Sentences with phrase «time of one's creation»

At time of creation, this quarter's collection of companies has an average P / E ratio of 10.9 and a very nice 3.50 % dividend yield.
Researchers have not been able to pinpoint the exact time of the creation of the jade head found in Belize, but what they could do was examine all the cultural remains and artifacts in the tomb.
Some works only existed for the short time of their creation, like Judy Chicago's ephemeral works consisting of colored flames and smoke.
Unfortunately, in the art world, these two terms describe two different times of creation and two different approaches to art making and the functionality of art, and more often than not they create the biggest confusion.
At the time of its creation (but today as well), Black Panther was one of only a handful of superhero comics with black characters for protagonists.
Filings also show that Julian Wheatland, chairman of Cambridge Analytica parent company, SCL Group, and Cambridge Analytica's data officer, Alexander Tayler, were both people with «significant control» of Emerdata at the time of its creation.
This was not an issue at the time of its creation, but since Bitcoin has surged in popularity, its block size now prohibits the currency from carrying out transactions in a quick time frame without high transaction fees.
Hello Colin, Your question regarding the purpose of hell and the timing of its creation is a good question.
Look to the time of the creation of the Federal Reserve.
There is no doubt that the state did take over these roles at the time of the creation of modern welfare states.
Not a single thing exists that did not come into being without Christ and the Holy Spirit, including the primeval water over which the Spirit was hovering at the time of creation (Gn 1:2).
The BIG BANG and the God who was always present at the time of His creation (these are both OPINIONS).
Besides the souls of the departed who were thought to reside in one or other of these two places, there were varieties of angels and immortal beings which were thought to have peopled heaven since the time of creation.
What about the billions of people on this earth who are of different faiths (many older than Christianity) and who don't adhere to the Bible (uh, not written at the time of creation, and not written by Adam and Eve, either)?
Most myths are set at the time of creation, or in a primordial time, or at the time of key historical events — times in which the forms of existence were established, modified or disclosed.
Mr Asiedu Nketia claimed that the Church was being irresponsible and reprehensible for saying that the timing of the creation of the additional constituencies was bad for a peaceful 2012 elections.
Corbyn might actually be to the left of Michael Foot, the Labour leader at the time of the creation of the SDP.
For any given element, this property or its absence was carved into atoms since the time of creation.
Most scientists in Darwin's time considered the face a mystery, its expressions having been set at the time of Creation.
Just like spring in nature is a time of growth, birth, and renewal, spring in your body is a time of creation.
At the time of creation of one's profile to become a member online, you will have to pass through the sign - up process.
Hence, the profile of each member should contain all these necessary information, which are needed to be asked by the dating site, at the time of the creation of their profiles; for example, their passions, favorite place or favorite personalities, which can reveal about their own emotional background.
First released just after the AIDS virus was clinically observed in the eighties, Querelle, is a film about homosexuality that may have come across as bold at the time of its creation.
After a brief but eye - catching history lesson (via fast motion) from the time of creation through the questionable dietary choices in the Garden of Eden, to the slaying of Abel by Cain, we arrive at the tenth generation of man, where a young Noah (Dakota Goyo) witnesses his father being killed just as he is about to bestow his birthright, a glowing snakeskin sleeve, upon him.
She described how in the time of creation it was the painting itself who told and commanded her what to do.
You just set it up at the time of creation and forget about it until the money comes rolling in.
An investor can create an iron condor by creating a call spread and a put spread of equal width, with the same expiration date on the same underlying financial instrument.20 At the time of creation, all four of the stock options are out - of - the - money, and the investor hopes that the underlying stock remains at a relatively constant price so that the options expire worthless and the investor keeps all of the option premiums.
There are a lot of misconceptions on this subject from how many witnesses need to be there at the time of the creation of the will to the necessity of an attorney during the whole process.
The terraces are in use to this day, and have been continuously from the time of their creation.
That said, they had to be accurate enough at the time of creation to meet the certifying Instructor's standards.
A game design lineage is a historical tracing of an element within games that shows both the conservation of player practices (which give us the patterns that become labelled as genres) and the hallmarks of creator vision, which subverts those player practices to create variations on the established patterns, often conditioned by the material constraints applying to games at the time of their creation.
Secondly, and more obviously, this is Metal Slug 3 - a game packed with oodles of features thanks in part to SNK's impending bankruptcy at the time of its creation.
As the Rorschach paintings transform from beautiful abstracts to loose figurations of our own imaginations, we are simultaneously exploring the inner psyche of the artist's mind during the time of their creation — Warhol psychological self - portrait.
At the time of its creation, the Catholic Church banned the display of artistic nudes, so Goya's nude woman and its more modest counterpart, «The Clothed Maja,» were never exhibited publicly during the artist's lifetime.
Generic hard candies and licorice dominate Kurt's large scale food portraits — the candies are accessible and inviting, providing a link, both at the time of their creation and now, to the timeless joy of sweets, rather than reflections of a specific cultural product (think Warhol's appropriation of Campbell's or Brillo).
Remarkably, this structure served as the original home of the Whitney Museum from the time of its creation in 1929 until 1954.
At the time of their creation, his works were already considered to be exceptionally innovative and progressive, and were included in major publications on contemporary international and European abstract sculpture.
Nevertheless, some do stand out, whether because of the time of their creation, or the significance in the artist's career.
At the time of their creation, however, they were understood more as assaults on existing social values.
At the time of its creation in 1929, Alfred H. Barr's version of the MoMA emerged as the prototype of the modern art museum, one that was to define the canon of modernity.
it is 4 feet tall and 13 feet long (13 feet was the exact full length of my studio at the time of its creation).
Often arising from local circumstances and current issues at the time of their creation, the Truth Study Centre works mark an endeavor to establish a clear perspective in confusing times.
The glass sculpture forever suspends that time of its creation, yet remains seemingly viscous and alive.»
But look closer and it becomes clear that his landscapes are very much of this century, with subtle but unmistakable references to the time of their creation.
Painting some of the works simultaneously, Sullivan - Beeman allows the characters to develop organically, and to speak to one another, creating a cohesive representation of her imagination at the time of creation.
But many were simply left Untitled as if she was insecure of what she felt at the time of their creation.
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