Sentences with phrase «time of low demand»

Good deals can often be found in times of low demand (and therefore high supply)- as hotels discount «distressed» inventory to cover costs at the expense profits.
Much of renewable energy generation is intermittent: wind and solar power generation peaks are often around times of low demand.
It is almost like an auction: if demand is high, the price will go up; and in times of low demand, the price will drop.
These allow the integration of a range of options, including coupling with the electricity sector through heat pumps and power to heat, using the generation from variable renewable power sources at times of low demand to heat water for the district heating system.
It is also possible to use such systems to store excess energy from other renewable generation sites (such as winds farms running at full power during times of low demand) and to release energy at times of maximum demand, or when output from other renewable options is flagging.
System operators there cope well, helped by large hydroelectric plants (18 % of all generation capacity) that can react quickly to drops in the wind and store excess electricity when the wind blows strongly at times of low demand.
Now why is Toyota pricing getting higher in time of lower demand?
Conventional pumped hydro systems use vertically separated reservoirs to utilize the power of water and gravity; during times of low demand (off peak), water is pumped using excess energy from the lower to the upper reservoir.
If we get too much of this (laughter in the board room), it will start cutting into the medium load and possibly even the baseload at times of low demand, such as at night — then, our coal and nuclear plants are also affected.
Costs such as wasting nuclear and hydro power to accommodate wind power when it shows up in times of low demand are often not included in promotional material.
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