Sentences with phrase «time involvement by»

The work that's involved in managing a listing, marketing it, giving it ample exposure, taking offers, finally selling it and hopefully bringing it to a successful close, requires a full - time involvement by the agent.

Not exact matches

Yet even after Trump was applauded by many, including McCain, for ordering strikes on a Syrian airfield last year in response to another poison attack, this time around there could be more calls for congressional involvement in any response.
There were concerns at the time that Sun News was some kind of nefarious attempt by Péladeau to push Canadian political opinion farther to the right, especially because of Teneycke's involvement, which earned the channel the nickname Fox News North.
«I think it's time for the CEO, Mr. Zuckerberg, and other top officials to come and testify and not tell part of the story, but tell the whole story of their involvement — not only with the Trump campaign but their ability to have their platform misused by the Russians,» Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told ABC News.
News of the Bundesbank's involvement was reported earlier by The Financial Times.
Spelled out in a lengthy lead editorial entitled «Evangelicals in the Social Struggle,» as well as in books such as Aspects of Christian Social Ethics, Henry's understanding of Christian social responsibility stressed (a) society's need for the spiritual regeneration of all men and women, (b) an interim social program of humanitarian care, ethical proclamation, and personal, structural application, and (c) a theory of limited government centering on certain «freedom rights,» e. g., the rights to public property, free speech, and so on.18 Though the shape of this social ethic thus closely parallels that of the present editorial position of Moody Monthly, it must be distinguished from its counterpart by the time period involved (it pushed others like Moody Monthly into a more active involvement in the social arena), by the intensity of its commitment to social responsibility, by the sophistication of its insight into political theory and practice, and by its willingness to offer structural critique on the American political system.
In our personal involvement with scripture, it is easy to forget that these texts were written by authors who lived in a time, a place, a historical and cultural setting very different from ours.
By this time it should be evident how indispensable to preaching, and most especially inductive preaching, is the pastoral involvement in the life of the congregation.
In the pulpit, however, preachers tell the story because God got involved with a particular people in a specific time and place, and that involvement generated a history in which we are privileged to participate by faith, baptism and the common life.
Involvement in the multitudinous problems of a rapidly expanding urban area or exposure to the increasingly bitter struggle between labor and management or entanglement in the luxuriant and rank growth so abundantly fostered by the new wealth of the «gilded age»: these and other factors caused many men to re-examine their roles as ministers and to seek more effective ways of ministering to the needs of their time.11 Perhaps the most important thing that happened to such men was that they became aware of the many factors bearing on human welfare and thus of importance to the Christian gospel.
It should be remarked that the repeated efforts to control and eventually to suppress the chorepiscopate were prompted in part by the recurrent involvement of the rural bishops, because of insufficient stipends, in part - time economic activities inconsonant with the episcopal dignity.
The Audio Weekly Firecast with Scott Roberts: Weekly Firecast Podcast Episode # 28 — BBQer Jack Waiboer of GrateTV Three - time South Carolina State BBQ Champion Jack Waiboer drops by and chats with Scott about his GrateTV online video show, his involvement
Three - time South Carolina State BBQ Champion Jack Waiboer drops by and chats with Scott about his GrateTV online video show, his involvement with the Southern BBQ Network (SBN), his role as founder and teacher of the Carolina Pit Masters Barbecue Cooking School, and his duties as the Official Pitmaster of Kraft Foods.
Despite the football media in England trying to suggest that the Chilean flying out of London the day after the Champions League disaster was down to something else, the club revealed that his time off was all planned and was brought on by the striker having to go to Spain to deal with his involvement in a tax fraud case.
I can only hope that this attempt is taken more seriously than the largely muted and clearly unsuccessful protests of late last season... although the plane writing escapade brought some much - needed attention to the matter, it failed to resonate with fence - sitters and those who had just recently fell off the Wenger truck... without a big enough showing of support the whole endeavor appeared relatively weak and poorly organized, especially to the major media outlets, whose involvement could have significantly changed what was to follow... but I get it, few wanted to turn on their club, let alone make a public display of their discord... problem is, they are preying on that vulnerability, in fact, their counting on you to keep your thoughts to yourself... who are you to tell these fat cats how to steal your money... they have worked long and hard to pull the wool over your eyes... they even went so far as to pay enormous sums of cash to your once beloved professor to be their corporate spokesmodel so that the whole thing would be more palatable... eventually the club made it appear as if this was simply a relatively small fringe group of highly radicalized supporters, which allowed the pro-Wenger element inside the club hierarchy to claim victory following the FA Cup win... unfortunately what has happened to this club can't be solved by FA Cups or a few players coming in, the very culture of this club needs to be changed and that starts at the top... in order to change the unhealthy and dysfunctional narrative that has absorbed this club we need to remove everyone who presently occupies a position of power... only then can we get back to the business of playing championship caliber football, which should always be the number one priority of this organization... on an important side note, one of the most devastating mistakes made in the final days of this hectic and poorly planned transfer window didn't have to do with the big name players like Sanchez or Lemar, but the fact that they failed to secure Jadon Sancho, who might even start for Dortmund this season... I think they might seriously regret this oversight... instead of spending so much time, energy and manpower pretending that they were desperately trying to make big moves, they once again lost the plot due to their all too familiar tunnel vision
Fathers mainly use flexible working or adjust leisure time to achieve higher levels of involvement with their children (Dermott, 2006) and flexible working is seen by some employers as a tool to boost productivity and improve staff recruitment and retention (Jones, 2003; Reeves.
«Natural growth parenting» is characterized by less structured time and activities and a lower degree of parental involvement.
a review of 20 years of research on fatherhood, by Charlie Lewis, Professor of Psychology at Lancaster University and published in June 2001 by Fathers Direct, NFPI and other parenting charities: · Involvement of dads with children aged 7 - 11 predicts success in exams at 16 · Where dads are involved before the age of 11, children are less likely to have a criminal record by the age of 21 · Pre-schoolers who spend more time playing with their dads are often more sociable when they enter nursery school · Nine out of ten dads attend the birth
[a] The negative effects on children of full - time maternal employment in first year can be offset by increased involvement of fathers.
I know it feels super convenient to have him able to handle the night time trips the potty all by himself, but I think it's working against point # 3: He just might need more involvement / coaching on getting back to sleep.
Although all new fathers, regardless of their youngest child's age, experienced a significant reduction in AM and / or PM T compared with nonfathers (Fig. 2 and Tables S5 and S6), fathers with newborns (1 mo old or less) at the time of follow - up hormone assessment showed significantly greater declines in AM (P = 0.023) and PM (P = 0.003) T compared with fathers whose youngest child was older than 1 y of age, which was not accounted for by reports of psychosocial stress, sleep quality, or involvement in caregiving (Tables S7 and S8).
With more involvement by fathers, children could benefit from the daily interaction with the world outside without having to forfeit any parental time, protection, warmth and care.
Treaties are signed all the time by the executive level without Congress involvement but because of the ramifications that this particular agreement can have in the entire World, I believe that our Congress should at least have the opportunity to discuss it at large and give inputs as of how it should be implemented.
His first frontbench job was as chief whip at the time when the party was being buffeted by the scandal over Thorpe's alleged involvement in a plot to kill Norman Scott, but he was not a conspicuous success in the role.
Sir Roger said Mr Lansley only visited him for the first time two weeks ago, despite a slashing of the death rate for heart disease by 50 % and reduced waiting times with a minimum of private sector involvement.
Political campaigns and advocacy groups typically recruit people through a relatively low - commitment action (signing a petition, for instance) and move them up the ladder to higher levels of involvement by offering them opportunities to donate time, money and energy in greater and greater amounts.
«I think in recent years there has been more involvement by public officials with respect to specific commission decisions than there has been in the past,» Gioa said when he resigned from the commission in 1987, according to the New York Times.
She'd been imprisoned three times for seditious acts, the final time in 1954, for her involvement in a plot that culminated in an attack on Congress by four Puerto Rican nationalists.
Questions in the off - topic portion of the Q&A included the role of Mayor de Blasio's wife, Chirlane McCray, and her having City staff, Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos» criticism of de Blasio's involvement in recent senate elections, whether de Blasio supports a tax on grocery bags, an update on the recent change in NYPD practice on marijuana possession, why the average person should care about conditions on Rikers Island (an on - topic question, but posed during this off - topic portion of the press conference), whether de Blasio is troubled by Al Sharpton's tax troubles, what the expected executive action President Obama on immigration will mean for the City, an update on the City's municipal ID program, preparations for a rally being organized by Al Sharpton upon the completion of the Ferguson grand jury, a possible mail - in response for marijuana summonses and whether mayor supports regulating costumed characters in Times Square.
The report released today by the Albany County District Attorney's Office confirms what I have been saying all along, that former Governor Eliot Spitzer lied to the people of this State about his direct knowledge and involvement in the Troopergate scandal; that he was obsessed with conducting a political «hit job» to damage me personally and politically; and that the administration enlisted favored members of the news media, principally The Albany Times - Union to carry out their plot.
Cuomo wasn't charged or accused of any criminal involvement by prosecutors, but he took the time to respond to questions from reporters, pushing back against critics and calling their attempts to connect him to the corruption case «political garbage.»
Sir Roger says Mr Lansley had never bothered to visit him until a fortnight ago, despite his success in halving heart - disease death rates and slashing waiting times in the past decade, with minimal involvement by the private sector.
Also, the former long - time president of the regional NAACP said he has doubts about an assertion made by Paladino's son that the elder Paladino has not had daily involvement in Ellicott Development «for many years.»
Although it is impractical and probably not desirable for parents to play with their young child all of the time, children do benefit greatly from active involvement by parents during play.
It is produced by the brain and spinal cord into early adulthood as it is needed for many developmental processes, and although earlier studies of human white matter hinted at its involvement in skill learning, this is the first time it has been confirmed experimentally.
We have examined the involvement of p21 in tumor suppression by following a large cohort of p21 - deficient mice for an extended period of time.
That's when The New York Times, followed by The Washington Post, published extensive excerpts from the Pentagon Papers: the top - secret government history of the Vietnam War that revealed, for the first time, the lies told to the American people about U.S. involvement in Indochina dating back to 1945.
By the time Trachtenberg's remarkably assured direction draws a clear line between the sequel and its predecessor, all contributors have ensured audience involvement is peaking.
Because an efficient process that facilities your involvement at regular intervals can reduce your course development time by many folds and thereby ensure the timely rollout of eLearning in your organization without any last minute surprises.
Its explicit goal is increasing college enrollment by combining an emphasis on factors proven to bolster academic success (high expectations, parental involvement, time spent on instruction) with a novel focus on developing seven character strengths — zest, grit, self - control, optimism, curiosity, gratitude, and social intelligence.
Most of the time I miss it, distracted by the academic and behavioral irritations that plague my daily involvement with students.
This pitch - perfect parody of a 1950's educational newsreel was produced by Declare Yourself, a former project of youth civic involvement org Our Time.
Title I was created to help these schools better serve their students by providing school - wide services and whole school reforms tied to raising student achievement, such hiring additional teachers and classroom aides; improving curriculum; enhancing parent involvement; or extending learning time for students who need extra help.
Learner involvement includes time spent listening to the teacher or paraprofessional, time spent attending to activities, and most importantly, time actively participating in learning by asking and answering questions.
Parent Involvement in the School Program 2112.00 Parent Involvement Plan 2112.00 R1 Part - Time Classified Employees 6335.00 Part - Time Employees 6325.12 Payroll Deductions - Tax Sheltered Annuities 3921.00 Payroll Deductions - Tax Sheltered Annuities 3921.00 R1 Payroll Deductions - Tax Sheltered Annuities Approved Companies 3921.00 R3 Payroll Deductions - Tax Sheltered Annuity Deduction Agreement 3921.00 R1E1 Payroll Deductions - Tax Sheltered Annuity Requirements for all Vendors 3921.00 R2 Payroll Deductions - Tax Sheltered Life Insurance 3922.00 Performance Contract (Memorandum) 7116.30 E4 Performance Contract (Memorandum) 6222.10 E4 Performance Contract - $ 1,000 or less 7116.30 E2 Performance Contract - $ 1,000 or less 6222.10 E2 Performance Contract - over $ 1,000 not more than $ 5,000 6222.10 E3 Performance Contract - over $ 1,000, not more than $ 5,000 7116.30 E3 Performance Contract - Procedures 7116.30 R1 Performance Contract - Procedures 6222.10 R1 Performance Contract - Wage / Payment & Vendor / Contractor Determination 7116.30 E5 Performance Contract - Wage / Payment & Vendor / Contractor Determination 6222.10 E5 Performance Contracts 6222.10 Performance Contracts 7116.30 Personal Leave - All Employees 6225.00 R3 Personal Property Authorization 3934.00 E1 Personal Purchases by Employees 3872.00 Personnel Files 6410.00 Personnel Files 6410.00 R1 Petty Cash Purchase 3820.00 Physical Assaults and Threats 5610.00 Physical Examinations 6430.00 Physical Examinations 6430.00 R1 Positive Behavior Supports 8400.00 R1 Positive Behavior Supports and Interventions 8400.00 Post-Issuance Compliance for Tax Exempt and Tax Advantaged Obligations 3510.00 Post-Issuance Compliance for Tax Exempt and Tax Advantaged Obligations 3510.00 R1 Probationary Classified Employees 6343.00 Procedure for Workers» Compensation Insurance 6223.60 R1 Professional Staff Evaluation 6192.00 Program Evaluation 0540.00 R1 Program Evaluation 0540.00 Prohibition of Referral or Assistance Property Claim Form 3934.00 E2 Property Inventory 3220.00 Property Inventory 3220.00 R1 Proposed Guidelines for the Provision of Sex Education 7122.40 Public Complaints or Concerns 9600.00 Public Complaints or Concerns 9600.00 R1 Public Complaints or Concerns - Guidelines 9600.00 E1 Public Information Program 9120.00 Public Information Program 9120.00 R1 Public Records 8310.00 R1 Public Records 9110.00 Public Records 9110.00 R1 Public School Academies (Charter Schools) 2020.00 Public School Academies - Review and Approval of Application 2020.00 R1 Purchasing 3810.00 R1 Purchasing 3810.00 Purchasing - Department Responsibilities 3810.00 E1 Purchasing Cards 3810.00 R14
By the time her daughter started kindergarten in the early 1980s, Anne T. Henderson had worked for years to reform schools around the country by increasing parent and community involvemenBy the time her daughter started kindergarten in the early 1980s, Anne T. Henderson had worked for years to reform schools around the country by increasing parent and community involvemenby increasing parent and community involvement.
Moving breakfast from the cafeteria to the classroom means breakfast is served after school starts, reduces stigma by offering breakfast to all students, ensures enough time to eat by eliminating long walks / lines, and strong stakeholder involvement ensures everyone — including parents and students — understand the availability and benefits of school breakfast.
By ensuring the Critical Success Factors of teacher quality, effective leadership, data driven instructional decisions, productive community and parent involvement, efficient use of learning time and maintaining a positive school climate, campuses can increase performance for all students.
The design should be intuitive so the strengths and challenges of a particular school are easy to understand by all audiences - whether you are an education policy expert with a Ph.D., a parent in an underserved community with failing schools looking for better school options, a busy parent managing a child's involvement in school activities, or a first - time parent choosing a kindergarten.
This helps determine amounts of authenticity and generosity, as well as the amounts of time required to build ownership and investment by the participants in Meaningful Student Involvement.
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