Sentences with phrase «time of ovulation»

Keep in mind that many factors, including medications, stress and illness, can affect the exact timing of ovulation.
So if you weren't closely monitoring your cycles at time of ovulation, don't be too surprised if you slide into the 41 week mark with a baby bump still in tow.
She and her husband could attempt to conceive for months, trying to time intercourse to the most likely time of ovulation.
«Before she gets out of bed each morning, she takes her temperature, writes it down on a chart,» Dr. Marrs explains, «And at the time of ovulation, the temperature is at a baseline level, it's kind of consistently until ovulation, and it shifts up and stays up after ovulation.»
Fertility specialist, Dr. Richard Marrs, suggests a simple method to calculate a woman's time of ovulation that can easily be done at home — a temperature chart.
It should also be noted that you are fertile around the time of ovulation, which is about 12 - 16 days before your period.
A woman can determine her time of ovulation by some very simple methods.
And at the time of ovulation, the temperature is at a baseline level, it's kind of consistently low until ovulation, and it shifts up and stays up after ovulation.
The second most common factor for infertility in women is tubal function — the fallopian tubes — the ability of those structures connected to the uterus to pick the egg up properly at the time of ovulation so that fertilization and pregnancy can take place.
The waiting, hoping, timing of ovulation, counting days to menstruation...
With intrauterine insemination, specially prepared sperm is placed directly into a woman's uterus around the time of ovulation.
Also known as artificial insemination, IUI involves the transfer of sperm directly into the woman's uterus at the time of ovulation.
These hormones are also why some women experience breast tenderness around the time of ovulation and as part of PMS — but in that case, the hormones begin to plummet as you get closer to the start of your period, and the breast pain subsides.
If your doctor is only monitoring the timing of your ovulation to have an IUI because your partner has a low sperm count, there may be no need to stop breastfeeding.
Where the sperm of the partner is placed inside the uterus around the time of ovulation.
Evaluation of the menstrual cycle and timing of ovulation.
The Billings Ovulation Method ® is a Method which empowers women, through knowledge of their patterns of fertility and infertility and the time of ovulation, to achieve or postpone pregnancy and to monitor their reproductive health.
At this stage, the mature egg that was fertilized in the fallopian tube at the time of ovulation has made its way down into the uterus and has already attached itself to the uterine wall during the implantation process.
If this is the case, and you're not sure when to use the test, begin to monitor your cervical mucus and wait to take the test when you've noticed an increase in this clear, stretchy, egg white - like mucus that is secreted around the time of ovulation.
When charting, you'll notice an increase in your body temperature around the time of ovulation.
Various factors can influence the results of your basal body temperature, making it more difficult to detect the time of ovulation.
Male sniffers rated the scents of women in mid-cycle, around the time of ovulation, as most attractive, whereas the female sniffers did not.
Additionally, they found high variability in the timing of ovulation relative to the onset of the MSP.
Using oral contraceptives before attempting IVF can allow women and their physicians to better know the timing of ovulation.
They assumed that libido was higher at the time of ovulation and were more interested in asking why than whether.
In species where the timing of ovulation within a cycle can be more accurately predicted, males may be able to mate guard and monopolise fecund females during days when they are able to conceive.
We are designed to procreate, which is why we tend to feel at our sexy best around the time of ovulation.
As might be expected, the surge of progesterone at the time of ovulation is the source of libido, the urge to procreate.
Hi Dr. Wentz, My ENT recommended a tonsillectomy for my recurring tonsillitis (happens monthly like clockwork around the time of ovulation and / or menstruation) but like you I am hesitant to do something so drastic.
Around the time of ovulation, estrogen causes changes in the vaginal mucus, making it more tolerant of male penetration during sexual activity and more hospitable to sperm.
Progesterone also contributes to the changes in the vaginal mucus seen at the time of ovulation.
The rise of progesterone at the time of ovulation causes a rise of body temperature of about one degree Fahrenheit, a finding often used to indicate ovulation.
Watching for this change in mucus combined with a rise in body temperature is one of the best nonlaboratory methods for identifying the time of ovulation.
Sensations of breast tenderness may come from breast lobes and breast ducts enlarging around the time of ovulation.
The treatments were administered under double - blind conditions for 17 days, from the time of ovulation to the third day of menstruation, during three consecutive menstrual cycles.
In a typical cycle, there will be one Vaginal Rise (indicating the shift from estrogen to progesterone dominance at the time of ovulation), and then the vaginal readings will remain elevated for the rest of the cycle.
Since the window for successful fertilization can be as short as a day or less, you also need accurate prediction as the time of ovulation draws close.
Leukorrhea is normal when you're experiencing major changes in hormones like estrogen, so you might notice more of this discharge around the time of ovulation or early in pregnancy.
Slight spotting around the time of ovulation doesn't necessarily mean it's due to the above factors though.
The luteal phase is the stage of a woman's cycle beginning at the time of ovulation and ending when the menses begin.
Most experienced professional dog breeders want to pinpoint the time of ovulation with more exactitude.
Identifies the pre-ovulatory LH surge (time of ovulation).
(ella works closer to the time of ovulation than levonorgestrel morning - after pills like Plan B.) Most people don't know exactly when they ovulate, so it's best to use emergency contraception as soon as possible — no matter where you are in your menstrual cycle or whether or not you think you're about to ovulate.
The easiest way to get pregnant is to have intercourse at the time of ovulation.
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