Sentences with phrase «time someone bites»

The next time you bite into a bright red, perfectly shaped strawberry, give a shout - out to the bees.
I'm a lawyer, but at times a bit of a doctor as well.
To put it in perspective, I need to go back in time a bit (well, more than a bit!).
At times a bit of a lag was detected however when using the touchscreen, but it's not exceptionally clunky.
You may need to increase the cook time a bit if the scones don't set.
You can start with just a few minutes a day and extend tummy time a bit more each week.
I love the second outfit, it's statement but at the same time a bit casual!
You can double the recipe and bake it in a 9 - by 13 - inch baking dish, but you'll need to increase the baking time a bit.
Want your belt to slow down time a bit longer?
This article can help you do a bit of research ahead of time to hopefully make financial management at tax time a bit less stressful.
The reviewer also went on to say that the compromise for the fun was a ride that was at times a bit too rough.
I was able to stock up on some frozen seafood over the past two weeks which will make dinner time a bit easier.
The next time you bite into a supermarket tomato and are less than impressed with the taste, blame aesthetics.
Sometimes, inflation has been a bit higher than expected, other times a bit lower.
The combination of sweet and salty is a little unexpected touch the first time you bite into the prime rib.
In addition, packing his own food and water bowls could make meal times a bit less stressful.
The video review makes it look good and hopefully the system update will reduce the load times a bit.
* to make prep time a bit quicker in the morning, I had all of my dry ingredients already mixed.
I often see a difference in between different cans of pumpkin because they're sometimes runny or other times a bit thick.
Only you know what your little one needs, but maybe just giving them a at nap during the day or limiting their nap time a bit can help them sleep better at night.
We want to share our favorite breastfeeding products that make this special time a bit easier.
While each father develops his own way of coping with the birth of a premature or sick infant, this information may help make this difficult time a bit easier.
With a disposable we can just toss it out no harm no foul, but caring for cloth diapers is actually really easy and at times a bit therapeutic.
Prepare for daylight savings time by shifting your bedtime and waking time a bit every day the week before.
Spread some treats around - bring out the hunting instincts in your cat and make feeding time a bit more fun by spreading treats around the house that your cat can find.
But it does have things to extend the gameplay time a bit more.
You may have to adjust cook time a bit to account for the difference in material / depth, and you may not get the crispy edges that the skillet does so beautifully.
I'm excited to go back in time a bit and finally share some of the best shots and stories from my 2016.
This will get you to the * new * time a bit more gradually.
Going through the wedding day preparations and motions were at times a bit overwhelming, but looking back it was all worth it.
The engine is clearly proven, so why mess with it other than to maybe speed up load times a bit?
Finding a friend to date online is from time to time a bit easier said than done.
That was followed last week by a story in The New York Times Bits blog speculating (and citing that Calacanis story) that Amazon might just very well be exploring opening physical stores.
The New York Times Bits blog reported that Amazon's Lab 126 R&D facility is interested in building products besides the company's flagship Kindle e-readers.
My teeth never used to be sensitive, but I find now that I'm having a hard time biting into ice cream... because that's how I roll... I like to bite into ice cream.
In the area of Family Law, personal rapport and client contact is many times every bit as important as the legal knowledge and experience of your attorney.
Still, the PlayBook will likely reach the market around the time Apple's second - gen iPad does, something we can guess will answer most of the criticisms of the first model while at the same time biting away at the BlackBerry slate's impressive feature set.
Baby can also chew or suck the wrist rattle, extending tummy time a bit longer.
This Dark Souls 3 review looks into what makes Dark Souls 3 a true Souls game and at the same time a bit disappointing.
Using a smartphone to control the game makes the Aiden portions more efficient, but the overall the control scheme still feels limited and at times a bit wonky.
At times a bit awkward if someone walks into my office but ALWAYS so enjoyable for me!!
Those who are not fully absorbed may find the 136 - minute running time a bit much, but most will be hooked by Lars von Trier's film.
You can do either, you may just need to adjust the cooking time a bit if they are frozen, but I have done it both ways:)
Consilience represents the increased tendency of the educated mind in our society to feel alienated from religion (if at the same time a bit nostalgic for it), to be suspicious of religious authority, and to find theism implausible.
So when Daring Bakers» announced that we have to make Mascarpone Cheese as part of their February challenge issued by Deeba & Aparna, I was excited but at the same time a bit apprehensive about it.
I've also reduced the amount of yeast by half which increases the wait time a bit but rewards with complexity of flavor: Your house will soon smell like a country bakery in the days of yore!
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