Sentences with phrase «time is meaningless»

Sccording to Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, the Quantum Realm may tie in directly with Dr. Strange, as he told CinemaBlend over the weekend, «If you look up the study of quantum mechanics, when you get down that small, as Hank Pym says, space time is meaningless, and there's a lot of that stuff that applies to Doctor Strange.
So full time is meaningless.
surely the passage of time is meaningless to a god so the notion of a day is also redundant?
I don't have to reject computers to reject an absolute age of the earth - it is only those who really don't understand that time is meaningless as there is no absolute time.
At 10, time is meaningless and goes ever so slowly.
Andrew, effort and time are meaningless without expertise.

Not exact matches

SAAS and B2B companies are the vanguard of the «content machine» movement, but we can hope that other companies follow suit and begin «writing for a reason,» rather than wasting readers time with meaningless content.
However, most people develop bad habits that almost guarantee that their business conversations will sometimes be meaningless wastes of time.
We operate in a time frame of seconds to minutes, so milliseconds are meaningless to our trading.
These huge outlier values make a calculated average on historical values meaningless — they will massively shift the next time there's a huge market movement.
How any of the rest of us measure it at this point in time really is meaningless because we're not driving the markets in that regard.
In reality, the signals market prices send are meaningless to the fundamentals of the underlying company, they benefit us only buy offering an opportunity to buy or sell at any given time.
It connotes the passage of time; the fleeting moments that make up our memories at the end of our lives; but most importantly, it conveys just how meaningless any gifts would be compared to the gift the Polziecs gave the Gerstens.
if your so called god will forgive murders and child molesters as long as they go to confession and say 10 worthless and meaningless prayers, don!t you think god would forgive a person the tales birth control, if there really was a god, which there is not, I do not believe in god or wasting time going to church to try to get myself into the dream world heaven, but if I am wrong I am going to hell because that's where all my friends are going and I don, t want to hang out for eternity with you morons in heaven.
Most Christ - followers have experienced some form of Good Friday doubt — that overwhelming fear that maybe we've gotten it all wrong, maybe we've wasted our time, maybe all we've worked for and believed in is meaningless.
If there was no time before the Big Bang, then causality is meaningless.
This post was actually written several years ago when I was indeed going through a very difficult time in my life, and nearly every top Christian song that hit the radio sounded empty and meaningless, as if those who wrote them had never experienced any real pain or hardship.
Tell me when you are ready and I will be happy to show you why you are not on this planet by chance, why you were created to be at this time and place for a reason, your life is not meaningless... you matter...
@nonono - «Tell me when you are ready and I will be happy to show you why you are not on this planet by chance, why you were created to be at this time and place for a reason, your life is not meaningless... you matter...»
But his habitual response to any concept whose meaning he has not taken the time to learn is to dismiss it as meaningless, with the sort of truculent affectation of contempt that suggests he really knows, at some level, that he is out of his depth.
Religion is makebelieve anyway, so if mormons want to waste their time on meaningless rituals, they are just..
This implies, as St. Augustine first pointed out, that it is quite meaningless to speak of a «time before creation».
This is an essentially meaningless bill whose sole purpose is to score political points for its proponents, who have already wasted hours upon hours of taxpayer time and money pandering to the religious right with unnecessary initiatives and bills.
Well that is what happens as the process is meaningless in relative terms (thousands of years relative to eternal time is not even noticeable).
«I am with you for all time» - the words of Christ in Mt 28:20 can always be rendered as meaningless and so ineffective in such a view of reality.
Otherwise the assertion of the love and forgiveness of God is meaningless, for in Jesus» thought love and forgiveness are not ideas but are real events in the life in time of concrete men
For the believer, secure in his faith in a risen Lord, time and events between the coming of Christ and his Second Coming in glory are not meaningless flux.
In order for a creator to have «acted», to initiate creation, in a timeless environment, BEFORE space - time existed is completely meaningless and illogical.
Brett Blair: The cross is not meaningless, to the religious people of that time.
There was no BEFORE there was time, in which it, (god), existed, thus it is meaningless to say it «began» or created space - time.
Wan na be an atheist then atleast accept that ur time here is ultimately meaningless.
6 Grünbaum, in his Philosophical Problems of Space and Time, points out that to assert uniform curvature is meaningless without tacit reference to some particular metric geometry (p. 427).
You know while all our freinds and families are dealing with so many issues in their lives because of this world that we live in, thats full of so much pain and suffering and we instead think it profitable of our time what ever time e each have on this earth, to share in hateful and meaningless input.
Because the claim that the creativity in any one actual entity is the same as the creativity in some other actual entity is meaningless, and because, at the same time, creativity guarantees the particularity of each actual entity, it follows that each actual entity is its own act of existence (to use the Thomistic term), its own subjectivity, its own concrescence.
The linguistic and biblicist vetos have been seen to be both arbitrary and unwarranted — which makes it all the more pathetic that Dr Paul van Buren in The Secular Meaning of the Gospel still seems to accept them as valid and to rule out «God - statements» as «meaningless» while at the same time his excessive Barthian christocentrism and bibliocentrism turns the patent intention of scriptural statement into a parody of their proper meaning.
There was NO TIME, if the present theory of a Singularity turns out to be true, and «creation» is rendered meaningless by that.
God can't «create» «independant» of time, because THAT is a meaningless sentence.
It is a possibility which can not be excluded that the events of our time may end in a similar meaningless chaos.
Unless in consequence of a stupid insensibility this fact should some time deteriorate into a meaningless human conventionality, each subsequent generation will exhibit the same proportion of offense as the first; for there is no immediacy by the aid of which anyone could come any nearer to it.
He can short arm his way through Meaningless games in June but come playoff time he's gonna blow a routine throw with two outs and a runner on third in the eighth inning of a tie game.
It's just the difference between a positive and negative mind set and that some of us would rather not spend our time wallowing in negativity, posting meaningless comments and have better things to do.
Let's be practical, if Wenger, other managers and the clubs were that bothered about players getting enough recovery time, they could cut out these meaningless out of season «trophies» such as the Emirates Cup.
Instead you are so full of yourself that you choose to be an ignoramus and reply with meaningless comments... You are not worth the time i took to respond
The problem is that «WC» is a meaningless statement — to some it is only if a geezer would get in to an all - time world X1, to others, making Garth Crooks team of the week is good enough.
And every time we get a strong (major - conference) No. 3 team (2003, 2004, 2008, 2011), we get talk of a split national title once they win their bowl game; it doesn't matter whether we think they are as good as the 1 - versus - 2 winner, it's just that «The system's broken» and «This whole thing is meaningless without a playoff.»
You're the holders but it sometimes seems Arsenal fans — those who feel it is and has been for a while time for a managerial change — disregard the FA Cup as meaningless.
If a fan is going to be upset that a team scored a meaningless bucket in garbage time then also be upset that you're own team didn't care enough to actually do anything about it.
By making something that should be both individual and optional into something generic and compulsory, the FA and the PL have performed the miraculous feat of shafting the thing in both directions: it's completely meaningless most of the time, except on the rare occasions when it's cosmically overblown.
I really liked his hit tool from the few times I saw him live and my constant scouring of box scores (which is ultimately meaningless, but it causes me to develop attachments to minor league players).
probably cuz its meaningless cup, i do nt get this abuse on Debuchy, he did nt play regulary, he miss game time, same for Gibbs, they are professional players, they know how to handle them, more trouble would be Coq position, he is definietly most important player for Arsenal.
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