Sentences with phrase «time leaves you thinking»

This is the type of game which is random, fun and a lot of the time leaves you thinking the world has gone absolutely insane.

Not exact matches

I think on a personal level, I don't think I was as emotionally prepared to leave the company and not meddle at that time in my life.
«Carly Fiorina was the only one who didn't sound like she had time - traveled from the Reagan administration,» says Lanae Erickson Hatalsky, director of social policy and politics at Third Way, a left of center think tank.
During that time I struggled with thoughts of suicide and I didn't leave my house for two weeks.
What's so flawed about that way of thinking, Clark says, is that it doesn't leave time or space for the best practices of hiring that are proven to be conducive to finding employees who either become great for their company or stay with the company for the desired amount of time.
If I could do a better job following that advice, I thought, maybe there'd be more time left over for the tasks I kept nudging to the next month.
Granted, if an employee is willing to tell you well ahead of time she plans to leave, or is just thinking about leaving, it means she trusts you to an exceptional degree.
But as Gen Xers start preparing for their golden years, they should also spend time thinking about their own legacies and what they want to leave behind to their children and their communities.
If you don't have a social media policy, it may be time to think about one — or possibly leave your company vulnerable to security breaches.
I share with you now some of the things you need to think of when it's time to leave home:
«People seem to think they can't leave it much later than 3 p.m. because time might run out,» says research coordinator Keith Harris.
And unfortunately, they said, it looks like our existing estimates have been underplaying how much warming is currently taking place, leaving us less time than we thought to achieve the targets set out in the Paris Climate Agreement.
«This was the first time we'd done planning in eight years, and enough people hated it to think about leaving
You'd think that, even if you graduate with only a shaky knowledge of trigonometry or Chaucer, after all that time you'd at least leave school with a good grasp of how to learn efficiently.
Or a project takes longer than you thought it would; then an unexpected meeting comes up to steal what precious spare time you have left.
We all get a case of the Mondays from time to time, but if even thinking about your job fills you with dread, it's probably time to leave.
At many companies, men already take «invisible leave» to spend time with their children — they might take an afternoon off to take the kids to their baseball game, for example, while allowing their employer and co-workers to think they're meeting clients.
The reason: «Walker believed that you could not let high - profile executives think for you... [It is] better to give them something tangible to consider, because once you've left their presence, they are not going to spend more time thinking about you.»
«But if you think to yourself, what are my values, and why am I choosing to leave at this time, it matters less what other people think.
They tend to direct a maximum amount of thought to the message being received, leaving a minimum amount of time for mental excursions on sidetracks leading away from the talker's thought.
Many enter into balloon car loans thinking that they'll see an increase in their income by the time the payment is due, often leaving themselves unable to pay down the lump sum.
I think there was an important development on the Keystone pipeline, and I think it's worth spending some time reading the tea leaves on that.
Instead of thinking about how much you can withdraw to bleed your retirement funds down to $ 0 by the time you die, I highly encourage everyone to think about leaving a financial legacy for your loved ones that is so great you'll never run out of money.
«I have been thinking of moving on for some time now, but I didn't want to leave when the company really needed me to be around.
But running a one - person show and being deeply entrenched in everyday operations and every decision no matter how small doesn't leave any time or energy for you to think and reflect strategically and test new ways to grow key partnerships to expand your business.
It is wishful thinking to imagine that the most extreme economic, debt and investment bubble in history was corrected by a mild economic downturn, a market decline that leaves stocks at 21 times peak earnings (higher than at the 1929 and 1987 peaks), and just a few large - scale defaults from a corporate debt position which continues to claim a record share of operating earnings to finance.
I think there are very few firms left that are all the time full - service brokerage firms and nothing else.
I eventually put what I think was a good model together, but it was far more complex than I had been prepared for, I was left feeling like I wasted a lot of time.
Because his profile shows that he is an organized thinker who values linear thought patterns, the smart assistant would then give a very specific answer including show times, which local theaters were playing the movie and what time he should leave in order to arrive on time.
I could have left earlier than that, but I think I owe that to my employer after a very good time there.
Think about it, if you start investing at the age of 55 and want to use the money 10 years later for your retirement but the market has a huge crisis during these ten years, there will be no time left to recover.
Think of your cash reserve as the braking distance you leave yourself on the highway — if there's an accident up ahead, you want to have enough time to slow down, get off to the side or otherwise avoid disaster.
I am inclined to think that a different policy at that time would have left us with a different condition at this time... Business could not use and was not asking for increased money at that time
I think all too often there are pastors just putting in their time or those who eventually leave the system altogether.
With so little time left, we thought we'd offer some suggestions.
Almost 20 years ago I had an illness that left me, literally on death's door, and at the time I don't recall thinking about my spiritual beliefs — all of my thoughts were indeed on my friends and family.
Get an education in the real world and leave your 2000 year old way of thinking behind... time to grow up little girl.
I started to think that if my religion told me God didn't see me as a full person just because I was female, then maybe it was time to leave that religion.
I missed this few - weeks - old big Peter Beinart piece, The Rise of the New New Left, the first time around, and am linking it here mainly to see what y ’ all think about it.
The reason a Chrisitian would be so willing is that we do know what awaits us when we leave this God foresaking world... Heaven... the only thing awaiting an atheist is what someone of your thinking said one time to me... «dirt».
Some Christians go through some (or all) of the experiences described above, and think that the unrest they feel is because church is simply a waste of time and energy, and so they leave the church... and Jesus too.
My praying at a time of need and having an experience that felt like a thunderbolt going though me has lent to me to thinking that God does exist and an epiphany about having a choice whether to continue with a life that left me pursuing my own desires only to be frustrated with what I had, always wanting more lent me to think that life is not about «my way» but «God's way».
As NT Wright says, the problem with theology is that you have to say everything all the time or else someone will think you've deliberately left something out.
Is our grasp on history so faint that we have forgotten the last time we intervened in Afghanistan to support the Mujaheddin in their war against the Soviets and then left when we thought the battle was won?
But every time I sit down to work on the 200 - page galley proof for Evolving in Monkey Town, I suddenly think of something more important to do — like check my email or play guitar hero or finish off the rest of that ranch dip left over from Sunday night.
If the thought leaving your imaginary friends behind is just too much, or makes you want to go p00py, then try Atheism Lite ™ (agnosticism) for a period of time to ease your way into a much more rewarding, peaceful life.
It is to be hoped that as the centre develops in its work, so it will broaden its outlook so that the natural sciences, the single most influential strand of philosophical thought in modern times, is not left out of the conversation.
Both ways of translating this are right, but at the same time, both leave out the idea of what I think Paul was really trying to get across.
I think there are many pastors who would like to leave full - time ministry, but don't know what else to do.
If for you your faith is only about «worshiping» the words in a book (which are written by man)... think about it... you might be wasting your time and not realize how distant you actually have become (from the true msg) worrying about trivialities or needing to reconcile scripture with science / common sense... simply because your book (and your self - imposed obligation to believe in the words) doesn't leave you another option.
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