Sentences with phrase «time some conversations feel»

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Considering just how much has changed over the last two years, we felt it was time to revisit the influencer conversation.
Making time for innovation as an ongoing topic of boardroom conversation is a luxury few board members feel they have.
What about the feeling you get when you're in such a good conversation time disappears?
As the conversation continues, we get the feeling that if cigarettes had been invented at that time, Pilate would be chain - smoking them intensely as his curiosity and discomfort turn to agonized puzzlement and dejection.
It is time for you to face the real conversation about that birth and your feelings about having another baby.
Stewarding my time in this way has helped me feel more present and engaged with each group, and I'm so grateful for every opportunity I get to have real, in - the - flesh conversations with readers.
Once the two are together in a conversation, topics may begin innocently, which once again, in and of itself is not immoral, but often times innocent topics lead to discussing topics that typically are reserved for spouses, such as feelings and desires.
In ours, if someone tells me to «fuck off asshole» I don't feel that he has offered me an invitation to converse or consider, merely to know that I am not worth their time for conversation and understanding.
Unless you are a deep, personal friend of someone's and feel called to to enter into a deep, vulnerable conversation with them, never say this, even if you've heard them joke about it from time to time.
Best Conversations / Connections: I had an amazing time at the Q: Women and Calling event in New York City and, to my surprise, left feeling profoundly encouraged about the progress of gender equality within evangelicalism.
We don't have to stay silent and feel heartbroken time and again — we can have honest, respectful conversations and empower ourselves and others to take meaningful action.
In the United States, during a time where some white Christians feel offended if and when Starbucks doesn't give them the proper shout out on their holiday cups, it seems erroneous to refer to Christian Privilege in lieu of centering the conversation around White Privilege.
You can feel the excitement as weather becomes the topic of conversation and everyone speaks of outdoor meals and sunsets.My friend, and eternally - inspiring, Jenn Elliott - Blake and I created a Spanish dinner that you can enjoy at any time of the year but suits summer entertaining perfectly.
«I feel the support and have said that so many times and I felt that support in our conversation this week.
The very thought of give and take and «we need to talk» and «you're not spending enough time with me» type of conversations all feels so claustrophobic.
Feeling refreshed from the time away, energized by the music, and fueled by the good conversation with the people we met.
I want a frank, open, and honest conversation with her to make sure I've not missed something but time is passing me by too fast and I don't want to go to my grave feeling I wasted my entire life.
after being in this kind of relationship for all this years you start to question everything about yourself you think you must be too fat or too ugly for a few years I thought what was the point in leaving him if my own husband doesn't want who else is going to want me I must of had the conversation about how our situation was affecting me over 1000 times when he did bother to come near me like once every 5 - 8 months he'd say it wasn't enjoyable for him because I was very awkward but he never understood the reason I was uncomfortable how are you supposed to feel good about yourself when you know your husband would rather look at other women online
When the conversation takes a turn toward competitiveness and winning or losing, and that uncomfortable feeling sets in, it may be time to move to another topic.
Your child will feel more fulfilled with a thought - out answer, and more importantly, you will feel better for having taken the time to have a mindful conversation with your child.
«That's really what the intention is — to get the conversation out there so you can really think about your options earlier on without shame, and feel good about yourself and feel more control of the journey,» says Thayer, who is in her early 40s and splits her time between Tiburon and England, where she is a TV producer.
Norene Ybarra: I feel like a lot of the times whenever it comes up on conversation I will get that «Oh!
But at the same time, many parents rightfully feel it necessary to discuss what the media is saying about these types of issues, especially now that the new Netflix series 13 Reasons Why has put this conversation right at the front of many parents» minds.
The more time you have to have conversations about it, the less stressed you'll feel.
I've been so irked over the mostly negative responses to the Time article — trying to appreciate any publicity of breastfeeding as helping it to be more normalized in mainstream — but really just feeling like I have to ignore most of the conversation as the judgement and ignorant fodder is honestly painful!
You can also include time each week to continue the conversation about your depression and anxiety and check in to see how your child is doing and feeling.
«They are having conversations internally, I did not get the feeling they are entirely opposed to the idea, they just want to do it right the first time and not have to repair anything later,» the source said.
In a follow - up conversation last week, Williams said: «I probably feel even stronger about what I said before as time passed by.»
If you're feeling self - righteous, or like you did nothing wrong, or the conversation has broken down, it's a good time to seek advice.
Take the time to have face - to - face conversations with the people around you, and you will feel more connected and less stressed.
As the conversation progresses, if your health care provider seems a bit distracted or if there is not enough time to discuss everything you'd like, feel empowered to make a separate appointment to specifically discuss the menopausal changes you may be going through.
Prior to this experiment, I spent most days in a fog, taking multiple naps per day, sleeping 10 + hours a night and not feeling rested, being hungry all the time, bingeing on carbs, and having trouble holding conversations.
I feel as if I confuse my friends every time I tell them I am drinking juice... that came out of a blender (This conversation surprisingly happens a lot more than it should, so I am explaining now...).
Hug everyone with your words... this is what we think of when we work with Sandy because that's how you feel each time you leave the conversation... like you just got a big southern hug.
So my message to you not only includes a Thank you for taking the time to make Mini feel worth while and special a couple of years ago with your inspiring message and gifts to her, but also a Thank you for continuing to share your experiences online as I know she is going to LOVE this page!!!! She has a bout this afternoon and I am sure she will have a silent conversation with you prior to hitting the track.
We had to root around in the talking and the questions for some time before I noticed that I was remembering my dreams more... writing about them... bringing into the conversation for no clear reason — and sharing my stories, images, feelings and interpretations.
«Puberty is a really vulnerable time for a young woman, and the fact that it's not talked about enough can make you feel uncomfortable being the one to bring it up in conversation,» she says.
There are times when I'm incredibly comfortable sharing my heart, my thoughts, my feelings, my beliefs and stuff with you guys here on this blog... but if I were to have that same conversation with someone IN PERSON... I'd feel weird.
We had such a good time filming these - they are real conversations that we've been having off camera, so they really are authentic to how we feel and how we actually speak about these things.
I love the idea and feeling of new, fresh beginnings and every time, when the 1st of month comes around, I feel that I have a chance to press that invisible «restart» button, sort out my thoughts, have a conversation with my inner being and get a clearer picture of the path I'll be taking on that month (s).
If you see a conversation with your friends going to a dark place, then steer the conversation to a time when you felt powerful in the gym.
As much as it might feel like there is, there's no perfect time to have a difficult conversation.
I felt bound to go through with the date, but I felt phony as I made polite conversation and spent time with someone I knew I wouldn't meet again.
If your partner asks you to unfriend your cute male friends or feels uncomfortable with you maintaining contact with your ex, it's time for a conversation.
Texting is your opportunity to cement a man's attraction to you with fun, playful, and light - hearted conversations, so that by the time the first date rolls around, he will feel as if he has known you forever.
Truth be told, I'm not expecting much — maybe a few free meals with awkward conversations — but I am committed to putting forth my best effort, even if it feels like I just took on a part - time job to keep up with all these sites.
With time you will be able to tell him how you really feel, but avoid that conversation at beginning of a relationship.
You may feel nervous when you are talking through a video chat for the first time and this might mean that points of conversation are not forthcoming.
Unlike email, instant messaging takes place in real - time and is a great way to get a feel for how someone responds immediately in a conversation.
Talking to someone online is less daunting than walking up to someone at a bar — and you get to practice your conversation skills with the added bonus of being able to take time to think about what you're going to say — helping you feel more in control when you meet someone in person.
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