Sentences with phrase «time someone appears on screen»

I feel a nearly irresistible urge to fast forward every time she appears on screen.
The acting by Clooney is decent, but unfortunately I can't shake the image of Dr. Ross every time he appeared on the screen.
I feel a nearly irresistible urge to fast - forward every time she appears on screen.
Every time they appeared on screen I became instantly annoyed, though younger audiences will likely be amused by the escapades of Hamish, Hubert, and Harris.
Every time he appears on screen, The Shape of Water derives from its dark fairytale roots and turns into a spy movie, losing some focus and tone.
She's clearly having a ball hamming it up as the villain, and every time she appears on screen, the film glows.
Miyavi is quiet, deadly, and unsettling every time he appears on screen.
The constant flashbacks, folding the narrative unto itself, and Cregar's imposing, Wellesian presence (not to mention that Vincent Price voice) are the real story here, delivering a structure that's never less than engrossing, plus a heavy who's genuinely menacing every time he appears on screen.
Every time he appeared on screen the audience was shook.
Every time she appears on screen, I tended to zone out.
Dunkirk's Keoghan is the most memorable, due to the fact that every word and stare he gives makes the audience feel more uncomfortable every time he appears on screen.
Soul - mates Ken and Barbie try to figure out if they've seen each other before, Lotso rules over the rest with a tyrannical, furry fist, and a cymbal - banging monkey who serves as monitor and alarm system gets a laugh each time it appears on screen.
This lessens their impact every time they appear on screen.
Jermaine Clemente of Flight of the Conchords fame and newcomer Cori Gonzalez - Macuer are hilarious every time they appear on screen, as is Rhys Darby in a memorable werewolf cameo.
And its latency — the tiny delay between when you begin drawing and the time it appears on the screen — is virtually imperceptible.
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