Sentences with phrase «time reading books»

I attended a 3 day class with Rich Dad Education, invested some time reading books and listening to podcasts and webminars here.
«But I realized pretty quickly how invaluable time reading books and talking to marriage counselors was to our relationship and future marriage.»
People who knew him as a young man thought him lazy, as he preferred to spend his time reading books.
«I'm a big fan of the Halo story, always have been, and spent a lot of time reading the books and playing the games like a lot of people have,» says Grace.
Instead, they spend their time reading books, newspapers, trade magazines, and other publications to keep up with the latest market trends.
But if you spend a lot of time reading books, I still think e-ink readers do that job better than anything else (even better than physical books, if you ask me).
Reading eBooks is proven to be more popular among children especially when nearly 50 % of parents think that their children do not spend enough time reading books for fun.
Let's say you want your child to have an unlimited amount of time reading books, but want to limit their video and app intake.
Not that I wouldn't read any of their other books based on that, but they are not on the list as I would rather spend my time reading books of those authors that DID respond to me.
To invest their time reading your books?
Living both in the Little Girl's world and in their own, they spend their time reading books...
I want to spend less time reading brief news articles and more time reading books.
At the same time, dedicated readers who spend a long time reading books are likely to stick to their e-readers mainly on account of the sheer reading pleasure that they get from e-readers.
Reading is the primarily aspect of this device both to purchase books and also spend quality time reading the books.
Readers will not feel they have wasted their time reading my books.
Put in some time reading books in your genre with these questions in mind.
Living both in the Little Girl's world and in their own, they spend their time reading books in the library, watching television and trying to make sense of their world.
He'd played football in college, and he wanted me to be an athlete, but I spent all my time reading books.
Suddenly, average George becomes curious George, spending all his time reading books, creating ingenious scientific gadgets, and learning new languages in about the time it takes you and me to eat breakfast.
I spend my time reading books, waching movies, and walking my dog fluffy.
I spend a lot of my time reading books about the economy!
During their last semester there, the trio spent a lot of time reading books on spirituality, philosophy, modern history, religions, ancient history, politics, astronomy, and other related topics.
I didn't change his nap schedule and we still made sure to spend lots of time reading books and doing our usual bedtime routine.
She does like hanging out too much; rather she would love to spend her time reading books and talking to their parents.
If someone told Wendy that she needs to «be more balanced» and spend less time cooking and with children and more time reading books, she wouldn't do so well.
As part of my work over the last four years, I've spent a significant amount of time reading books in the Christian «marriage advice» genre: Real Marriage, His Needs, Her Needs, Love & Respect.
Back during the (George W.) Bush Administration, I spent (or rather wasted) some time reading books and articles written by journalists who were suspicious (I hesitate to say paranoid) about those suspicious and paranoid fringe religious kooks (theonomists and theocrats) who threatened to take over....
Every time you read a book you should be thinking of ideas that you could implement into your business.
«At the time we read the book as an executive team, our business struggled at creating alignment in working toward goals, and at having a strong internal and external communication model.
Every time I read this book, I am reminded never to underestimate the power of a team with a common mission.
At the time we read the book we were suffering the fallout for extricating ourselves from a toxic and codependent relationship with the church and some of its leaders.
At the time we read the book we were suffering the fallout for extricating ourselves from a...
When was the last time you read a book?
It was inspired by a recipe in Nigel Slater's new book Notes from the Larder: A Kitchen Diary with Recipes (I could spend hours at a time reading this book by the way... it's fabulous).
At first I avoided pointing that out as I thought my two - year - old might be upset to know the new baby would be taking her milk, but one day she said herself, «Baby having mummy milk» so then we mentioned it each time we read the book and I pointed out baby pigs, sheep, and cows on the farm having milk from their mums too.
The last time I read a book cover to cover was Christmas!ReplyCancel Carol recently posted..
I had a hard time reading the book once I came across the PDF myths that are presented as fact.
Leo, at not even four and half, is thriving at school and every time he reads a book to me or smashes it at his counting games, I know he is right where he needs to be.
About this time I read a book on home schooling by John Holt.
Each time you read the book, pause at a different point in the story so he can work on the pronunciation of new words.
«They would still have a hard time reading a book like War and Peace,» Bennett says, but «they can find their way around a room.»
Lilly even said the first time she read her book, «That little girl is named Lilly, too!
I am a christian, and i live my life by that principle I enjoy good food, I work out two to three times a week during my free time I read books for fun, and I spend my time with friends sometimes.I am a sincere and down to earth.I do not play game, neither do I expect any one to play ga...
so you're writting a review about a movie which YOU don't understand, the ghost - like characters are called DEMENTORS, death eaters are just dark wizards, the «hovering water dish» is called the pensieve, the truth about the elder wand is revealed way before, it was YOU that didn't know it, and I can go on but whatever, next time READ the book...
Dallas and D.C. were «input» experiments where students were paid for taking certain specific steps that they controlled: In Dallas, second - graders were paid $ 2 each time they read a book and passed a quiz on it; in D.C., middle - schoolers received money rewards for such things as good behavior, attendance, turning in homework, and wearing a school uniform.
And, remember, many times (and I mean a lot) book agents pass on publishable projects because they simply don't have time read every book that's presented to them — and they don't fall in love with every book.
When was the last time you read a book based on a cover you saw in a public place?
After reading Scrivener Superpowers, readers tell me they not only had a great time reading the book, they not only feel prepared to write their books with Scrivener, but they feel like their whole writing practice has been transformed.
While I hope every author puts in the effort to make their book as perfect as possible (after all, if they can't be bothered to spend that time, why should I bother to spend the time reading the book?)
I've never been to Ireland, but every time I read this book I feel as if I've taken a trip there.
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