Sentences with phrase «time job i enjoyed»

I am 66 I enjoy going out the dinner movies or just walking around under full moon kind of romantic have a full time job I enjoyed fishing camping road trips bicycle riding I enjoy country western music oldies but goldies I'm amateur photographer

Not exact matches

Another analyst, who doesn't think the board simply decided that now was the right time to change leaders because Schroeder was 64, noted House, who is older than Schroeder, never enjoyed the top job when he was CEO in the past.
Customers can sense when employees are having fun and enjoying their jobs — and this attitude is contagious, which hopefully causes customers to spend much more time shopping.
She enjoys her job, appreciates the paycheques with benefits, but also likes having more time to herself.
I have a full - time job to support this hobby, and I enjoy both.
If you enjoy beer, have a comprehensive knowledge of beer styles, and a demonstrated ability to write and edit content about beer, this part - time, remote job could be for you.
I cringe inside when people say that your job doesn't define you, it's just what you do so you can support your family and do things you enjoy in your off time.
I, on the other hand, live a very great life, have a loving wife and kids, a great job and am happy every day to wake up and go to work and enjoy every minute of my free time.
We are enjoying the longest peace - time recovery in U.S. history, a record low unemployment rate (4.3 percent in May), and few signs of inflation, despite rapid expansion of output and jobs.
I recently quit my job as well, and am so enjoying dedicating more time to myself and my passions.
Once I move to Vancouver I'll have to get another job, but I am definitely enjoying this time off while I have it!
The blueberries can only make things better — great job, Mary Frances — and enjoy your time off with your darling baby boy, Zainabl!
Green Tea Coconut Milk Ice Cream Green tea ice cream is a big hit in Japan, and this recipe does a great job of capturing its essence while at the same time keeping it something that diabetics and non-diabetics can enjoy alike.
It's been tough juggling reading and homework with a full - time job, but I enjoy the subject matter so much, it doesn't feel like work!
When I went to college I didn't really do much ceramics (although I enjoyed it), preferring jewellery, but when a job came up working part - time in the ceramics department I jumped at the chance.
I've been married nearly 25 years and been with my husband for 32 years, he was the first guy I slept with a he swept me off my feet, we have 2 children 23 and 19 and for last 1 years we have not slept together, he has gained so much weight from changing his job --(I'm not making that the excuse) but I have just fallen out of love with him, when we do talk we disagree with everything, I feel guilty for feeling like this, but sometimes I just cant be in the same room as him, I see all my friends and family happy and enjoying their time together now their children have left but all i see is a lonely life in my house.
If you are a mama with breastfeeding, babywearing, and cloth diapering experience that enjoys sharing ideas and is looking for very part - time, flexible, work from home income... well then THIS is the dream job for you!
Having some child - free time is nice (and gives me the chance to go for a run or get some jobs done or even enjoy a hot cup of coffee!)
Now most dads want to be more hands - on, cutting the cord, enjoying skin - to - skin bonding time and helping with those hundreds of baby - related jobs.
We'd already been enjoying the freedom I had to watch my toddler learn and grow when I resigned my full time job to be a stay at home mom.
I enjoy my time away, I'm good at my job, and I like what I do.
Indeed there was never any sense of «having to get the job done» as Francesca clearly loves what she does and truly enjoys spending time photographing others.
My family enjoyed moderate success with Magic Sling, but it wasn't yet a full time job.
While we both work hard and enjoy our jobs, our life really centers on our time spent with family and friends, or traveling.
I work full - time at a job that I do not always enjoy.
Take into consideration how having a baby will change your routine, job, and relationship before getting pregnant — welcoming a baby into your family is a special time and should be enjoyed more so than not.
Many of us enjoy our jobs and would be miserable home full time and a miserable mom leads to miserable kids.
If you work outside the home, then view your time at your job as an opportunity to refresh and prepare yourself to enjoy your baby fully when you are at home.
This is your fault and it would be nice to see a little less sanctimnony from those who are directly responsible for tip [ing hard working families onto the Street whose efforts have paid for a the cosy non jobs your supporters have enjoyed It is common ton regard the left as well meaning but stupid but at times like this I really wonder if it is not something worse
«You can not be enjoying the huge and enormous resources of the people, living in luxury and at the same time refusing to do your job, making trouble with the executive at the slightest opportunity, bringing the government to a standstill and then turning members of the Senate into puns who can be pushed here and there.
So I want you to enjoy your time in Glasgow and when the debates are over and the speeches have finished I want you to join me in getting back out there and telling everyone this: we are the party of fairness; we are the party of freedom; and, yes, we are the party of jobs.
But those time pressures really are the flip side of what Moore most enjoys: «[You want] to do a good job because you have lots of relationships with students that you care about and other faculty that you care about.»
After two hours of charging, you'll enjoy up to three hours of continuous grinding, which is more than enough time to get the job done!
I don't think I'd ever enjoy any job all that much, so I might as well find the one that can earn me the most return on my investment of time
«I wanted to know whether it was something that I would enjoy full time, and I came away knowing that it was,» says Reeve, who took a publications officer job at the Institution of Environmental Sciences in London after submitting her Ph.D. in October 2016.
My interests were diverse: I really enjoyed the writing aspect of my job; I craved a chance to learn about a broader range of medical and biological topics; I wanted more social interaction in my job, but I also needed «quiet time»; I wanted to continue organizing workshops and conferences, which I had been doing on a volunteer basis; I liked to focus on the details; and I constantly needed to learn something new.
I stopped applying for new jobs and I vowed to spend more time doing the things I enjoyed.
«I need more energy so I can accomplish my jobs and enjoy my life without feeling exhausted, I can keep up with the kids and enjoy spending time with my husband or partner without biting their head off.»
I actually really enjoyed banking, but towards the end of my time in that job, I was tired, anemic, nutrient deficient, lacking energy, overweight and constantly constipated.
Practice gratitude It's important to take time to acknowledge your achievements and be thankful for where you are in life whether it be getting a new job or promotion, coming up with a great idea or even enjoying a good cup of coffee.
I'm working at my full time job, which I enjoy and am so thankful for.
We are now in the season of my husband's job where we can enjoy more family days like this one, and I am so excited for the change of pace and finally getting lots of quality time in before our baby boy arrives!
I also worked as a pharmacy tech for a few months — it was my first (and last) job in the US, the rest of the time I had my own businesses and gigs or just enjoy my freedom to do what I want.
Never ever seen one before and I LOVE it, you made a real bang up job it looks amazing, just shows what a little foresight will do... hope you enjoy for some time to come..
While I do enjoy blogging and all it entails, I also work a full time job and have other personal commitments that require a... VIEW POST
While I still enjoy the glitz & glamour, let's get real — who has that must time in their day to have dinner / drinks, shop, date & hold down a full time job.
I am so thankful to have had a very calm week and I had a lot of time to catch up blogging, wind down from my job and enjoy some much needed relaxation.
Blogging is pretty much a full time job so I needed a place where I could work and enjoy the space I'm in!
I was gritting my teeth getting through a job I didn't particularly enjoy at the time, and I knew that instead of coming home and feeling miserable most evenings, I had to find something fun to do instead.
Although she enjoyed it, Fallon knew that her passions were pulling her elsewhere — so she took the risk of leaving her full - time job for an unpaid internship in event planning.
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