Sentences with phrase «time of economic growth»

He said the difference might be because new infrastructure added during times of economic growth - new homes, roads or factories - is still used during recession.
History reveals this factor is rewarded in times of economic growth — and that support remains firmly in place, we believe.
During times of economic growth, surplus cash flow results in higher cash distributions to investors, and vice versa.
Interest rates fall in times of recession, not in times of economic growth.
Instead of measuring real improvement in energy efficiency, it hides the outsourcing of dirty, coal - based manufacturing to developing countries and changes during times of economic growth or recession, irrespective of efficiency.
It is surprising to see bitter trade skirmishes between the U.S. and the European Union (over items such as bananas and hormone - fed beef) at a time of economic growth.
It follows that the institutional setting put in place in Maastricht to run the monetary union was sufficient at a time of economic growth, but has resulted to be inadequate for the times of economic stagnation or recession.
The shadow chancellor could also propose a new fiscal rule to run surpluses at a time of economic growth and to achieve a budget surplus by the end of the first Parliament.
It was the era of cotton, cattle and railroads, and it was a time of economic growth.
This is the first time in the past 40 years in which emissions have fallen or remained flat during a time of economic growth
Global emissions of carbon dioxide stalled in 2014, marking the first time in 40 years that there was no climb in emissions during a time of economic growth.
Global emissions of carbon dioxide — one of the leading causes of global warming — stalled in 2014, marking the first time in 40 years that there was no climb in CO2 emissions during a time of economic growth.
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