Sentences with phrase «time of water vapor»

We can, alternatively, speak of the mean residence time of water vapor in the troposphere as increasing with increasing temperature (Roads et al., 1998; Bosilovich et al., 2005).

Not exact matches

Rather, when the fullness of time is reached, there is a qualitative transformation, as in the case of the acorn becoming an oak, or water brought to boiling point becoming vapor, or instinct becoming reflection, or molecular increase becoming cellular.
Measurements of the water vapor and of other molecules, such as carbon monoxide, suggest there is enough gas to feed the black hole until it grows to about six times its size.
Intelligent design and automatic control - uses high temperature water vapor to continuously disinfect and sterilize the bottles and other items in a short period of time.
Given a few months total of telescope time stretched across perhaps three years, Lovis and Snellen say, they could image Proxima b and probe the planet's atmosphere for signs of oxygen, water vapor and methane — all crucial measurements for determining whether that faraway world is actually much like Earth at all.
For the first time, the researchers have proved that both the worldwide measurement network NDACC with its ground stations and modern weather satellites provide reliable global data for the isotope composition of tropospheric water vapor.
In a clean cloud, the same spike of high water vapor could last a long time with only a few fortunate droplets in the vapor's vicinity to munch plentifully and grow much bigger than their neighbors.
An instrument on Rosetta is already measuring 5 liters per second of water vapor production, but that rate is expected to rise to 500 liters per second by the time 67P makes its closest approach to the sun in August 2015.
«This is the first time water vapor has been unequivocally detected on Ceres or any other object in the asteroid belt and provides proof that Ceres has an icy surface and an atmosphere,» said Michael Küppers of ESA in Spain, lead author of a paper in the journal Nature.
In a matter of seconds, when you put the food in the fryer, water starts evaporating, vapors form and escape the surface, oil penetration starts, and heat begins to rise while at the same time there's evaporative cooling off at different points in the food.
Similar islands of material in the early universe could have held as much water vapor as we find in our galaxy today, despite containing a thousand times less oxygen.
The scientists compared the amount of water vapor in the air within the Sept. 19 to Oct. 19 time frame, two weeks before and after the 2013 storm.
I guess I am surprised that with better understanding of the importance of water vapor feedback, sulfate aerosols, black carbon aerosols, more rapid than expected declines in sea ice and attendant decreases in albedo, effects of the deposition of soot and dust on snow and ice decreasing albedo, and a recognition of the importance of GHGs that were probably not considered 30 years ago, that the sensitivity has changed so little over time.
With JWST, a few hours of integration time will be enough to detect Earth - like levels of water vapor, molecular oxygen, carbon dioxide and other generic biosignatures on planets orbiting a white dwarf; beyond that, observing the same planet for up to 1.7 days will be enough to detect the two CFCs in concentrations of 750 parts per trillion, or 10 times greater than on Earth.
A NOAA website on atmospheric rivers contains this fascinating statistic that illustrates just how much moisture can be transported by winds in the mid-to-upper atmosphere: «A strong atmospheric river transports an amount of water vapor roughly equivalent to 7.5 - 15 times the average flow of liquid water at the mouth of the Mississippi River.»
Meanwhile, a different physical process in the comet's smooth mid-section was causing water ice to vaporize and flow through porous material to escape as a cloud of water vapor at the same time (NASA news release, and page on «fluffy snowballs;» David Shiga, New Scientist, November 18, 2010; and Astronomy Picture of the Day).
That parameter depends on several unknowns, including the density of water vapor which diminishes over time according to a second parameter.)
Although you perspire more in summer workouts, the dry, cold air of winter can make you lose excess water each time you exhale, in the form of water vapor.
«With a range of over 300 miles per tank, a refueling time of under five minutes, and emissions that consist only of water vapor, Mirai is leading the world forward toward a more sustainable future.»
Foregrounding their conditions of presentation, ownership, reception, and provenance, artworks, artifacts, and their passage through time and narrative discourses are played off the figure of the cloud chamber — an early twentieth century device that used water vapor to mark the movement of subatomic particles, and which laid the ground for the study of particle physics by photographing the patterns these movements produced.
Predictions related to the impact of pinatubo, post 1984 trends, the «satellite cooling» mismatch, lgm tropical sst, water vapor increases, ocean heat content etc have all been made and verified within a short time period.
1) Even though CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere has gone up by 30 % over the last 200 years or so (compared to being stable for 400 000), I have a hard time to comprehend how an increase from 0.028 % to 0.038 % of CO2 by volume can have any effect on the thermal mass of the atmosphere considering that water vapor by volume is 50x greater and has higher thermal coefficients.
I guess I am surprised that with better understanding of the importance of water vapor feedback, sulfate aerosols, black carbon aerosols, more rapid than expected declines in sea ice and attendant decreases in albedo, effects of the deposition of soot and dust on snow and ice decreasing albedo, and a recognition of the importance of GHGs that were probably not considered 30 years ago, that the sensitivity has changed so little over time.
Though it's a long shot, several of us check water vapor animations (h / t Tenney Naumer), and over time the increase in WV and energy is, we think, noticeable.
A larger mystery than either missing carbon or the influence of clouds / water vapor on climate change models is why the physical and life science community and the (in theory) science - based climate change advocates have not taken the time to adequately consult the evidence or experts (albeit exceptions certainly do exist) on communication about environmental issues, risk, or environmental and health literacy.
What we will all now over time, or those who come after will know, is that warming and cooling of the climate is almost entirely dependent upon the sun, its activity, our orbit of it, etc... Of course other things such as volcanism matter, and clouds, and water vapor, and so many other things which are all natural and have happened over and over through the ageof the climate is almost entirely dependent upon the sun, its activity, our orbit of it, etc... Of course other things such as volcanism matter, and clouds, and water vapor, and so many other things which are all natural and have happened over and over through the ageof it, etc... Of course other things such as volcanism matter, and clouds, and water vapor, and so many other things which are all natural and have happened over and over through the ageOf course other things such as volcanism matter, and clouds, and water vapor, and so many other things which are all natural and have happened over and over through the ages.
The study, described in an article today in The Times, finds that poorly understood variations in water vapor concentrations in the stratosphere were probably responsible for a substantial wedge of the powerful warming trend in the 1990s and a substantial portion of «the flattening of global average temperatures since 2000 ″ (to anyone who hates talk of plateaus and the like, those are the authors» words, not mine).
The distance between them being governed by the height of the Rossby convective plume, where heat and water vapor content suggest the residence time.
Since many of these processes result in non-symmetric time, location and temperature dependant feedbacks (eg water vapor, clouds, CO2 washout, condensation, ice formation, radiative and convective heat transfer etc) then how can a model that uses yearly average values for the forcings accurately reflect the results?
The modes assume near constant leves of water vapor, but they are not necessarily so close, however, water tends towards equilibrium, so in the long run, the mode averages may not be far off in that regard, but relative humidity does vary greaty, especially during shorter periods of time.
Rearranaging the winds and water vapor distribution strikes me as a good candidate for effecting a flip on the time scale of a few years, with water vapor content resetting the thermostat.
(In the global time average, diffusion of latent heat is in the same direction as sensible heat transport, but latent heat will tend to flow from higher to lower concentrations of water vapor (or equilibrium vapor pressure at the liquid / solid water surface), and regionally / locally, conditions can arise where the latent heat and sensible heat fluxes are oppositely directed.)
Thus there is convection within the troposphere that (to a first approximation) tends to sustain some lapse rate profile within the layer — that itself can vary as a function of climate (and height, location, time), but given any relative temperature distribution within the layer (including horizontal and temporal variations and relationship to variable CSD contributors (water vapor, clouds)-RRB-, the temperature of the whole layer must shift to balance radiative fluxes into and out of the layer (in the global time averae, and in the approximation of zero global time average convection above the troposphere), producing a PRt2 (in the global time average) equal to RFt2.
Exactly the same sequence of events, MUST happen, before water vapor can condense into liquid water; but this time the latent heat that must FIRST be removed, is about 590 calories per gram.
By that measure, total column CO2 is ~ 3 meters or ~ 3 atm m. Engineering heat transfer calculations often use standard pressure times path length to calculate emissivities of CO2 and water vapor in furnaces from tables or graphs rather than having to do full RT calculations.
Typical storms reach out a distance of about three to five times the radius of the rain dimension, and gather in the water vapor, to produce precipitation.
Strong ones can transport as much vapor as equivalent to 20 times the liquid water discharged by the Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico at any given moment.
We also know that in a warming world we have more water vapor in the atmosphere and some regional water bodies including the Gulf Of Mexico are warmer now then in recent times most likely under the influences of climate changOf Mexico are warmer now then in recent times most likely under the influences of climate changof climate change.
For example, water vapor has a turnover rate of 40 times per year.
But assuming this, given a constant residence time for water vapor molecules, the rates of evaporation and precipitation should rise in step with the absolute humidity.
On the question of hurricanes, the theoretical arguments that more energy and water vapor in the atmosphere should lead to stronger storms are really sound (after all, storm intensity increases going from pole toward equator), but determining precisely how human influences (so including GHGs [greenhouse gases] and aerosols, and land cover change) should be changing hurricanes in a system where there are natural external (solar and volcanoes) and internal (e.g., ENSO, NAO [El Nino - Southern Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation]-RRB- influences is quite problematic — our climate models are just not good enough yet to carry out the types of sensitivity tests that have been done using limited area hurricane models run for relatively short times.
I can remember a time when I was ridiculed @ ClimateAudit, not unanimously though, for suggesting that not only did we not know the magnitude of the water vapor and cloud feedbacks, but that we did not even know the sign.
By several meteorological measures, the airmass associated with this storm is pretty extraordinary: the amount of atmospheric water vapor (precipitable water) expected to be present near San Francisco on Saturday morning may be close to the all - time record value for any time of year.
This method uses consistency between direct normal and diffuse horizontal measurements together with a special regression technique for retrieval of daily time series of column mean aerosol particle size, aerosol optical depth, NO2, ozone and water vapor column amounts together with the instrument's calibration constants.
In contrast, the water vapor interferes to 40 % of those photons, i.e. 236 times more frequently and efficiently than the carbon dioxide.
The heat capacity of water when it changes from liquid to vapor or vice versa is 50,000 times greater than that of the CO2 in a volume of atmosphere with 1 % H20 and 500 ppm CO2.
This snowpack accumulation near the poles, which gets its water via the Arctic and Antarctic oceans, that in turn rob it from equatorial latitudes of our oceans, also results in a reduction in the earth's spin axis moment of inertia and causes the spin rate to increase as evidenced in the recent history of the rate at which Leap Seconds are added to our calendar (see Wysmuller's Toucan Equation for more on this evidence that during this warm time with much greater polar humidity, earlier seasonal, later seasonal and heavier snows are beginning to move water vapor from the oceans to the poles to re-build the polar ice caps and lead us into a global cooling, while man - made CO2 continues to increase
Ouch, I almost forgot those 0.004 % of CO2, but compared with hundreds times more water vapor, clouds and ice reflecting 30 % of direct sunlight, it keeps me rather indifferent.
When the convective processes of the atmosphere remove enough water vapor from the oceans to drop sea levels and build polar ice caps, as has happened many times before, the top 35 meters of the oceans where climate models assume the only thermal mixing occurs, must heat up cold ocean water that comes from depths below the original 35 meter depth, removing vast more amounts of heat from the earth's surface and atmosphere.
And if water vapor is ever found for certain to be 1,000 times more potent yet the regulator / governor of the climate — sometimes positive and sometimes negative, depending on the need of the planet — the whole issue goes away and these people cranking out reams of journal papers that skirt the real central issue will have to go get real jobs.
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