Sentences with phrase «time of rapid change»

In fact, in times of rapid change, your past experience may be your worst enemy.
Successful track record of building and motivating strong management teams, particularly during times of rapid change.
First of all it would be short lived, as it is only at times of rapid change in the amount of available meltwater that acceleration would occur.
The International Conference on seizing tourism market opportunities in times of rapid change took place on June 5 - 7, 2012, under the patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al - Hussein, at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center at the Dead Sea in Jordan.
Chrysocolla is your touchstone in times of rapid change.
It is a cliché to say that we are living through a time of rapid change, but it is an open secret that the truth is closer to stagnation.
Fundamentalist Christians regard themselves as the last bastions of orthodoxy because of their commitment to the literal text of the Bible, and this meets the needs of people looking for certainty in a time of rapid change.
We have said that in a time of rapid change, planning for the future is crucial.
Moreover, in a time of rapid change we have to plan ahead.
This is a time of rapid changes for both you and your baby.
He has been fortunate, too, to be a leader at a time of rapid change and the collapse of the Conservative Party.
That may be particularly important in a time of rapid change due to rising ocean temperatures and increasing human activity on the high seas.
«People who grew up in the 30s, 40s and 50s did a lot more running around, and had fewer labour - saving devices, whereas baby boomers grew up in a time of rapid change, with a decline in walking to school and less activity,» says King.
The complicated romance that punctuates the story adds spice (and a twist), but it's a film essentially about the banking family and their machinations at a time of rapid change in China
In this time of rapid changes and difficult transitions, ESCA and LSM have the willingness to share their tools and approaches to decipher complexity: from Casablanca, a gateway to emerging Africa, ESCA Ecole de Management has developed innovative research projects in the fields of geopolitics and geoeconomics, and provides an insider's perspective on economic dynamics that cross North Africa, the Arab - Muslim world, MENA region and Africa.
We can all agree that we're living in a time of rapid change — and for many companies, that's driving a rising need for reimagining learning and program redesign.
The National Education Association has announced the first recipients of a fund that supports state and local projects to improve teaching — the latest salvo in a push to reorient itself during a time of rapid change in K - 12 education that has produced angry debates, exhausted and sometimes frustrated teachers, and left state and local affiliates scrambling to respond.
Book Publishing in the Cloud is an intensive one - day event for publishing executives and IT professionals who need to understand the changing nature of publishing technology infrastructure as they decide how to best to invest their scarce resources at a time of rapid change.
Bringing leaders and new voices from all parts of the ecosystem together for a discussion about where reading and publishing are headed, and how to work together for the best possible outcomes is crucial during this time of rapid change.
In this time of rapid change and growth, setting the bar higher for what we expect as authors will help insure that publishing is an industry we will want to be a part of for years to come.
Digital Book 2013 is designed to give executives, marketers and technologists practical information and tools to inspire and lead organizations in this time of rapid change.
This beta gives rare insight into Nintendo's evolving policies and content standards during a time of rapid change leading up to the 32 - bit era.
During this time of rapid change in mainland China, artists and curators are seeking new ways to show work, and finding new allies, patrons and audiences.
Comprised of nine large framed paintings, 105 unframed ink drawings, and a combination of 3D objects, this immersive and ambitious installation engages with paradoxes and problems that preoccupied artists in a time of rapid change.
«During this time of rapid change in the Arctic climate system and our understanding of it, the scientific community must look closely at the observational record, be open - minded in considering alternative hypotheses, and not be too quick in dismissing hypotheses that do not conform with the expectations of existing models,» said Charles H. Greene, associate editor of Oceanography and director of the Ocean Resources and Ecosystems Program at Cornell University.
It's a time of rapid change in North Carolina's energy sector, from the state's rise to No. 2 in the country for solar to the decline of large, centralized coal plants.
According to Berring, «chaotic development» can work well, especially in times of rapid change.
JP Getty once said that, «In times of rapid change, experience could be your worst enemy.»
In a time of rapid change, Cornell University Library continues to stand at the center of intellectual life on campus.
The early adolescent years are a time of rapid change physically, socially and emotionally.
Many of these families have one or two parents with personality disorders — which are increasing during this time of rapid change in our society.
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