Sentences with phrase «time someone view something»

The more times they view it, the more chance you will receive contact from them.
The more times you view it, the more likely you are to spot any existing or potential problems.
I've just recently embraced celery salt - for a long time I viewed it with suspicion, as though it were some sort of imposter.
Each story is assessed individually and given a Relevancy Score; a measure of how likely Facebook thinks you are to spend time viewing it, like it, comment on it, or share it.
Most people have a difficult time viewing themselves, their careers, and their achievements objectively and are uncomfortable «tooting their own horn.»
Something cosmetic that you get people in the door and hope they can overlook or see beyond is one thing, this being structural, you need to be upfront as it saves you and buyers wasted time viewing something they have no interest in.
On the other hand it sounds like you made good use of your down time and that Ashley and her husband have a wonderful e-book And that you got to spend some Extra time viewing it and reading it.
Like those Pop Art works by Warhol and Lichtenstein that that still make our hearts race on par with the first time we viewed them, the steady pulse of great optical works so too sustain unwavering energy and excitement.
Each time I viewed it, I wore clothing with prints to mimic traditional African garb for cosplay and to just look cute.
You can post flattering comments on her photos or leave her with a sweet, romantic note that makes her feel special and reminds her of you each time she views it.
This is one of those rare films that is different every time you view it, and just when you seem to make sense of it all, its true meaning is eternally elusive.
The Spaulding premiere marks Bauman's third time seeing the film, but this time he viewed it with the people who worked alongside him in his recovery, many of whom are in the film.
Yet, every time I view it, I never fail to be thoroughly captivated and entertained.
In other news, Google Photos now cache videos so that it doesn't use bandwidth every time you view them and will ensure the videos or photos load instantly whenever you open them on your device.
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