Sentences with phrase «time of famine»

Leopard gecko tails are used to store fat; they can use this reserve in times of famine when food sources are sparse.
Marshmallow root has long been used as a food, particularly during times of famine when it is more abundant than other vegetables.
Blame it on evolution: Your body doesn't want to lose weight, so it becomes efficient at doing more with fewer calories when faced with times of famine, which in these modern times is called a diet.
Being genetically coded to survive times of famine rather than feast, it's hard for many of us to maintain a lean physique when we're faced with overstocked kitchens and high calorie foods tempting us on every street corner.
Unfortunately, these days we rarely face times of famine and the majority of us are nowhere near as active as our hunter - gatherer predecessors.
It is a totally natural process, and has enabled humans to endure times of famine all through the ages.
The rat, of course, has been eaten in times of famine everywhere but only a few cultures still serve it as a regular food item, often as a street food snack (the rats on the left have been flattened and quick fried).
They include everything from information on the walls of Pharaohs tombs to crop reports such as the remarkable wine harvest record used in Times of Feast, Times of Famine by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie or the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) records I used to reconstruct almost 300 years.
Midwives utilized it as a lubricant to ease child - birth, it became a food during times of famine, and was essential in wound dressings during the Revolutionary War.
Sort of like the «oh shit» button for times of famine.
Also, from a biblical perspective, grains were not associated with times of feast, but more often with times of famine or trouble.
While you have chosen to believe in a book written by bronze age sheepherders who thought the earth was flat and promoted selling your daughter for a good price, that you'd go to hell for eating shellfish, and that you can eat your children in times of famine.
Eventually, during a time of famine, Jacob's family migrated to Egypt.
Let us follow his example, for after all it is his Church and his Grace, and the principle is self - evident: the more seeds you sow, the more plants will grow especially, it seems to me, in time of famine.
It all begins with a time of famine.
A time of famine.
They were often turned to for sustenance during times of famine.
That is nature's way of ensuring that in times of famine, the mother's body would be still able to produce a healthy fat reach milk for the baby to guarantee baby's growth, baby's development and of course, baby's survival.
A Commentary article in the same issue of The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology by Harvard Professor Matthew W. Gillman notes that the study had a large sample size, reasonably precise information about the timing of the famine, geographical variation in the same country, and clinical outcomes — a combination of strengths missing in other famine studies.
There are clear downsides to this mutation, but it conveys advantage in times of famine.
Adaptations that made sense during a time of famine can then transfer to children and grandchildren who live in a time of plenty.
Our body, it's kind of a signal to our body and our genome that we're in a time of famine.
This is an evolutionary adaptation to slow your metabolism in times of famine (for more information on this, take a look at my Safety Theory).
It's thought to be an evolved mechanism that allowed humankind to stay (relatively) healthy and functioning in times of famine or during long northern winters that were inhospitable to growing carbs (ie: fruits, vegetables, and grains).
Humans and other animals use it during times of famine and food shortages.
Meeting your nutritional needs, providing healthy sources of fat to remind the body it's not a time of famine, and enough protein to keep blood sugar stable are key for helping the body increase its metabolic rate and drop extra weight.
In generations past, when finding your next meal was not as easy as opening your fridge, this mechanism could help your body to hold on to valuable energy stores and survive longer in times of famine.
When nutrients are scarce, as in times of famine, available nutrients will be devoted to the most urgent functions — fuctions that promote immediate survival.
Since cavemen frequently went days without food, their bodies learned to burn fewer calories in times of famine, which is how your body reacts to a very low - calorie diet.
This will make harsh dieting phases much easier to tolerate and endure during times of famine.
Leptin and ghrelin have evolved as a highly effective mechanism to keep us from starving to death in times of famine.
The genetic theory being that in times of famine, nature wants to keep species alive so they are around to reproduce when food supplies are better.
They were low carb because they were eating whatever was available And for the most part, what was available was lower carb foods, meats, and they would have times of famine.
It's how they survived in times of famine.
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