Sentences with phrase «time spent on»

The reasons behind this adverse association likely include time spent on screens replacing time spent sleeping; mental stimulation from media content; and the effects of light interrupting sleep cycles, according to the researchers.
«These strategies may include increased time outdoors and reduced time spent on near based activities including electronic devices that require constant focussing up close.
For its part, the district doubled the amount of time spent on math and gave teachers shared planning time to prepare additional lessons.
Existing research suggests that less time spent on dialysis before transplant can improve patient outcomes and survival after transplant.
However, time spent on chores for both older women and men is shaped by their health.
Crouch and his colleagues found that those in the low PVR group had lower mortality (0 vs. 1.1 %) and fewer complications, including delirium (7.8 % vs. 14.9 %), pneumonia / tracheobronchitis (6.3 % vs. 15.5 %), and a statistically significant lower rate of reperfusion lung injury (7.8 % vs. 25.9 %), The low PVR group also experienced statistically significant recoveries, with less time spent on the ventilator (1.7 vs. 3.2 days), in the ICU (4 vs. 5.8 days) and in the hospital (13 vs. 16.3 days).
Possible explanations for the link could include less time spent on domestic tasks such as cooking; an over-reliance on unhealthier convenience foods and ready meals; and lower household income.
Questions ranged from how they spent their time on the Internet and their number of email addresses to time spent on the Internet daily and for what purpose.
That is, as loneliness increases, the time spent on Facebook increases.
Considering that children average more than 40 hours of screen time a week, not counting time spent on a computer at school, even small changes can make a difference, researchers said.
But because «grad students pay fees» and postdocs don't, she suspects that, in a competition for scarce funds, «there might be a shift in the ratio» of time spent on postdocs versus grad students.
Crucially, the team also found that flexibility — or the rate that a squirrel switched between behavioural tactics — was not linked to learning how to get the food, and also increased the time spent on deciphering the puzzle.
She says these issues can be addressed by team - based care that manages electronic communications and workload, or by compensating physicians for electronic communication in ways other than traditional fee - for - service, which does not yet include payment for time spent on emails, Dr. Bishops says.
The platform allows designers and researchers to specify tasks for crowd workers to perform, and computes aggregate performance metrics such as completion rate and the average time spent on a task.
The time I spent on the audit team taught me a lot about research design and data management, which was very helpful because my background research experience didn't include the design of large - scale experiments.
Any time spent on the planet and outside the spacecraft would add more exposure.
Time spent on small challenges builds precious mental metal that makes big challenges seem easier.
There was much less time spent on theoretical discussions than Hayashi was used to; instead, one jumped into experiments.
IBS accounts for 10 per cent of visits to GP surgeries and the condition has a significant and escalating burden on society as a consequence of lost work days and time spent on regular hospital appointments.
While on the low - carb diet, patients burned 300 more calories each day during normal activities compared to the time spent on the low - fat diet.
They also asked questions about each woman's emotional connection to Facebook — her incorporation of the site into their daily life, time spent on the site each day, number of Facebook friends — and whether she compared her body to her friends» bodies in online pictures.
These findings suggest that eliminating the gender gap entirely would cause women to become 18 percentage points more likely to work full - time in the labour market and even out the time spent on housework by reducing it (mostly for women) by as much as seven hours per week.
«By far the largest change in teens» lives between 2012 and 2016 was the increase in the amount of time they spent on digital media, and the subsequent decline in in - person social activities and sleep,» she said.
The amount of time spent on research is at the discretion of the resident's research mentor.
Flat Eagle, who has been a member of NAN for many years, listened to the speeches after time spent on a long line.
Cuomo's schedule doesn't indicate a lot of time spent on issues related to the MTA or Port Authority
In 2013 - 14, 90 per cent of time spent on vocational topics came as a result of backbench debate, up from a third in the three years to 2013.
And City Council Speaker Christine Quinn said in her first year of office she would stop «vilifying» teachers, reduce the amount of time spent on test prep and figure out another way to address failing schools.
The use of iPADs will reduce the time spent on each home inspection and improve communications with office - based supervisors, resulting in an increase in the number of home lead inspections that can be conducted.
Too much time spent on these and too little time on developing a vision cursed the three moderate candidates in the race.
In the midst of it all, though, a new study from SUNY New Paltz urges the state to re-think how it calculates time spent on tests.
Earlier this year I also made a commitment to sort out the enormous amount of police time spent on dealing with mental health patients.
Bo landed on all four feet at his fourth home in his six short months of life, fulfilling President Barack Obama's campaign promise to get his daughters a dog in return for all the time he spent on the road during the long presidential fight.
The task force also recommends fewer tests and less time spent on test prep.
Transit management could only provide documents that track the time spent on staffing service changes in 29 of 50 sampled cases.
«Trusting teachers and freeing them up from the daily grind of targets, testing and inspections that change as often as the weather will ensure that there is more time spent on what teachers do best, providing a stimulating and fulfilling experience for all our youngsters ensuring success and interest in the classroom and beyond»
«The price that departments pay for consultants is often based simply on time spent on a project, rather than being fixed in advance or related to the achievement of specific objectives.
Giuliani has been more critical in his remarks, saying on Fox this morning that Congress has an «obligation» to help first responders to rushed to Ground Zero and are now ill because of the time they spent on the pile.
The Mott MacDonald report, commissioned by the Department for Transport, states this is complete nonsense, even for time spent on a crowded train.
Those infant travel systems are so convenient and easy to use, but using them outside the car just means that much more time spent on the back of the head.
You can calculate this by adding up the time spent on the following activities.
Also, less time spent on their tummies has taken away from time where babies used to work to hold their heads up which helps in the next step which is crawling.
Employers should also factor in additional costs for their unemployment insurance rates going up, time spent on fact - finding interviews from adjudicators, potential hearings and a backlogged appeals process.
As such, treatment is usually divided between time spent on individual therapy and time spent on couple therapy, family therapy, or both, if necessary.
In five short months, my daughter has learned to walk, run, dance, sing, yell and speak a bit of Spanish... a lot of this is because of the time spent on various activities by the caregivers in her room.
First, by the sheer waste of time spent on swaddling the kid before she vomited.
You are a work in progress and the time spent on nurturing your healthy relationships will be worth it in the end.
While holding up her head might not be possible, offering time spent on the belly gives baby a chance to start working towards this breakthrough.
For the end of November and the first ten days December, Daniel had both «Dancing Bear» practises, and time spent on the MV Doulos.
Trying to limit time spent on something will make it seem like forbidden fruit, and all the more compelling.
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