Sentences with phrase «time of the general election»

«There is now fresh evidence that Britain is becoming divided — long - term unemployment rose yet again, so did long - term youth unemployment and unemployment in two - thirds of England is higher than it was at time of the general election
By the time of the General Election in June, Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron, who happens to be Christian had lost count of the times he'd been asked by journalists whether gay sex was a sin.
The leader they have at the time of the general election may not be the leader they keep in office.
At the time of the General Election of 2015, the Tories, along with the other parties, are going to have to promise the nation another round of killer cure austerity!
«I met them first around the time of the general election.
«In terms of these two individuals, as I've said, I met them around the time of the general election; had not known them previously,» de Blasio said.
Growth was relatively strong at the time of the general election last year and this has been wiped out with a stroke of the budget pen.
His pledge for an in / out referendum on Europe temporarily pacified his backbenchers, but the letter suggests a new showdown could come to a climax before the time of the general election in 2015.
Between 2000 and 2010 spending on Housing Benefit grew by 50 per cent in real times, and had been on course to reach # 26 billion by the time of the general election in May.
On Radio 4 last Saturday Ms Villiers said that the party will have radical ideas by the time of the General Election; including on high - speed rail.
Time, too, for Ed Miliband to reflect that were they polling such numbers at the time of the general election next May that his 40 - strong army of Scottish Labour MPs could be reduced to a single - figure rump.
Originally used at the time of the general election, to show different types of voting.
According to Wikipedia, nineteen US states allow those who will be 18 by the time of the general election to vote in the related primary or participate in the related caucuses.
Although the intended effect was to lessen the control of the prime minister over Parliament and the timing of a general election, it is clear that the convention would only be capable of doing this where a government's majority was small.
However, it did offer a simple solution to the timing of general elections which appears to have worked perfectly well in relation to the devolved legislatures.
Even those who aren't going to be 18 by the time of the general election can register, as it could boost their credit rating and stand them in good stead should they want to buy a car of their own after passing their test.
Furthermore, according to publicly available information, the Trump campaign was no longer using Cambridge Analytica as a «consultant» by the time of the general election, so while the manipulation of the private data of millions of voters goes a long way toward explaining how the general election came down to Trump and Clinton, it had no impact whatsoever on Trump's electoral victory or Clinton's embarrassing defeat.
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