Sentences with phrase «time sharing space»

Two unrelated males or two unrelated females may have a particularly hard time sharing space.

Not exact matches

Launching your startup in a shared space is energizing but when your company grows up, the time comes to move out.
Gary Vaynerchuk, Brian Lee, and some celebrity investors will soon be spending their free time at a shared office space in midtown Manhattan, just a few blocks from Times Square.
But introverted thinkers make their best contributions when they've had time to process relevant data and space to choose words carefully and share thoughtful conclusions,» Cullinan points out.
For example, set up video conferencing in most spaces, use adjustable height desks with monitor arms that allow for screen sharing and movement, or embrace whiteboards and tables with built - in touchscreens for improved real - time collaboration.
«Dedication and hard work has yielded fantastic results in a short space of time and this is a real global success story for the UK sharing economy.
«Nick and I have been good friends for a long time, and would spend hours discussing our shared view of the consumer retail space, and where the industry was headed,» Massenet tells us of how the two came together.
Because of the slowing subscriber adds and the increased competition in the space, analysts are expecting earnings to drop, down to 3 cents per share from 5 cents per share (adjusted from 38 cents after its 7 - for - 1 stock split in June) at this time last year.
«The last time R&D's share of GDP was in this range was during the mid-1960s, when the country was in a «Space Race» to beat Russia to the moon,» says Laetsch.
In the next two posts in this series we will discuss getting to know other people by spending time and sharing space with them, and getting to know them by hearing and knowing their stories.
This involves the sharing of living space and resources in order to reduce one's personal living expenses and / or to free up more individual time and energy for mission of one kind or another and / or to provide mutual support in living a more person - centered and God - centered life.
He believes that after the death of the body there is a release from the time - and - space predicament and a conscious sharing in the timeless Life of God, in which there are probably various stages of enlightenment and knowledge.
There have certainly been times that I have desired such a life, quiet devotion, simplicity, responsible for nothing more than my own daily existence and the shared chores that sharing space with others required.
Moving into smaller, more modest, rented, donated or shared space would free seminaries from the massive burden of maintaining their properties and liberate resources of money and time.
I can't give you the evidence you might want because I can not present it in space and time other than the corroborative testimonies of many who share their own experiences with the miraculous.
In the Father - Son relationship, the eternal and ineffable Father becomes intimately related to the incarnate Son, who takes up residence in the mundane world of time and space shared by the rest of creation.
And caring means sharing: a sharing of others» burdens, a sharing of our own blessings, a sharing of our time and space, a sharing of our love and of our self.
«A ritual view of communication is not directed toward the extensions of messages in space, but the maintenance of society in time; not the act of imparting information or influence, but the creation, representation, and celebration of shared beliefs».
However, it can be argued that Whitehead's theory is fundamentally Newtonian if, in addition to noting the above parallel, it can be shown that Whitehead and Newton share a common understanding of the status and function of such a uniform and independent space and time structure in scientific inquiry.
The preceding investigation into the Newtonian and Whiteheadian theories of space and time structure suggests that there is a clear and definite parallel between the two theories and argues that the parallel is significant because Newton and Whitehead share a common understanding of the status and function of a uniform and independent space and time structure in scientific inquiry.
The naturalists on the other hand, with a powerful impetus from Aristotle, took the categories of physics and biology such as form and matter, time and space, cause and effect, and sought real being in that which man shares with all nature.
To discover that the entirety of the physical space and historical time it shares is of God might check its relentless habit of restricting meaning to hot spots in its worship and to crises in the lives of its individual members.
In the mystical moment of the celebrations of el dia de los muertos, the veil of time and space is removed and we are all together on earth and in heaven, in time and in eternity singing the same songs, enjoying the same drinks and sharing in the same life that no earthly power can take away from us.
She's also a student at Edinburgh so I thought she'd be a great person to ask to share some tips and tricks on eating well when time, space and money is limited!
In this space I'd like to share with you recipes I've developed one meal at a time, as well as favorite family's recipes that I've given some vegan flair.
The kitchen is the heart of our home and every party, so it's nice to have everyone sharing the same space and spending time together.
This weekend's project is to prepare space for them in our yard, so it seems like a fitting time to share the recipe for this lovely cake.
The only reason I can attach to this arrogance is that once not so very long ago we shared top - dog status with another big club and managed to cobble together 3 PL titles and some FA cups in a short space of time.
It was lovely to spend some time thinking about these things, and to share a space with the other interviewed women and their beautiful homes.
Sharing our fears and anxieties about parenting with others can help us realize we all feel vulnerable at times and this can provide a space for growth and connection.
Because of the space of time spanned between each of the 6th, 7th and 8th grade sessions, we were able to put what we learned into practice and then bring our experiences back to the course to share and to review where needed.»
As I've shared those guest posts here in this space each day during the month of June, I've felt full of gratitude all over again each time.
The OurFamilyWizard ® website and mobile applications provide a neutral space for divorced or separated parents to easily schedule and track parenting time, share information, manage expenses and payments, and create an accurate, clear record of communication.
I hold her gaze calmly, knowing she needs space and time to work through her feelings before she'll be able to share them.
Make sure kids have their own space and time to do their own thing — to play with toys by themselves, to play with friends without a sibling tagging along, or to enjoy activities without having to share 50 - 50.
Also, it gave the adults a chance to share time and space with a child and to accept a nursing toddler as something normal.
When there are times of conflict in relationships like with toddlers who don't want to share their toys or get upset when a child gets in their space, this is not really the time to try and reason with the toddler.
We bed - shared and night - nursed until about 16 months, and in that time (although I know it was difficult some nights) he never asked me to go nurse somewhere else so he could get some sleep / have space / whatever.
Through prenatal and postnatal yoga we create space and time to tune into our maternal strength and wisdom, to create balance and share a whole lot of love.
But sharing our time and space with children does not mean that we have been forced into a life of martyrdom.
Best practice these days is for Pages to post at least 2 - 3 times per day, assuming we have the content, with posts spaced out enough to allow each one a chance to appear in our followers» news feeds and garner those all - important Likes, Shares and Comments.
I spend much of my productive time now at WeWork, a shared professional space just down the Green Line in the Shaw neighborhood.
Those charitable donations would include not just direct monetary gifts, but also «in - kind» contributions such as staff time or shared office space between nonprofit organizations.
The hobbits overlapped in time and space with Homo sapiens, showing that even in relatively recent history more than one human species shared our planet — a situation evocative of the colorful world of J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle - earth, but undeniably real.
And as the last 5,000 or so years of human civilization make clear, any time large numbers of human beings gather together in one shared space without laws governing their behavior, problems inevitably arise.
Over decades it dissolves into the brine that shares the pore space or, over longer time spans, forms carbonate minerals with the surrounding rock, Hovorka notes.
And we provide features like the Next Wave Forum platform and the Postdoc Network Listserv that enable you to talk with each other, unhindered by time, space, cost, or Next Wave staff — to share your own secrets, struggles, and successes with a global online community of like - minded individuals.
It was during this time that the future and first director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., would share his vision of manned space exploraSpace Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., would share his vision of manned space exploraspace exploration.
There are plenty of people for mosquitoes to bite and residents may be more likely to spend time in community gardens and shared green spaces, which makes them available to mosquitoes,» says LaDeau.
I was in middle school, just starting to enjoy learning, and had a hard time dealing with the idea that a teacher who was supposed to go into space, then come back to share her experience with her classroom and other classrooms, now wasn't coming back at all.
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