked to envision a time they were bossed around before joining the group — or teams made up entirely of hard charging leadership types or participants primed for a meeker, go along, get along approach.
In effect, European leaders have announced «We have agreed to solve our debt problem, leveraging money we do not have, to create a fund, which will then borrow several times that amount, in order to buy enormous amounts of new debt that we will need to issue.»
Update: For the time being, trade war is creating uncertainty but should the situation escalate, it could have a negative effect on the world economy, says chief executive Jan Rindbo
If it's combined with another kind of event that creates unemployment that is steep and lasts for a long time, then those effects are amplified even further.
A final lesson I must touch on is that very low interest rates — and the unconventional monetary policy tools that can be deployed to enhance their effects — tend to create financial imbalances that can grow through time.
At the same time, higher asset prices can create a «wealth effect,» which can also boost spending and confidence.
Creating a budget can initially take a lot of time and work, but the time you spend planning your budget can have an astronomical effect on how your business operates.
Also, given the likely high price tag of trucks with high levels of automation, it will take time for economies of scale to take effect and create a realistic payback opportunity for carriers, says Keith Brandis, Volvo's director of product planning.
«That is one of the effects of automation, and globalization in particular: All of the jobs in the past 10 years that we've created, 94 percent of them are part - time, contract, temporary, seasonal.
Either they necessitate a deceptive «God», e.g. creating starlight «in transit» which means that for some light the star that supposedly sent said light would never have actually existed, or they would cause effect that should be evident but are not, e.g. temporarily fast starlight would effectively cook many things, such as life on earth, if the required light (and attendant gamma radiation) were compressed into a significantly shorter time frame (think of the radiation from the apparent 13 billion years of the universe arriving at the same time, or even over a 1000 years).
The dominance of paid - time religious programs on television at present is possibly creating a substantial status - conferral effect.
Repeat folding and flattening motions 4 — 5 times, rotating halvah as you work, to create a marbled effect (be careful not to work it too much or mixture will be crumbly).
i know the sample size is incredibly small, but i wonder if being with Rousey somehow creates a Kardashian Effect on fighters... i believe Schaub fell on a huge slump around the time he was dating Rousey too.
The Özil effect is creating space for himself in tight situations and releasing the ball at the right time before the tackle comes?
Now to the article I would like to add that while sitting back the teams also give much space to our full backs and after manu match some guy told bellerin is making his own position of right wing right back he is so true as bellerin overlapping runs have increased and he has created most no of clearcut chances this is the effect of playing wallcott as a striker also monreal seems to improve his attacking play now even if we lose balls it give more times to our player to track back and snatch the ball as we have bellerin le coq who has also good pace in him.
These baby carriers from the brand tend to have one end of the cloth sewn into two rings that you can wrap around your body from shoulder to opposite hip and back up to your shoulder then buckled down to create a sort of arm sling effect, only this time you're carrying a baby.
Some parents swaddle their babies at this time to create the effect of them being in the womb.
Stress also can lead to creating toxic hormonal reactions in the body, which can severely and negatively effect mom and baby if left unchecked for long periods of time.
Having created a company to offer these keepsake videos (at a cost of # 200 a time), he was asked for his views: «A great deal of research has been done over the past 30 years to investigate if fetal ultrasound has any effect on the baby and there is no evidence whatsoever of harm.»
For example, the very small increases in the minimum wage that took effect in eight states on January 1, 2012 as a result of those states» indexing laws will generate an additional $ 366 million in GDP and create the equivalent of more than 3,000 full - time jobs, according to an analysis by the Economic Policy Institute.
The NY Times article that followed, according to Koegel, created a butterfly effect - which included derogatory posts on the social network, facebook.
First - time buyers are the lifeblood of the housing market with each transaction having knock on effects further up the chain and creating churn, something which is desperately needed at the moment.
The Variable Suppression Time feature that reduces the echo effect created by shooting in indoor environments.
The passing on of knowledge from generation to generation is metaphorically referred to as a cultural «ratchet effect,» which creates greater complexity of culture over time.
After Levy and colleagues noted visible effects of ground ice retreat in Garwood Valley, they began to monitor the valley, combining time - lapse photography and weather - station data at 15 - minute intervals to create a detailed view of the conditions under which the ice, a relict from the last ice age, is being lost.
This is a calm exposition of cause and effect, beginning with the structure of the Earth and the fundamental processes that created the biosphere, and ending in modern times with consequences which are demonstrably biological in origin.
Since the beginning of her PhD in 2010, Gage has used her free time to challenge bad science in the media, promote evidence - based thinking, and more recently, has created a new resource providing evidence - based information about the effects of recreational drugs.
«But any time you can demonstrate a new effect to create a sensor for light, that finding has almost always yielded some kind of new product.»
Entanglement, a strange effect only possible in the realm of quantum physics, creates correlations between the time - travelling message and the laboratory system.
Only a single, third - generation cephalosporin antibiotic still shows good efficacy against gonorrhea, creating a race against time to find some alternative way to treat this disease that can have serious health effects.
The probability of finding a hole at either end oscillates over time, which is what creates the effect of the hole migrating along the molecule.
My research indicates that the Siberian peat moss, Arctic tundra, and methal hydrates (frozen methane at the bottom of the ocean) all have an excellent chance of melting and releasing their stored co2.Recent methane concentration figures also hit the news last week, and methane has increased after a long time being steady.The forests of north america are drying out and are very susceptible to massive insect infestations and wildfires, and the massive die offs - 25 % of total forests, have begun.And, the most recent stories on the Amazon forecast that with the change in rainfall patterns one third of the Amazon will dry and turn to grassland, thereby creating a domino cascade effect for the rest of the Amazon.With co2 levels risng faster now that the oceans have reached carrying capacity, the oceans having become also more acidic, and the looming threat of a North Atlanic current shutdown (note the recent terrible news on salinity upwelling levels off Greenland,) and the change in cold water upwellings, leading to far less biomass for the fish to feed upon, all lead to the conclusion we may not have to worry about NASA completing its inventory of near earth objects greater than 140 meters across by 2026 (Recent Benjamin Dean astronomy lecture here in San Francisco).
The project's goal was to create a real - time, detailed view of the effects of environmental change, invasive species, and pollution on freshwater ecosystems.
For the first time, physicists have shown that the Hall effect can be created in magnets without the benefit of a charge current.
This has the effect of creating a temperature time series with a long term warming trend.
We hypothesize that both the quality and timing of DENV - specific antibody and T lymphocyte responses influence whether their overall effect is beneficial (controlling DENV replication and reducing the severity of illness) or harmful (creating a «cytokine storm» leading to plasma leakage).
«However, this research indicates that mild cold and variable temperatures may have a positive effect on our health and at the same time are acceptable or even may create pleasure.»
I do think the strongest piece of the [McClintock] study is that women's cycles can be affected by lunar phases in the same location in the same way and that if they are sleeping and rising at the same time, therefore exposed to the same light / dark exposure, that those two things can create synchrony via the pineal gland, which consequently moderates melatonin's effect on ovulation patterns.
The effects are cumulative, so extended use over time will create a more vibrant red.
Also, they could make attempts to blow into the pinwheel, thus creating a similar effect, while getting in some deep breathing at the same time.
At times necessary, often requires multiple cycles, and involves side effects and doesn't create permanent health improvements.
I agree — I wish every gerontologist and neurologist would stumble upon this... In my opinion, AD is entirely preventable, and if not * completely * reversible once it's created a lot of damage, then at the very least we can stop further damage from accruing and possibly even, over time, undo * some * of the long - term effects.
Another client, Michel, diligently plugged away at an exercise program that placed too much emphasis on flexibility, movement recovery and prehab, but didn't put any time into creating a training effect and provoking progress and growth.
The CrazyBulk company has invested a lot of money and time to create formulations that have no compounds to give side effects, while taking advantage of all the positive effects of other steroids.
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