Sentences with phrase «time is worth it»

If your time is worth $ 30 per hour (~ $ 65k per year salary), that's $ 1,920 per month!
Absolutely, you should figure out what your time is worth and if you can hire it out for less, you should!
But my time is worth more to me.
The way I look at it is if someone is willing to pay you $ 30 for your time, that is what your time is worth.
• Picking the best pricing model for your business • Understanding what you should NOT do • Gauging how much your time is worth • Testing and pre-testing your prices • Raising your prices You'll also get a sneak peek at the pricing results from the 2013 Resume Writers» Digest Annual Industry Survey.
This special report will help you gauge how much your time is worth, pick the best pricing model for your resume writing business, avoid three common mistakes many resume writers make, and tell you how — and when — you should raise your prices.
This special report will help you gauge how much your time is worth, pick the best pricing model for your resume writing business, avoi
Here's what we talked about on this call: Gauging how much your time is worth Three pricing models you can use in your resume writing business The three most common mistakes resume writers make with regard to their pricing AND, I shared the results of the September 2014 Pricing Survey (including the BIGGEST CHALLENGE resume writers reported they have about pricing) Includes handouts (Determing Your Rates Worksheet), transcript and MP3.
At the same time it is worth mentioning that the recruitment sector in CEE is a female dominated industry.
The principle of time value of money states that the value of money available at the present time is worth more than the same amount in the future due to its potential earning capacity.
So, the only time this is worth considering is if you have a medical condition that would keep you from getting competitive rates on an individual policy.
The bill represents what the lawyer feels his or her time is worth, regardless of the result.
As a lawyer, you know what your time is worth.
If you don't know how much your time is worth, how do you know what kind of flat fee to charge?
If you don't track your time, you have no idea how long you spend on each task and ultimately, you don't know how much your time is worth.
If you have a billable rate... or even if you don't, if you use flat fees, you can still work backwards from that and figure out what an hour of your time is worth.
If you're spending an hour of time with every client, and an hour of your time is worth $ 200, then your cost of acquiring a client is the number of hours you're spending with potential clients plus whatever other marketing expenses you might have divided by the number of new clients you get in a month.
In law, it's also about valuing what your professional time is worth.
An hour of time is worth what?
Decide how much your time is worth, and don't take anything less than you set for yourself.
But at the same time it is worth remembering simply how close Ghost Recon Wildlands is to launch.
Or if your time is worth more to you for other purposes, here's a trick: Just pull that little white and red progress button at the bottom of each video to zip through it in a couple of seconds instead of the full 1 - 2 minutes.
I lived my whole adult life abroad and now it seems All I have done and achieved at that time is worth nothing.
See if the the cost and time is worth it.
If you're coming from outside Europe, you'll likely need to connect in another major hub, but the transit time is worth it, we promise.
I think if you are going to be here for a long time it is worth learning the language.
Cusco is worth at least a day even on the quickest of itineraries, and with more time it is worth exploring the Sacred Valley, the heart of the Incan civilization.
Thus arises a very difficult part of this diagnosis: deciding whether extending the animal's life for a short time is worth the expense and side effects.
You will need to spend a significant amount of time taming your bird before he can easily be handled, but the time is worth it since cockatiels live an average of 15 to 20 years.
So, the only time this is worth considering is if you have a medical condition that would keep you from getting competitive rates on an individual policy.
I like your point about evaluating how much your time is worth, but speed / size of refund aren't impacted by switching from free to paid products (assuming they were e-filed), and the IRS protection thing is them capitalizing on misplaced fear.
It's not about what your time is worth.
Think of how much your time is worth and compare it to how much time you've spent trying to fill out the forms for your taxes.
This will help lower the tax owed on the revenue you earn, and it helps to remind you that your time is worth more than a freebie.»
My time is worth roughly $ 45 an hour.
Why We Like UPS Although, in general, UPS may not appear to be the most cost - effective way to ship, its retail stores are perfect for consumers who feel their time is worth far more than a few dollars.
Ultimately, when deciding between the two ACR units, you must weigh the risk of the activity you are undertaking and determine whether the additional 5 hours of transmission time is worth the added cost.
My advice is that unless the freedom to access your money at any time is worth more to you than a guaranteed 20 % return, stick with an RESP for at least the first $ 2,000 a year of education savings.
I get that these bloggers» time is worth something.
Authors need to figure out where their weak spots are; what their time is worth; if they got someone to do what they don't want to do and / or need help in pronto — can they get something else done that has greater value and just relieves them from the overwhelm.
«Now we live in an attention economy,» he said, in which thousands of companies «have a very clear sense of what people's time is worth
But be confident when you ask for what you feel your time is worth and you know the market can bear.
And as I have talked about before, for the calculations below my time is worth at least $ 50.00 per hour when working for myself.
Depending on how much your time is worth, it might make more sense to hire someone to do it for you.
Add up all your expenses for a month, figure out how much your time is worth, and take the total from your money brought in (after the outlandish 15 % agent fee) and that's your profit margin for your writing.
Not that writers are * paying * trad publishers to be published, but in the sense that our time is worth money and (possibly) more income (certainly higher royalty rates) if we self - pub instead of choosing trad pub.
Your writing time is worth protecting.
I also find it helpful to establish what my time is worth and then for many tasks, I know I can hire someone cheaper than myself to do those tasks.
They know better than I what their time is worth.
will there be an easy way to manage multiple standalone subscriptions (at a certain point, your time is worth something too)?
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