Sentences with phrase «time person»

Many times people don't even see that we have our newborn on the bottom until we point it out!
As the amount of time people spend at leisure (as opposed to work) rises, some activities (like bathing or sleep) account for a shrinking share of total leisure time.
At times people get too carried away with decorating and forget making things functional.
A lot of times people don't see the immediate import or the relevance of some of these biblical stories to real life.
And yet, maybe we missed what is really going on in the text because we have been counting the number of times people in white t - shirts pass the ball around.
Too many times people get caught up with the number on the scale, when in reality, they are making great progress.
The first time this person asks you to help them pay rent, utilities, or any other personal expense of theirs, you'll have your answer.
So many times people think they can't find the exact dog they want unless they buy a puppy.
Many times people who use drugs and alcohol have had difficult experiences at home growing up.
Let's say the business wants to know how much time people spend in training annually, so they know how to better account for revenue - producing work hours next year.
Often time people take phone interviews a bit less seriously, therefore coming to the call unprepared.
For example, the more time a person spends at the mall purchasing goods, the less money he has in his checking account.
Its about time people start seeing sanchez for what he really is.
At the same time people who own real estate for a long time become exhausted due to management, maintenance, and the laws.
And, based on how many times people use their phones, they are bound to find the concrete pavement once in a while.
Many times people with hypertension also have high cholesterol.
A lot of times people feel that the interview went great, however they fail to understand why they didn't get the job!
The only time a person truly fails is when they give up; so keep going, be passionate about it, and it will surely be worthwhile.
So next time people ask you where you get your protein you can simply send them to this post for a yummy protein packed recipe.
Often times people see me as an «advocate» or someone who loves breastfeeding.
We looked at almost 20,000 members on our site and investigated how many times people looked at their match's profiles before communicating.
Most times people go around trying to figure out which work to buy.
Other times people pay too much for things and everybody loses money.
An objective is typically reserved for a first time person coming out of school with little or no practical work experience.
It's about time people like you suck it up and realize the amount of debt our country is in.
It's time people stopped thinking of «justice» as meaning the court system only, or even dispute - resolution systems only.
I'm just looking ahead a few moves to the next time people get stuck.
While shopping around for automobile insurance quotes, most times people end up doing an online search.
Most of time people make such a small mistake and they don't get easily partner for dating.
We say this because many times people choose to wait for a variety of reasons.
Often times people say that I care about others too much but I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing.
We are now three full time persons, with several contractors at any given time.
They say that in war time people read short stories rather than novels.
A: Often it progresses so slowly that a lot of times people just don't notice it.
I can't tell you how many times people assume I'm way younger than my actual years!
Many times people invest more than what they can comfortably put aside for meeting regular expenses, resulting in the cancellation of policies.
Available Space: Although this is a common sense consideration, lots of times people tend to overlook the amount of space they have available for an indoor bike.
My book doesn't come out until 2013, by which time people won't even have biological eyes to read with anymore — books will simply be downloaded into people's heads.
I usually ask, when's the last time this person searched for a job?
What I mean is that often times all people really need is to be heard and to feel strengthened to make it through the day.
A lot of times people move or change phone numbers, and they never let their bank know.
Just like religion, you tell a lie enough times people believe it.
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