Sentences with phrase «time gnawing»

His budding gums spent a lot of time gnawing on those beads and pendants and I got lots of compliments for my fashion sense.
They also safeguard baby's budding teeth during those inevitable nap time gnawing sessions, preventing crib damage and protecting your little one from splinters and paint chips.
Hang on, change of plan, I'll wait a bit longer as I want to spend some quality time gnawing on my crackly Lamaze doll.
In the writings of Charles Hartshorne we do not find the picturesque Bergsonism that has time gnawing at reality.
As the worst nuclear power plant accident in history, Chernobyl drove the city of Pripyat, Ukraine (the U.S.S.R. at the time), into an overnight dystopian empire that's become a haunting landscape of ruins that time gnaws on.

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Worse, when I actually did have time to indulge in something entertaining — reading a book, watching a movie or attending a college football game — it was almost impossible for me to fully enjoy the experience due to the gnawing guilt that I was not at trade show or making a sales call or reconciling the financials.
You may also consider creating a hearty to - do list for the New Year so you can get all those gnawing tasks out of your head before you take time off.
And, oh, when the hour - glass has run out, the hourglass of time, when the noise of worldliness is silenced, and the restless or the ineffectual busyness comes to an end, when everything is still about thee as it is in eternity — whether thou wast man or woman, rich or poor, dependent or independent, fortunate or unfortunate, whether thou didst bear the splendor of the crown in a lofty station, or didst bear only the labor and heat of the day in an inconspicuous lot; whether thy name shall be remembered as long as the world stands (and so was remembered as long as the world stood), or without a name thou didst cohere as nameless with the countless multitude; whether the glory which surrounded thee surpassed all human description, or the judgment passed upon thee was the most severe and dishonoring human judgement can pass — eternity asks of thee and of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despair.
If there is to be temporal process at all, time must gnaw at reality; time must make a difference (CE 46).
The first time Vallejo High's new coach, AbeHobbs, met him, CC was an eighth - grader gnawing on a supersized Snickers bar.His cousin Nathan Berhel brought him over to be introduced; a pack of Hobbs «spitchers was doing wind sprints.
Giving a baby a hard, unsweetened teething cracker to gnaw on is another time - honored trick.
And with lots more skin to skin and time at the breast every feeding, he eventually was able to get the milk straight from me, despite never actually latching on (he never had lip closure - but I leaked into his mouth as he kind of gnawed on me.)
You can puree them the first couple of times if you're nervous about giving larger pieces to your baby, but you may also just choose to cut finger - sized portions and let baby suck and gnaw on them.
Have yourself a chuckle every time you catch sight of your baby gnawing on this teether!
Because babies go through teething for such a long period of time, parents may wind up with all sorts of teething aids: anything to keep the baby from gnawing on the crib rail!
At the same time, we try to cajole ourselves into success, believing that if we can force ourselves to become more than we are — or ideally perfect — then the gnawing pain of being shame - based will abate.
And, I'll admit, I did give her a peach to gnaw on around that time, too.
Most importantly for something that your child will put in his mouth three times a day, and possibly gnaw on a bit, the Preserve Toothbrush is BPA - free and Phthalate - Free.
When your baby wants to gnaw on something, try using a frozen washcloth or a frozen teething ring to satisfy his need to chew while relieving pain at the same time.
Still, small and medium breeds should have a blast gnawing at it for quite some time.
During outbreaks, millions of the insects descend at nearly the same time, gnawing tunnels en masse.
I still followed the same pattern, doing research by day and writing by night, though the e-mail correspondence attached to the writing business was beginning to gnaw a hole into my research time.
Many of the limb bone fragments of large mammals show traces of rodent gnawing and carnivore chewing at a time when the bones were still fresh.
When participants gnawed on the nuts 40 times, their bodies absorbed more healthy fats and vitamin E than when they chewed the nuts 10 or 25 times.
Amid this fracas, which Anderson times to comic perfection, Cranston's Chief tears another dog's ear off with his teeth, spits it out, and gently kicks it away, where it's promptly gnawed upon by starving rats.
Extended the time you can move during the casting of the miracles of Gnaw, Dorhys» Gnawing and Wrath of the Gods.
Myriad details appear to give you the impression that the young lovers were too ignorant of life's realities to know better, but I had the gnawing impression that they were two immature brats who simply lacked the patience to work things out with the passing of time.
In 1989, a car crash leaves upwardly mobile writer Jake Davis (Russell Crowe) a widow and his cutie - pie daughter Katie (Kylie Rogers) without a mom; when mental health issues dictate Jake needs time in a sanitarium, Katie is put in the care of Aunt Elizabeth (Diane Kruger, gnawing on the set mercilessly) and Uncle William (Bruce Greenwood).
For more than a year, domestic automakers have been insisting that new vehicles would lure buyers back from imports, which for some time have been gnawing away at their market share as well as profits.
Then when you start to see the «early warning hoses» getting gnawed on, you'll know it's time to call the pest - control guy again.
She's brave, at times foolishly so, but lives with gnawing fears — of being alone, of becoming a «lifer» waitress, of her own inadequacies, of never finding a man she can trust.
Gerbils and degus tend to be power - chewers and need a steady supply of new chew toys, while most guinea pigs prefer to spend their time eating rather than gnawing on toys.
Most cuttlebones are sold with a wire that does not hold well, especially once the cuttlebone has been gnawed down a bit, so having an adjustable holder, such as JW Pet's Insight Cuttlebone Holder, allows birds to keep chewing longer, thus saving time and money for owners.
Some Dogs will only need the E-Collar for a short amount of time but if your Dog tries to gnaw at the stitches then you need to be very careful indeed.
Some dogs can typically gnaw through any chew, even those dubbed «long lasting,» in no time flat.
It cuts down on the time your dog is left home alone and prevents him from becoming bored enough to start gnawing on the table legs.
Guinea pigs should have access to Timothy or other grass hay at all times — it is great for their digestive system and it satisfies their need to gnaw.
That's why it is important that you provide yours with something to gnaw on at all times.
Gnawing: You will notice that your gerbil spends a lot of time chewing things over; sometimes everything in his cage!
So hearing the squeaky toy, chasing it down, attacking it, and ruthlessly gnawing at it until the toy is broken and the squeaker is gone, satisfies that part of the dog's nature that domestication and pet training have subdued over time.
The first time he did it he puked all over so each subsequent time he just seems to gnaw and spit it out and repeat!!
Any time your puppy starts to nip or gnaw to relieve tooth pain or starts biting something inappropriate, like shoes or furniture, give him an acceptable chew toy to help ease the pain.
A few times a year, I receive emergency calls at my veterinary hospital from rabbit owners whose pets have just gnawed on a cord.
Always choose a feeding dish that is not made of plastic, preferably one that is manufactured of stoneware or porcelain as this helps keep it fully functional for a very long time, protecting it from the gnawing prowess of your little furry pals.
Do this every time he chews on your sleeve, so that eventually he'll learn that chew toys are acceptable to gnaw on while your sleeve isn't.
By exercising him frequently and setting aside a good amount of playtime, your dog will be content with gnawing on his rawhide, thrilled every time you take him for a walk and excited to play a game of fetch.
When your pet hamster is left alone or every time you look in on it, do you notice that your hammy is gnawing on the wires of its hamster cage?
Provide your dog with a variety of chew toys to play with if you're going to be away for an extended period of time and reward him when he gnaws on his toy instead of your favorite chair.
Watch those chompers: Countless hours of fetch, gnawing on chew toys and destroying other household items (my dog Lulu is partial to expensive shoes) cause a dog's teeth to wear down over time.
He'll probably start swinging his head, gnawing on it and having a good ol' doggy time.
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