Sentences with phrase «time sitting»

Regardless, we had a wonderful time sitting by the pool, exploring the city, dining in new places, and simply relaxing!
You'll have an easier time sitting up straight and feeling light as a feather because of the strong support system featured in the back of the bra!
Being that I spend most of my time sitting at a desk and typing codes and words on a daily basis, it feels pretty weird I'm pretty much the only one who didn't shared her workspace yet.
I am loving this room that is all my own and have spent a lot of time sitting in here admiring my pretty little space!
As any snowboarder would know I spend a lot of time sitting in the snow adjusting my bindings and not once did I feel the cold.
Anyway, all this time sitting all by myself in a room I got to realize a few things, thoughts from which I usually ran from by keeping myself busy.
In addition, when you spend too much time sitting, your largest muscle group — the glutes (your butt)-- become lazy and quit firing.
We're both high - strung, type A personalities that have a hard time sitting still.
We spend most of our time sitting on our butt (glutes), which causes the muscles opposite of them — the hip flexors — to become tight and inactive.
And part of the reason why you want to get that stuff done in sort of a scaled up environment, either through technology or in a group, is so that when you're spending the time sitting across from someone in the office, that you're using that time as effectively as possible to be able to get the information that you need to get to the root cause.
Desk yoga video Chances are you spend a lot of time sitting — in a desk chair, in the car and at home on the couch.
With defecation dysfunction comes straining and prolonged periods of time sitting on the toilet.
The device could record the time sitting, walking and measured 10 minute bouts of exercise they claim to be moderate to vigorous.
If you've experienced this, don't cross garland pose off your to - do list since it's a really effective way to counter the tightness you get from spending too much time sitting in chairs.
Unlike the rest of average peoples who spend most of our time sitting and working needs only 1,600 to 3,000 calories only.
Using an exercise ball to replace your office chair (or dinner chair, or sofa, or any other chair where you spend a lot of time sitting) helps improve your core conditioning and your posture by forcing you to engage in active sitting.
This is no surprise since most people spend most of their time sitting at a desk, working on computers or watching movies and participating in a sedentary lifestyle.
So for someone who would have a hard time sitting and meditating that kind of movement would be helpful.
Canned legumes are lower in FODMAPs then when you soak and cook your own — likely as the legumes have a long time sitting in the liquid to allow the GOS in them to leach into the water / liquid that you drain off when you open the legumes.
In fact, studies show that overfat people spend more time sitting than those who are not overfat.
I spent hours upon hours at a time sitting there staring at a screen.
They also spend a surprising amount of time sitting.
However, if your schedule makes regular workouts difficult and you spend most of your time sitting in front of a computer, these quick exercises could make a world of difference to your current and future wellbeing!
We spend so much time sitting at our desks that it places us at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, weight gain, muscle loss, and musculoskeletal pain.5 Remarkable Websites to Help You Understand Your Health & Fitness
We spend so much time sitting at our desks that it places us at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, weight gain, muscle loss, and musculoskeletal pain.
The average adult spends 90 percent of their leisure time sitting down.
If you work long hours, spend a lot of time sitting at your desk and find it hard to get motivated when it comes to...
Modern humans spend a lot of time sitting, and are only now beginning to realize how bad it is for health.
You don't need to waste your precious time sitting in a gym doing endless repetitions.
This type of stretching is a must - do for anyone who spends way too much time sitting every day.
I had a hard time sitting for the next 2 days!
People with desk jobs are especially susceptible to back pain because they spend so much time sitting, so their hamstrings are in a shortened position, says Kelly.
Study participants who spent a lot of time sitting were more likely to have thinning of this brain region, the investigators found.
The men in the study who spent six hours or more per day of their leisure time sitting had an overall death rate that was 20 percent higher than the men who sat for three hours or less.
Did you know that Americans spend 70 percent of their time sitting down?
When you spend too much time sitting down, you inadvertently shorten you hip flexors and compress your lower back, which in turn affect your posture,...
During this time sitting in fields or structures, they were exposed to elements and left to mold, ferment, and sprout.
Alpa Patel (PhD), an epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society, showed men who spent six hours or more per day of their leisure time sitting had an overall death rate that was about 20 percent higher than the men who sat for three hours or less.
See your doc if: You have a difficult time sitting still (like during a meeting or at your desk) and have an urge to constantly get up and move around the office.
The main reasons for this, however, can be found not so much in biology as in our modern sedentary lifestyle — as we age, we tend to be less and less physically active and spend more time sitting on a couch or working at a desk.
This is the first time The Sitting Solution has been available to the public and we won't keep the early bird special going for long.
Self - described night owls spend more time sitting than people who consider themselves early birds, according to a 2014 research abstract in the journal Sleep; they also report having more difficulty finding time to exercise and maintaining a regular exercise schedule.
Many of us, including those who are otherwise physically active, spend ludicrous amounts of time sitting in front of a computer all day, the result of which is having hips that require a crowbar to unglue them.
This is a perfect pose for travelers who tend to spend a lot of time sitting in one position.
She told me she had a hard time sitting still, and when she did, she only got more frustrated because she couldn't get her mind to slow down and be quiet.
I spent a lot of time sitting on the Peak or some other vantage point, wearing the same colored clothes, and watching them from a distance.
The monkeyed - with monkeys circled their cages repetitively, anxiously grunted when a person looked at them, and spent less time sitting near another monkey than monkeys without the extra gene.
Men spent more time sitting than women — an average of one hour more each day.
Dr Prince said: «Women with coronary artery disease spend less time sitting for long periods but we need to do more research to understand why.
As a first step toward such a trial, she conducted the TABS study, which showed that it was feasible to coach adults aged 60 and older to spend less time sitting: an average of 27 minutes less per day.
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