Sentences with phrase «time measurements available»

Not exact matches

To test robustness of influencers, they consider: (1) subsamples to test consistency over time; (2) daily and monthly measurements to test consistency across sampling frequencies (except consumer price indexes, available only monthly); and, (3) contemporaneous and one period - lagged (predictive) relationships.
The ECB connects any lab sensor and pump to make real - time measurement and controlled dosing available to non-experts.
Blood pressure measurement only takes around a minute, while the other is usually 20 minutes or more at a time, depending on when the nurse is available to help remove it.
But they do provide the best publicly available window into how Cuomo has spent his time and the only apples - to - apples measurement of whom he's lent his ear to the most.
Using different calibration and filtering processes, the two researchers succeeded in combining a wide variety of available data from temperature measurements and climate archives in such a way that they were able to compare the reconstructed sea surface temperature variations at different locations around the globe on different time scales over a period of 7,000 years.
This allows it to compile parallax measurements that are four times more precise than any other instrument currently available.
This made some chemical measurements impossible, and diminished the time resolution available from the cores.
«It is the first time the technology has been available to make detailed, space - based measurements of both the sun and the solar wind under [the] extreme conditions» of an extended solar minimum, she says.
The activists cite a letter from Berns stating that «mice are available» with a low background incidence of tumours, and a high sensitivity to carcinogens, «thereby reducing both the time of testing and the number of animals required for a reliable measurement».
The system also provided estimates of the epicenter and fault slip for each earthquake that agreed with the actual measurements, and were available 60 to 90 seconds after each earthquake's origin time.
The available Track Apps gives you performance metrics - everything from acceleration times to g - forces measurements.
Also, the reason most publishers print books here in the states (and not in China) is two fold — the US uses a different measurement system than most other countries and that affects available paper sizes, and it's REALLY expensive to SHIP all that heavy paper across the ocean (and takes a REALLY long time).
This is the most accurate measurement of how well platelets adhere and form clots but this technology is not readily available to most small animal hospitals at this time.
For confirmation, there are also optical depth time series available derived from solar extinction measurements (McCormick et al 1993).
Tide gauge measurements are not available in sufficient number (especially in earlier times) and not distributed evenly over the oceans: the Northern Hemisphere, for example, is strongly over-represented and tide gauge stations are located along the coasts.
(Actually, there are measurements at some sites before 1861, but this date is generally chosen as the first time when there is a dense enough network of data available to make a global average meaningful).
The average rate of increase has been in excess of 2 ppm per annum over the past five years and that is at least four times greater that the rate back in about 1960 when the early measurements from Mauna Loa became available.
How aerosol forcing may have changed during this time span, we don't know for sure, since definitive measurements are not available.
We used these dates because this is the time period when we have the available resources to complete the dense measurement network.
«Magic with numbers» is always accomplished by either inventing your data or massaging what data you have, unreliable at best given the time spans involved the equipment available, the precision, repeatable accuracy and calibration of the equipment used to collect the data along with the number of people doing the measurements, all of which are accomplished somewhat differently.
AR4 WG1 claims that the Maunder Minimum was in 1610, out by nearly 100 years, and that no measurements of Solar Radiation were available before the satellites of c. 1977, whereas NOAA actually has continuous time series across the USA from 1960 to 2005 (when they cease because no doubt Jim Hansen deemed them to be Inconvenient Truths).
However, early radiosonde sensors suffered from significant measurement biases, particularly for the upper troposphere, and changes in instrumentation with time often lead to artificial discontinuities in the data record... Consequently, most of the analysis of radiosonde humidity has focused on trends for altitudes below 500 hPa and is restricted to those stations and periods for which stable instrumentation and reliable moisture soundings are available.
My question would be, using the various available reanalysis algorithms, can we definitely and statistically say a trend different than zero exists over the past 20 years or time period when all / most agree that we have a reasonably valid measurement / reanalysis.
Although the amount of UV radiation reaching the snow surface at Summit is notably influenced by stratospheric ozone levels, the UV measurement time series available in the Arctic is not yet long enough to allow trends to be detected.
That being said, if you are going to take this new habit of measurement seriously, someone either at the firm or at your marketing agency needs to take the time to generate and analyze the available data, and boil it down into manageable and actionable summaries that your lawyers will actually have the time and inclination to read, and that service or staff time needs to be built into the marketing budget.
wrist - worn watch or band; continuous measurement of HR; stated battery life > 24 h; commercially available direct to consumer at the time of the study; one device per manufacturer.
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