Sentences with phrase «time moms looking»

Perfect for moms and labor partners wanting more practice or second - time moms looking for a refresher without the lecture component.

Not exact matches

Mom didn't look down on Dad if she made more money than him, and Dad didn't waste time resenting the burdens of child care,» Smith reports.
Kalin says 95 % of Etsy sellers are women (average age, 33), mostly stay - at - home moms and college students looking to supplement their income rather than make a full - time living.
As an attorney, mom, wife, volunteer, (you get the picture), I don't have time to be changing my site or calling on a designer every time I want to update the look of my page.
It was back in 2007 when FlexJobs Founder and CEO (and a mom of two boys) Sara Sutton Fell found that looking for legitimate, professional - level flexible jobs was extremely frustrating, difficult, and time - consuming.
before I looked at the draft four $ 8224, I didn't believe that my mom in - law was like realie taking home money in their spare time on - line..
Unlike my dad, my uncle wasn't drunk all the time, which was enough to make him look like a knight in shining armor to my mom.
Oh wow, I have looked everywhere for this recipe, and now here it is, my Mom use to make these all the time for us.
I was living in Bullhead City, AZ at the time and I always looked forward to come up to St. George, visit my family, and get to eat my Mom's home cooking.
As a busy mom and private chef, I'm always looking for ways to save time and money in the kitchen.
It's the 1st time I hear the name «Chow Chow» but looking at the recipe I'm quite sure my Grandma and then my Mom used to make something very similar when I was a kid:):)
A few months ago I decided to the book, «Nourishing Traditions» my Aunt had given to my mom a long time ago and that was where I had first seen it (and nearly stole it before mom had a chance to look at it).
I have been looking for an Almond Crescent Cookie recipe for some time now, as my mom used to make a variation for the holidays (I have lost the recipe.).
I remember my mom and dad looking forward to her Zucchini Boats every time she made them, but I never did, probably because I didn't like tomato sauce back then.
When I was little, my Mom always took the time to prepare corned beef for St. Patty's Day, but I was looking to branch out.
Thanks Nancy, my Mom and I had a great weekend together spending time with each other and (most importantly) going to see The Great Gatsby People have always told us that we look alike, but I haven't recognized it until recently.
«Imagine having to take the 7 Train to the ballpark looking like you're riding through Beirut next to some kid with purple hair, next to some queer with AIDS, right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time, right next to some 20 - year - old mom with four kids.
ShareI am at the junction of tip - toeing back into the workforce after an absence of 2.5 years and though I look forward to actually finishing a cup of tea (and one that has not been reheated for the 20th time), I do feel pretty passionate about my role as a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom).
Looking after a newborn can be exhilarating, exhausting and also quite stressful, especially if you are a first - time mom and don't know what to expect.
Her blog is a great reference for all moms looking for fun ideas to keep the kids busy and learn at the same time.
I fed my oldest bottles of EBM in public when he was small and never noticed any looks (only when nursing in public), but naturally I can't really speak from the experience of a full - time bottlefeeding mom.
Now she has a more balanced mother who looks after her needs too, who has interests outside of herself and is more able and happy to attend to her daughter's needs because she is using her brain and advocacy values to make the world a better place and learning how to be a better parent at the same time from other moms in the same boat.
This is purposely designed to be fashionable; this will be an ideal choice for moms who are looking for a pumping bra that will make them look classy and comfortable at the same time.
For single moms, whether you're looking for romance or to spend time with friends — be sure to fit in some fun for you, too.
And, granted, I'm only seeing (or choosing to see) the good aspects of their experience (or what I perceive to be the good aspects of their experience), and it may well be the case that she is looking at my stay - at - home mom experience wistfully, but damnit it's hard not to get jealous from time to time.
It will be an ideal purchase for new moms who are looking forward to doing their work while at the same time tending their newly born babies.
Somewhere in Connecticut, totally unbeknownst to us, a pregnant Jessica Rich started looking for some peers and pals having babies around the same time and created the first ever Rookie Moms Meetup.
They look so put together and are often chatting with other moms even though time is ticking away before the late bell.
If you're looking for a place to start on Rookie Moms, check out my all time most favorite post: Write a «did do» list.
I know I looked at my mom one time and said I want an epidural!
I am currently a stay at home mom although looking for full time employment so hit me up if you have a job available.
This summer we are spending time with our family on Whidbey Island, and it is a great reminder to me that everywhere I go there are moms who are struggling, looking for support, wanting breastfeeding help, and needing practical assistance.
Many first time moms eagerly look forward to wearing maternity clothes and showing off their growing baby bump.
I was a working mom at the time as well so nursing after a long day at work really helped me to reconnect with my child and he looked forward to it also.
Too many moms end up looking back and regretting that they didn't have this time documented in pictures — I know I did!
So you are a first - time mom (or second - time mom, it doesn't matter really, for mothers always get anxious when it is about their babies), looking online to find out if your little darling baby is doing all right, even though he / she does seem to be doing all right!
It took me a long time to look at the word mom and not wince.
I just ordered «Why Love Matters» on Amazon along with another called «Becoming Attached» Thanks for the info... I'm a single mom and don't always have time to look around for the latest books!
** If you're a first - time mom or looking for the ideal baby shower gifts, you'll probably prefer these posts:
All those moms who look so zen (and people tell me I'm one of them — apparently I look calm all the time) are really just fantasizing about having a night alone in a hotel with nice sheets and no one else there wanting something from them.
I don't like either look and do hope mom's can take the time to invest a little time to look their best.
Look, I get that maybe some of this sounds like a new mom might be a little overly sensitive to read these implications into these statements, but new parenthood is a super sensitive time.
Whether you're a first - time mom trying to make sense of her baby registry or a seasoned pro just looking to streamline, it makes sense to spend your hard - earned cash on items that grow with your baby.
As a third time mom and first time cloth diaper user, I was completely overwhelmed by the wide range of diaper options when I started looking into cloth diapers.
You will hear many times when she picks an item; she will say, «aw, look at this mom!
And when something is not going the way that it should, it might be time to look further into this and get help instead of... I know so many moms that just suffer through if they have a painful latch or you know, they just feel breastfeeding is not going well, but they really want to do it anyway, and because we are incredible women, and we just do it.
A baby reaching the mobility stage generally corresponds to a point in time when mom is already looking to either stay home with her baby or has already prepared outside resources to care for her baby during office hours.
I can recommend it to moms that praise their time and look for a reliable product.
Since so much of her clientele consists of busy moms in their 20s and 30s, she has some fabulous ideas about looking great when both time and money are in limited supply.
Look, I know that's not what you meant, but it's hard to see logic when you're a frazzled mom, trying to explain to your friend how your child throws their food every time you hand it to them.
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