Sentences with phrase «time someone try»

That means you can focus on pushing yourself toward more sweat and a better workout, instead of wasting time trying to figure out the exercise.
I don't spend time trying to read tea leaves either.
I have spent much time trying different ways but I have been unsuccessful.
This body type has a much harder time trying lose weight and they find it very easy to gain muscle, especially in their legs.
At the same time try making your dating website the ultimate online meeting space, and a fun place to be this holiday.
«It might take just 15 minutes to write a post, but a lot more time trying to figure out what to write about and researching it,» he explains.
The first few times you try surfing, you'll be directed to the broken waves by your conscientious surf coach.
I have tried, and failed, one too many times trying to make thin slices myself.
Even though it can be very frustrating at times trying to maneuver around while aiming and shooting, seeing others being successful makes you want to learn that much more.
From the very first time I tried on a pair, they have become my absolute favorite for running and everyday wear.
There is no doubt that balancing your work and family is a real task but during your kid's difficult time try spending as much as time possible with them.
A mother who was in labor for a very long time tried getting in a bath of warm water.
The second time I tried the recipe I made 4 very large loaves.
We wanted you spend less time trying to figure out HOW to use our system, and more time actually using the tools that are included.
The authority, however, will have a tough time trying win over village officials.
Then your accountants are wasting valuable time trying to find the rogue number.
To say the least we were pressed for time trying to get stuff done before it got dark.
Several times they try sitting in different configurations, as if that might improve the quality of their music.
Since I don't have the best skin, I've spent a lot of time trying different products and looking for high quality skincare to keep my face glowing.
The next time I tried making it in the sauce and it came out fantastic, even the kids loved it.
Today I'm still cooking my way through various Nordic recipes, sometimes returning to family classics, other times trying something new.
We use a similar service and have had a great time trying new recipes.
This happened every single time we tried to feed.
This isn't really necessary; however, I found it helpful when my husband was there with me the first time I tried using the pillow.
I have to disagree with you, not to be negative but has anyone else had the worst time trying to shop for maternity clothes?
It's going to be fulfilling to take time trying to draw what your baby will look like.
You could spend your entire day running the office and not enough time trying to grow it.
Maybe next time try adding more graham cracker crumbs or less butter.
We had a terrible time trying to choose a name that would give people at least a hint about who we are and what we are about.
This is my third time trying to make sourdough.
Rather than wasting precious time trying to figure it out, know this — guys who are interested can't wait to be in your company.
Spend a little time trying to catch employees doing good things, too.
The first time I tried going paleo there was one meal I really struggled with.
Next time I try again I think i'll decrease the soda to a tsp or less, will it matter much?
The one time I tried doing it, I fell on my face....
I had a much easier time trying to find stuff on his reader than he did on mine!
You'll be able to pop your phone in and out of the protective pocket without having to spend any extra time trying to get your case off.
Don't waste another second of valuable work time trying to remember if you booked your rental car or what your flight confirmation number is.
I had a horrible time trying to get the beans soft.
I also tell people that if they do go to make sure that they don't spend all of their free time trying to graduate top of their class.
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