Sentences with phrase «time for the main event»

Now time for the Main Event... Team Bohrer awaited in the Championship with no Playoff Losses..
Tackling tenure and related reforms will be a fight to the finish, but after two decades of preliminaries, it's about time for the main event.
It's time for the main event here in California down at Apple's main event that's sure to bring on a variety of new hardware bits and software updates, including the rumored iPad mini first and foremost.
Time for the Main Event.
No, nobody passed out, and watching the video was kinda comforting, to be honest, to clear that hurdle before it was time for The Main Event.
Soon it was time for the main event.
After our rehearsal dinner on Thursday and our welcome party on Friday, it was time for the main event.
And now it's time for the main event...
When the children are done being creative with our boards, it's time for the main event: surfing with Santa Claus!
After the drawing session it was time for our main event: Surfing with Santa.
After these activities it was time for our main event, surfing with Santa.
Once you follow your trusty Scout Flies to their final destination, picking up every bit of flora and fauna you could along the way, it's time for the main event: the hunt.
We've seen him in a cameo appearance, and so now is the time for the main event.
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