Sentences with phrase «time in a language they understand»

One of the challenges for companies that do branding all over the world is to come up with a sound bite, so to speak, or mark which effectively communicates the same message to the consumer base or stakeholders all over the world at the same time in a language they understand.

Not exact matches

«Neural Machine Translation is going to change the economy by giving more businesses a language capability they can use to communicate and understand in real time,» says Gachot.
Literature in one's own language from one's own culture can be challenging to understand that times, let alone one from the perspective of another culture.
Whitehead's use of assumptions dating back to Descartes and Locke in his account of perception leaves him vulnerable to the criticisms introduced by the revolution in philosophic method taking place at the time he was writing his major works, one in which the analysis of the functioning of language was replacing psychological introspection as the principal method for understanding human thought.
As it becomes aware of the specific form in which ultimate human problems present themselves in our own time, the ministry, and therewith the schools that prepare men for it, begin to understand more sharply what the pastoral function is, in what language the gospel speaks to this need, and what form the Church must take in serving such men in such a time.
The word as revelation is the Holy Spirit, who manifests himself for the first time at Pentecost in the diversity of words, in the multiplicity of languages reduced to a single understanding.
@jf well your information about the New Testament is about as accurate as your Old Testament knowledge, The prophecies of the Old testament concerning Christ could not have been written after the fact because we now have the Dead Sea Scrolls, with an almost complete Old Testament dated 100 - 200 years before the birth of Christ, Your interpretation of God at His worst shows a complete lack of understanding as to what was being communicated.We don't know what the original texts of the New Testament were written in as to date there are no original copies available.Greek was the common language of the day.Most of the gospels were reported written somewhere in the 30 year after Christs resurrection time frame, not the unspecified «long after «you reference and three of the authors knew Jesus personally in His earthly ministry, the other Knew Jesus as his savior and was in the company of many who also knew Jesus.You keep referencing changes, «gazillion «was the word used but you never referenced one change, so it is assumed we are to take your word for it.What may we ask are your credentials?Try reading Job your own self, particularly the section were Job says «My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes»
Knowing the original languages, keeping the passage in its context, knowing something about the writer and what that person was attempting to communicate to their original audience and why, and who the orignal audinece was (and their cultural context and time) and how they might / probably would have understood the message would be a good starting point.
It would, for many young people, be the first time they ever heard an actual argument for a center - right policy, given from a sympathetic figure, in language they can understand.
Adam, you're spewing quotes from a book that was written in a language you don't understand in a time before modern science existed.
This approach to the understanding of religious education underscores the significance of clarity in the use of language, which is at the same time sufficiently unique to evoke new insights.
If the language of missional church is to become a helpful way of forming communities of God's people in a radically changing culture then we have to spend the time and energy to understand what is at stake in the language we are using.
At first glance, the formulation of the problem from which Whitehead proceeds in MC — he still clings to the presupposition of the cosmological adequacy and precision of the theoretical language of mathematics — must seem to be itself an aporia: Whitehead wants to investigate various ways — in the first instance internal to mathematics (but cf. MC 465, 524)-- of considering the «nature of the material world»; at the same time, however, he wants to understand this world as a unity which, even though conceived as in motion, consists of only one kind of entity (MC 468, 479, 482, 525).
Shamed, smarting, frustrated, they run into Moses and Aaron on their way out and let fly upon them their sense of outrage in strong terms which can be understood in all time and in every language: «You have made us stink!»
While Spitzer's regret or half regret for the destruction of the old belief in world harmony faded, as no illusion could long keep his allegiance, he surely preserved his aesthetic admiration for the old world - picture, his historical interest in understanding it and his feeling for its survivals in our time and in our languages.
I so do understand the questions of «why» and «what's the point» and and and... It's still a struggle at times to pick myself up and serve the «churched» as I've been doing for more than a decade now in two different countries to three different cultures, in three different languages... yet I'm also grateful that it's providing me with platform to promote a bigger vision and dream God might have for us as we find in the life of Jesus.
... In general, We require that future priests, from the time of Seminary onward, be trained to understand and celebrate Holy Mass in Latin as well as to employ Latin texts and use Gregorian chant; nor should great effort be neglected in regard to the faithful themselves, so that they learn thoroughly the commonly known prayers in the Latin language and in an equal degree that they should learn the Gregorian chant of those parts of the liturgy which are sunIn general, We require that future priests, from the time of Seminary onward, be trained to understand and celebrate Holy Mass in Latin as well as to employ Latin texts and use Gregorian chant; nor should great effort be neglected in regard to the faithful themselves, so that they learn thoroughly the commonly known prayers in the Latin language and in an equal degree that they should learn the Gregorian chant of those parts of the liturgy which are sunin Latin as well as to employ Latin texts and use Gregorian chant; nor should great effort be neglected in regard to the faithful themselves, so that they learn thoroughly the commonly known prayers in the Latin language and in an equal degree that they should learn the Gregorian chant of those parts of the liturgy which are sunin regard to the faithful themselves, so that they learn thoroughly the commonly known prayers in the Latin language and in an equal degree that they should learn the Gregorian chant of those parts of the liturgy which are sunin the Latin language and in an equal degree that they should learn the Gregorian chant of those parts of the liturgy which are sunin an equal degree that they should learn the Gregorian chant of those parts of the liturgy which are sung.
If you haven't learned their love languages yet, invest the time in understanding them.
By the time she was a year old, she was trying to imitate the sounds around her (though you probably heard her babbling away in a language that only she could understand).
Before school starts, talk to your kids about what bullying is using language they can understand: someone with more social or physical power purposefully trying to cause distress or harm to another person in physical, psychological, or social ways, often repeating it over time even though the victim wants it to stop.
Once your child understands language, you can tell him that you're going to stay in his room for shorter and shorter periods of time («I'll be staying for just five more minutes») instead of leaving for longer periods.
It is a time of learning and understanding what your baby is telling you in his or her own special baby language.
Based on my own time spent in America and interacting with US citizens over the years, I find it's tightly related to the level of sophistication: Very sophisticated Americans usually understand Europe as a collection of nations, each with their own culture, language, government, etc., and grok that the EU is kind of a federation without really being one...
Now, when you have made the first dating online steps on the way to an interesting and exciting future - decided to get to know a foreigner, worked on English or other languages, learnt the recent cultural and economic news of a country, clearly understand your role in this country — it is time to select the right online dating service.
The Moscow Times is the one - stop English - language news source for expats who want to understand Russia better and make money honestly in Russia.
Although they are still not beating down my door to come and spend some time going through the finance systems we have in place, the supporting notes, which are far more accessible with (on the whole) plain, easy to understand, language, makes the role a little less highbrow and specialist.
«The origin of all this is part of a TV program that emerges in the US and that is called Jeopardy! For the first time, the winners of the contest were faced with a machine that understood natural language and was able to answer complex questions... IBM, after the positive result of this experience, saw that it was a very good way to export this technology to other environments, such as business.
They light up when they finally understand that English is an evolutionary language that has evolved over time, but they have to investigate to understand how a word came to be spelled in its current iteration.
Understanding very little of the Italian language myself, I spent most of the time watching those who listened in the audience.
TOPIC: BEING ON TIME / TRANSPORT INCLUDES 10 printable activity worksheets to teach Key Stage 2 Key Stage 3 — and YEAR 7 students FRENCH about: • Understanding time schedule / calculating time table • Calculating distances in kilometers ACTIVITY • Cut - out characters» masks for improvisations and role - plays TEACHER»S MATERIAL includes: • Clear lesson plan for students level 3 • Learning objectives • Key language • Learning expectations • Answers to all practical exercises (worksheets) • Game suggestions All PDF Activity worksheets are: • Usable on whiteboards • Include audio content To access audio use Adobe Reader and: Double click on RED sound icon to listen to the topic / on BLUE sound icon to listen to the answer Also available in German, Spanish and English (ESL / ETIME / TRANSPORT INCLUDES 10 printable activity worksheets to teach Key Stage 2 Key Stage 3 — and YEAR 7 students FRENCH about: • Understanding time schedule / calculating time table • Calculating distances in kilometers ACTIVITY • Cut - out characters» masks for improvisations and role - plays TEACHER»S MATERIAL includes: • Clear lesson plan for students level 3 • Learning objectives • Key language • Learning expectations • Answers to all practical exercises (worksheets) • Game suggestions All PDF Activity worksheets are: • Usable on whiteboards • Include audio content To access audio use Adobe Reader and: Double click on RED sound icon to listen to the topic / on BLUE sound icon to listen to the answer Also available in German, Spanish and English (ESL / Etime schedule / calculating time table • Calculating distances in kilometers ACTIVITY • Cut - out characters» masks for improvisations and role - plays TEACHER»S MATERIAL includes: • Clear lesson plan for students level 3 • Learning objectives • Key language • Learning expectations • Answers to all practical exercises (worksheets) • Game suggestions All PDF Activity worksheets are: • Usable on whiteboards • Include audio content To access audio use Adobe Reader and: Double click on RED sound icon to listen to the topic / on BLUE sound icon to listen to the answer Also available in German, Spanish and English (ESL / Etime table • Calculating distances in kilometers ACTIVITY • Cut - out characters» masks for improvisations and role - plays TEACHER»S MATERIAL includes: • Clear lesson plan for students level 3 • Learning objectives • Key language • Learning expectations • Answers to all practical exercises (worksheets) • Game suggestions All PDF Activity worksheets are: • Usable on whiteboards • Include audio content To access audio use Adobe Reader and: Double click on RED sound icon to listen to the topic / on BLUE sound icon to listen to the answer Also available in German, Spanish and English (ESL / EFL).
Differentiation: purple = lower ability blue = middle ability yellow = higher ability Resources prepare students for answering Q3 (language) and Q4 (comparison) and cover the following: - analysis of vocabulary - analysis of sentence forms - analysis of language techniques - explore audience and purpose - study of model answers - exploring the effect of language - improving exam responses using mark schemes - explore perspective - understand the difference between synthesis and comparison - form comparisons between texts - practice timed responses Regular assessments are included to assess students ability in true or false and synthesis tasks.
It's through concepts that students will be able to go beyond passing the weekly math test and build to a sophisticated understanding of the language of math; hence taking students to the level of achievement needed in fast tech times.
Grade 10: «Over the time that we took to learn about Shakespeare, I leaned now to understand the old English language that he wrote his plays in.
It's time for education advocates and the funders that support them to invest time, effort and resources in thinking through how to best communicate complicated policy concepts so they are understood by all, without acronyms and academic jargon, and with language that describes achievable change.
Make sure districts are reaching parents in a language they can understand and holding meetings at times and places that are convenient for them.
The following are common characteristics of gifted children, although not all will necessarily apply to every gifted child: • Has an extensive and detailed memory, particularly in a specific area of interest • Has advanced vocabulary for his or her age; uses precocious language • Has communication skills advanced for his or her age and is able to express ideas and feelings • Asks intelligent and complex questions • Is able to identify the important characteristics of new concepts and problems • Learns information quickly • Uses logic in arriving at common sense answers • Has a broad base of knowledge; a large quantity of information • Understands abstract ideas and complex concepts • Uses analogical thinking, problem solving, or reasoning • Observes relationships and sees connections • Finds and solves difficult and unusual problems • Understands principles, forms generalizations, and uses them in new situations • Wants to learn and is curious • Works conscientiously and has a high degree of concentration in areas of interest • Understands and uses various symbol systems • Is reflective about learning • Is enraptured by a specific subject • Has reading comprehension skills advanced for his or her age • Has advanced writing abilities for his or her age • Has strong artistic or musical abilities • Concentrates intensely for long periods of time, particularly in a specific area of interest • Is more aware, stimulated, and affected by surroundings • Experiences extreme positive or negative feelings • Experiences a strong physical reaction to emotion • Has a strong affective memory, re-living or re-feeling things long after the triggering event
This allows for student progression to build between year levels and also contributes to shorter transition times each year — students don't have to relearn a new writing program every year with a different teacher — they understand the language of each of the Seven Steps and so can focus on the implementation of this in their writing.
Presented in simple metaphor and language, for the first time, anyone can understand and utilize the doorways hidden within the forbidden knowledge of The Light Congress.
In addition to coaching the craft / industry side, she breaks down in easy to understand language the retail side of the book culture offering best practices for signings based on over 100 book signings in 10 years, including at least three yearly multi-author signings hosting with over 50 authors each timIn addition to coaching the craft / industry side, she breaks down in easy to understand language the retail side of the book culture offering best practices for signings based on over 100 book signings in 10 years, including at least three yearly multi-author signings hosting with over 50 authors each timin easy to understand language the retail side of the book culture offering best practices for signings based on over 100 book signings in 10 years, including at least three yearly multi-author signings hosting with over 50 authors each timin 10 years, including at least three yearly multi-author signings hosting with over 50 authors each time.
Hi Mr. Nail This is my first time receive your email, I am so intersted in your PRice Action strategic, I Had found the right method, but becouse English is not my mother language, some time I can not clearly understand some words / phrase, any sugestions?
Firstly thanks a lot for putting together a great site with useful information in simple easy to understand language and also taking out the time to respond to each comment.
Requirements: Must be able to work on a fixed schedule (at the same time each week), be able to work independently, all volunteers must be comfortable around dogs while dog care volunteers must be comfortable with all size and breed of dogs, some knowledge / experience in interpreting and understanding cat / dog body language.
With easy - to - understand tables and photographs and illustrations, you'll understand your dogs» body language in no time.
During this time, we know people need to understand what's happening in compassionate, easy - to - understand language.
Learn more about dogs in September: Take some time to learn more about dog body language so that you can really understand your dog and communicate better.
If human would take the time to understand their language you would see a large drop in attacks.
Because of the language barrier, I mercifully don't understand a lot of the children's chatter which is, I suspect, often horribly insulting and can keep smiling and have a splendid time, safe in my ignorance.
At Cactus we understand that learning a language should be enjoyable as well as highly - effective and for that reason we work with experienced, results - driven tutors who will help you achieve your goals in a short period of time.
The 100th issue has the expected «best 100 games of all time» feature, but it's also got a series of «Icons» interviews with folks like Shigeru Miyamoto, Will Wright, Warren Spector, and the heads of BioWare — a pretty mean lineup, and even more impressive considering the mag's written in a language understood by a grand total of 6 million people worldwide.
The two weren't completely helpless thanks to their time in Japan, but the intricate instructions were far beyond their elementary understanding of the language.
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