Sentences with phrase «time even off»

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Roughly nine months after Fox News» Megyn Kelly first clashed with Donald Trump, the network anchor faced off once again with the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Tuesday evening on a prime - time special on FOX.
You can even opt for eBay if you're feeling like you can auction off something that might otherwise have a hard time selling on one of the other sites.
Sometimes even something as simple as reading a book can give you that valuable time off from each other.
It's even more important than how good you are at picking yourself up off the floor and getting back in the game after getting punched a few times by a client or a competitor — or one of your own folks.
But even as that brand took off, Spade realized he wanted to incubate more creative concepts and spend more time with his and Kate's new daughter.
These observers contend that comp time can be a sensitive (and economical) way of rewarding employees for extra help at crunch times, especially since many workers have come to value time off even more than increased pay.
For a limited time, you can get it even cheaper with this $ 15 off deal.
Even if their employers offered unlimited vacation days, most people wouldn't take any more time off than they do now.
There is no shortage of studies sighting that employee effectiveness rises when time off is taken on a regular basis, but entrepreneurs can easily lose sight of this fact, working for months — even years — without time away from the business.
Even if you pay off your credit card balance every month, large purchases can still haunt you due to timing issues.
I get this joy several times a day — first in the morning in the bathroom mirror when I'm wearing only shorts, preparing before my morning calisthenics, second in the mirror after my shower while toweling off, and third after my evening calisthenics (I have a playful rule not to look before the calisthenics to help motivate starting and as a reward after).
Take a few days off and you might even come up with some great ideas during your time off.
Nonetheless, in his experience, each time Bitcoin's price has surged, the valuation has leveled off at a higher plateau — even after crashes.
When you take the time to read the latest article or, even better, spend some time casually catching up with a team member over a cup of coffee or lunch, you may not be scratching something off the to - do list, but you're building relationships, learning something interesting, discovering something you likely would not have found out otherwise... and, most important, helping to build the foundation for long - term success.»
For one thing, it's a look at what happens when even a trusted brand shows off a technology that's ahead of its time.
This is because in addition to being very thoughtful about their workload versus vacation time, when employees do decide to take time off, they work even harder beforehand to make sure that they're not leaving team members in the lurch.
Canadians aren't alone in this regard: In the U.S., companies such as Motorola and Charles Schwab have experimented with forced holidays, and even the government of Japan — a country with a word, karoshi, to describe sudden death caused by occupational exhaustion — is mulling mandatory time off.
Further, when employees decide to come back, they can work part time or full time and even take additional time off if situations arise that warrant it.
Routines turn your Hue bulbs on and off at different times, so if you'd like your downstairs lights to turn off at 11 p.m. even if you head upstairs to bed at 10:30 p.m., you can.
That's if I even get around to making the tea at all; many times I boil the water and wander off.
It might even lead you to kill off aspects of your business before investing too much time or money in them.
When I proposed the idea of turning off for discrete periods of time — with the full support of his manager — Tad explained to me: «It's going to be really hard to let go... even on weekends, I can not let go... I'm always thinking about work.»
But it's important to set aside the time to do it, even if it means going off site to clear your head.
With interactive real - time FOD, a derivative of computer - to - computer electronic data interchange (EDI), an off - site caller with a fax machine can retrieve details from a business's database even while that database is in rapid flux.
For Bolton, these frequent informal meetings with his new boss could leave him with even less time to formulate policy to match Trump's agenda and off the cuff remarks.
Consumers have been slow off the blocks after having been burnt the last time around when they locked in prices at around US$ 80 a barrel in 2014, a level that crude hasn't even been within sniffing distance of since.
Even so, promotions designed to shift customer traffic to off - peak times can backfire.
We even created our own, National Pants Day, and offered 50 percent off to all «full - or part - time pants wearers.»
There may even be a very strong business case for it: Recent research by «Project: Time Off» has found that taking a vacation can actually increase the likelihood of getting a raise or a promotion (by as much as 6.5 percent)!
If you have a specific request, maybe even hold off on it until you send a follow - up note, especially if the timing doesn't seem right.
Over time employees, and even the entrepreneur, can veer off course.
Push yourself each day to do something you keep putting off, even if you work at it for only a short time.
In some cases, it may even be worth putting off your application for a year or two to allow you time to bolster your candidacy.
Even though computer screens don't give off radiation, the strain from staring over long periods of time can cause harm to your vision, though many effects are temporary.
He controversially converted to Islam at a time when most Americans didn't even know what that was (but they knew they didn't like it) and even raised the roof by way of talking a suicidal jumper off of one.
She says San Francisco startups should implement formal parental leave policies even if they have unlimited time off policies already in place.
Besides, committed employees are always «on,» even during their time - off.
He ended up taking back a new shady character to our room to have sex each night while I had to hang out in the lobby of our crappy hotel, which turned off all power after a certain time in the evening.
You could make this work with an evening cut - off time to get you out of work by, say, 5 p.m.
A notorious workaholic, he avoids time off, even joking that that «vacation will kill you.»
Even public transit skeptic Saperstein admits: «Any time you take drivers off the roads, it is a positive development.»
The next time the premiers huddle together they should start talking about how to wean our economy off its overreliance on high - cost carbon fuels that the rest of the world has little need for today and will need even less of tomorrow.
Offering time off can be very important for some employees, even more important than money.
But the cash generated during this time may not stretch through off - season months, even though this is the best time to buy your inventory for next year.
This time around, the dynamics of the market are even more complicated because bond prices have recently been driven by bets on whether the Federal Reserve will ease off the bond - buying programs it has used to stimulate the economy.
By using proper planning, automation tools, and scheduling your time appropriately, you can see your e-commerce business take offeven if you're only able to dedicate 15 - hours per week.
A Powerpack system enables StubHub to store electricity during off - peak times, when the grid is more capable and favors delivering excess electricity, then discharge to the stadium during peak evening hours when the grid is under its heaviest load.
Some rental markets are seasonal, others are year - round, so with proper timing, you might even get to enjoy your vacation rental property for free and expense your vacation as a business - related tax - write - off!
A high quality electric razor forces the hairs up before slicing them off, which means you don't have to go over areas many times to get an even shave.
Karpeles took time off the weekend following the hack, and even worked on non-relevant projects while people were trying to help his business succeed.
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