Sentences with phrase «time level because»

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Project Time Off estimates that unused vacation days cost the U.S. economy $ 236 billion in 2016 because of lost spending, but there are also penalties to pay at the individual level.
It's time to pay attention to your employees» stress levels, not just because it's costing you but also to show them you care.
At E3 we'll be spending a lot of time on Mario Maker, which I'm personally excited about because I know my son and I will be trying to outdo each other building impossible Super Mario levels for each other.
Founder Amanda Bradford, who started the app because she was tired of wasting time on Tinder and OKCupid, told Forbes that she pictures a user base comprised of C - level executives and «people running teams of 300 at Google or Facebook.»
I call myself «Chief Brand Anthropologist» of Turnstone, because I'm fascinated by the connections that can be made when taking the time to observe how people interact, their postures during tasks, the tone and volume of someone's voice when they enter a space and the level of mobility various teams require to be the most productive.
And I always walk away inspired by their level of achievement and, more importantly, because their success is always the result of hard work, focus, persistence, and consistently doing the simple things well, time after time after time.
You might not be thinking about what books, articles or speeches to create, but there has probably been a point in time where you have talked yourself out of pursuing something, because you convinced yourself that you lack a certain level of creativity that it takes to get the job done.
Since we all crave different levels of clarity between work and personal time, and because that sentiment often shifts based on workplace - related factors, the most effective companies are realizing that Millennials need autonomy to set their own boundaries.
But think about just the most basic level, people who come to Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, about 100 billion times a day to share content or a message with a specific set of people, and I think that that basic functionality, people understand because we have the controls in line every time, and given the volume of the activity and the value that people tell us that they are getting from that, I think that that control in line does seem to be working fairly well.
Make the time to focus your attention on engaging your employees, because the results will proliferate on every level.
At the same time, they must carefully monitor consumers» perceptions of «normal» price levels: Excessive promotions lead consumers to revise their expectations about prices downward and can threaten profitability in the recovery period because people will resist the steep increases as prices return to «normal.»
Actual results could differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the forward - looking statements contained in this release because of a variety of factors, including conditions to, or changes in the timing of, proposed real estate and other transactions, prevailing interest rates and non-recurring charges, store closings, competitive pressures from specialty stores, general merchandise stores, off - price and discount stores, manufacturers» outlets, the Internet, mail - order catalogs and television shopping and general consumer spending levels, including the impact of the availability and level of consumer debt, the effect of weather and other factors identified in documents filed by the company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Well, at a time when people are saying that the arrival of that robot is a net loss because of displacement, you ought to be willing to raise the tax level and even slow down the speed of that adoption somewhat to figure out, «OK, what about the communities where this has a particularly big impact?
Although my rule - based market timing system has mostly been in «sell» mode for the past month, I have only recently begun looking for stocks and ETFs to sell short because I have been patiently waiting for former leading stocks to start bouncing into their (new) resistance levels.
That's because even with inflation at its highest level since 2012, the Fed said monetary policy will remain accommodative «for some time
About 40 times a year, fishing and wind surfing at Cole Park is risky because of high levels of bacteria in the water.
Because China begins the process with the highest investment level in history, the extent of the transformation must exceed that of any other case, and it must occur at a time when weak Chinese demand is compounded by weak global demand, thereby reducing productive investment opportunities for the private sector.
Another reason why monetary policy has become less effective in stimulating the economy is because the impetus from a given level of monetary accommodation likely has become attenuated — that is, less powerful — over time.
This is something first - time home buyers should know in 2018, because it could make mortgage loans easier to obtain — particularly for those borrowers with higher levels of debt.
He pointed out that now become the time for Dropbox to listing because «the enterprise had reached a level of scale and also money circulation that warranted a public debut.»
Covering up the error did not look like too bad an option at the time because stocks were priced at one - half of their fair value and so it was hard for anyone to imagine that prices could ever again rise even to fair - value levels much less to overpriced levels.
Indeed, because the level of interest rates at any point in time is highly correlated with the level of nominal economic growth over the preceding decade, the relationship between starting valuations and actual subsequent S&P 500 nominal total returns is nearly independent of interest rates.
Because of uncertainty about the size and timing of payments under RTGS, some commentators had foreseen a situation in which banks would seek to hold high levels of ES funds, raising banks» costs.
However, I quickly realized these carelessly timed trade entries resulted in losing trades a vast majority of the time because I was not waiting for the price action of the stock to confirm itself by actually trading through the exact resistance level.
The Fed's continued insistence that it will raise rates soon is especially perplexing as inflation continues to run below its 2 % target, and the U-6 unemployment rate — which accounts for discouraged workers and those working part - time because they can't find full time work — is still well above pre-crisis levels.
It enables some other customizations all because of the advanced features, such as risk level, strategy and expiry times.
As it happens, the Times Literary Supplement gave the book to the philosopher Anthony Kenny to review, perhaps because he could never be accused of any parti pris in this debate, since he has in the past leveled his own severe criticisms against classical Christian theism for relying on an «outdated Aristotelian cosmology.»
Today we can see that Kierkegaard could dialectically limit «objectivity» and «subjectivity» to the level of antithetical categories because he still lived in an historical time when subjectivity could be known as indubitably Christian.
Most short - term groups with competent leaders should not go beyond level 3, mainly because there isn't enough time to work through deep feelings.
We observe that at the lowest level of the evolutionary process, time is contingent in the sense that electronic and atomic radiations are short - lived, measured in millionths of a second; the movement is chaotic, diffused, haphazard, indeterminate as shown in the cloud chamber or the Brownian movement of molecules; the time is transient because entropy takes over; the movements are lost instead of being collected in the thing and perfective of the thing.
I will end by stating quite dogmatically — dogmatically because a justification requires the full working out of such a theory — that for an «I» to be able to remember, to believe, to intend, to think, and to know seems to require a theory of a many - leveled self, each level being specified by the systematic equivocity of time.2 Such a theory seems to me to be impossible within the framework of process philosophy.
It ought to come as a surprise to no one, therefore, that from the time of the first splitting of the atom down through the destruction of Hiroshima and on to current controversies about nuclear weapons and power plants, Christian people have been involved individually and corporately at every level of the debate, not incidentally but specifically because of their Christian commitment.
Here is the often thoughtful Thomas Friedman of the New York Times on the eve of last November's elections: «Let Karl [Rove] know that you think this is a critical election, because you know as a citizen that if the Bush team can behave with the level of deadly incompetence it has exhibited in Iraq — and then get away with it by holding on to the House and the Senate — it means our country has become a banana republic.
Here is the often thoughtful Thomas Friedman of the New York Times on the eve of last November's elections: «Let Karl [Rove] know that you think this is a critical election, because you know as a citizen that if the Bush team can behave with the level of deadly incompetence it has exhibited in Iraq — and then get away with it by holding on to the House...
This was a difficult exchange because most of the time I find myself locked into debates with other Christians who feel that just because they can quote scriptures back ward and forward then they must be some level above other Christians.
Children experience time as moving slowly because they generally live at a less abstract and complex level of consciousness than do adults.
ready for Him to fill, whence His Spirit can radiate through all the centuries and all beings; and because of the genetic links running through all the levels of Time and Space between the elements of a convergent world, the Christ - influence, far from being restricted to the mysterious zones of «grace», spreads and penetrates throughout the entire mass of Nature in movement.
Even on the level of man your argument breaks down because you limit God to operating in our time line which is contrary to Biblical representations.
Qazar, it is precisely the book that proves that the Christian God is the true God... in order to expand your thinking on this, name the one thing that all peoples of all cultures of all times, will agree on as the ultimate evidence of the true God [keeping in mind that there must always be a faith level because God is all powerful, has all knowledge, all wisdom, is everywhere (not in a pantheistic sense)-RSB- that the true God can give.
Because the ordinary Spaniards of that period of time were mostly illiterate and came from the medieval world which was so rich in imagery and the native world of the Americas communicated mainly through an image - language, it was much more at the level of the image - word than of the alphabetic spoken word that the new synthesis of Iberian Catholicism and the native religions took place and continues to take place today.
Councilman Mike Bonin told the Los Angeles Times, «It's time to get real, because this is literally a matter of life and death» explaining that there's been a «collective failure of every level of government to deal with what has been a homeless crisis for generations and is exploding and exacerbating now.»
Capitol - Husting implemented this structure 10 years ago and has found that it provides the highest level of service for the customer because the sales people are in their stores multiple times per week, Alevizos says.
Two, the recipe calls for fresh fennel bulb but every single time I've made it, I swapped the fennel for celery (because that's all that was available at my grocery store and I was too lazy to go fennel hunting around town) and have never felt it lacking in anything, as the celery delivers the same level of crunch and spring - like taste, leaving the fennel seeds and Italian sausage to bring in the truer fennel - y flavors.
But there are days like Sundays, when many of us truly enjoy spending time in the kitchen putzing around while something slow roasts in the oven for hours — and you'll find those recipes here too, because they are nourishing on a soul level.
This Slow Cooker Pizza Chicken takes convenience to the next level because it requires just 4 basic ingredients and no prep time!
I'm sure that partly has to do with low blood sugar levels from skipping it, but it's also partly disappointment because it's my all - time favourite meal of the day.
Not because we aren't good at throwing parties, but because the one time we did throw a Halloween costume party, it was so epic that we were told there is no way that we could ever possibly achieve the same level of fun and excitement again.
Next time I will because, like all sundaes, this was on the sweeter side and making my own would let me control the level of sweetness.
They really are so yummy!!!! Next time you need to try my gfJules Muffin Mix because they take them to another level — always a beautiful crown on top and you can make so many different recipes with them!
They help manage weight (because they help curb cravings because they take a lot time to digest), they can help reduce the risk of heart disease, they help to ward off diabetes (helping to reduce both blood sugar and insulin levels and they help to keep cholesterol in check (by lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and elevating HDL (good cholesterol).
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