Sentences with phrase «time of anxiety»

The chew toy is important because it will provide comfort in times of anxiety, help curb certain problem behaviors, and fight boredom (which will help curb behavior problems).
These features that celery offer can help reduce stress and can lower the heart rate in times of anxiety.
The Calming Aid is formulated to promote a sense of calm for dogs during times of anxiety and stress, such as during travel, thunderstorms, fireworks and veterinarian or grooming visits.
A famous Dua (supplication) that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) used to say at times of Anxiety or Sorrow.
While most of my work has focused on children, I find great satisfaction in helping adults through times of anxiety or depression, and I enjoy working with teenagers and helping them find their way into adulthood.
We all face times of anxiety and depression, and a little professional guidance can help us not just survive these times, but can result in happier, healthier people for facing the trials.
Some dogs benefit from a type of wrap, like the Thundershirt, that is believed to provide some comfort during times of anxiety, stress, and fear.
He sees contemporary persons involved in what he describes as a process of oscillation: at those times when people have their bearings, there is a sense of wholeness, power and integration that encourages creativity and expression; at times of anxiety or weakness in the face of difficulties, there is a need to reach beyond the resources available in oneself to regain a sense of well - being and to «get it together.»
These features that celery offer can help reduce stress and can lower the heart rate in times of anxiety.
We all experience times of anxiety, stress, frustration, anger and impatience.
My desire comes less in night darkness or times of anxiety; then death seems fitting.
In this time of anxiety in the Catholic Church, the words of St. Vincent of Lerins may offer some comfort.
But in this time of anxiety, the words of St. Vincent of Lerins may offer some comfort.
But it's also a time of anxiety for those of us who have diseases where certain foods are our enemy.
It was a constant battle, and feedings started to become a time of anxiety for me (not to mention my sore nipples)!
How can we reinvent and strengthen our public services at a time of anxiety and stretched resources?
«During these times of anxiety and uncertainty, New York will continue to lead the nation forward.»
During times of anxiety we are in special need of B vitamins, which help maintain our nerves and brain cells.
SpectrumSingles essentially came about because Cantu and her mother found it difficult to explain to friends and family members who weren't autistic what issues they were having or why they needed to have some space during times of anxiety.
Yet, for many teens, the summer before freshman year is also a time of anxiety and uncertainty.
Time of Anxiety: Many bright students struggle with anxiety and depression due to which they couldn't focus on their studies and complete their work on time.
NaturVet Quiet Moments Calming Aid Plus Melatonin is a supplement for dogs that provides support and comfort during times of anxiety, nervousness, tension, or stress such as traveling, grooming, thunderstorms, 4th of July fireworks, or trips to the veterinarian.
This funky shirt comforts your dog during the times of anxiety and it keeps him calm and confident.
Lu Zhengyuan: «OUTLIERS - Traversing a time of anxiety,» White Box Center, Beijing, China (Group exhibition)
Reflecting on mankind's impact over environment, the exhibition explores how the tradition of myths and tales could help create solutions to the times of anxiety and uncertainty about the future of the planet we are living.
Lari Pittman, from 9 Apparitions During Times of Anxiety and Distress, 2015, acrylic and lacquer spray over gessoed, heavy - weight paper board, 27 × 25 × 4.5 inches.
We realise that when needing a private client service this is more than likely to be at a time of anxiety or crisis and therefore discretion, transparency and trust are absolutely essential.
And it is precisely the wrong message that a government should convey in a time of anxiety about terrorism, violence and human rights abuse.
At a time of anxiety and change for people this is a reassuring statistic.
As we discussed on Wednesday, the holidays do not need to be a time of anxiety and suffering.
Parenting an adolescent can be humbling and overwhelming during the best of times, let alone during times of anxiety, family stress, or conflict.
We were able to connect people at a time of anxiety and fear, and show that speaking out against hate can indeed promote positive change.
While it is imperative for a teen addicted to drugs or alcohol to submit themselves to addiction therapy, their family and closest friends are often needed for emotional support during times of anxiety and depression.
Far from putting their feet up with a glass of mulled wine in the run up to Christmas, it's a time of anxiety for UK mums, according to a new survey from home appliances company Beko.
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