Sentences with phrase «time talking to your children»

Spend some time talking to your child about his day such as what he liked and what he might have questions about.
In this way, you probably spend more time talking to your child, which is one of the best ways of helping speech develop.
It distracts the parent and decreases parent - child interaction.30, 31 Infant vocabulary growth is directly related to the amount of «talk time» or the amount of time parents spend speaking to them.32 Heavy television use in a household can interfere with a child's language development simply because parents likely spend less time talking to the child.33
We spend so much time talking to our children about the physical world, yet this doesn't seem to apply for online safety.

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As Middleton said, in describing how she plans to launch a website on the topic and expressing a strategy that works: «I see time and time again that there is so much to be gained from talking of mental health and taking the mental health of our children as seriously as we do their physical health.
«While we were walking to see another customer, a woman yelled out to Pauline to ask to buy some MixMe (a nutritional supplement for children similar to Sprinkles)... This woman did not have time to talk, but Pauline explained that she previously sold a cook stove to this woman.
«Today Cardinal Dolan had the long - awaited opportunity to talk about his decision nine years ago in Milwaukee to publicize the names of priests who had abused children and how he responded to the tragedy of past clergy sexual abuse of minors, during the time he was privileged to serve as archbishop of Milwaukee,» Joseph Zwilling, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of New York, said in a written statement.
Because in all honesty, when you're sitting with someone and you're talking to someone about your children or any other member of your family, how many times do you say, «Thank God» or «Dear God» or anything similarly invoking his name?
They talk about an attack on religious teachings while speaking at an NRA event about how abortion is murdering unborn children while at the same time wanting to go to war and bomb thousands of innocent men, women, children, as well as innocent pregnant women with unborn babies.
The Bible is full of examples: Balaam's talking ass; the promise of a patriarchal heir so long overdue that the child is named for the ensuing hilarity; the virtuous foreign woman deemed to be worth seven times the family - redeeming child she bears for...
2) it is only a matter of time until we will have the scientific ability to do the kind of care you are talking about with the unborn (someone other than the mother caring & nurturing the child).
I think it is time to start talking about the war on children.
It isn't long before somebody is asked to organize activities for the children, snacks for the children, then somebody doesn't like the subject matter of the adult study, somebody says it's going on too long, too short, and where's the music, we need somebody to play guitar, and who's going to organize the prayer at the end, and why do the children interrupt us all the time when we're trying to talk to God?
Which of us in talking to children has not at times said: «People don't do that,» or, «Boys aren't supposed to do that.»
And if you want to talk about a child argument, if you distrust CNN so much, why are you even wasting your time posting anything on here?
We talked of daily Quiet Time, of Bible study, prayer and listening, and of the power of God to lead and guide those who are obedient enough to be led (Shoemaker, Children of the Second Birth, pp. 148 - 49).
Last time I talked to the Supreme Power, he said, they are all a bunch of false prophets and teachers, out to make money off of a bunch of his ignorant children.
My sister, I know her Hair color Eye color Height Weight Birthmark Education Husband Children Where she works Where she went on vacation What makes her happy What makes her sad Political views Religious views Car she drives Dog and cat's names Her temper I talk to her once a week and text her all the time
Otherwise, you moved very slowly, which meant you had time to look around and see the tired faces: the many mothers and fathers lining the walls, nursing babies, charging phones, calming a child in meltdown or rousing a child from the despair of just learning he has to go with his parents to another talk.
but thats not what i'm talking about... i am discussing the god you claim to worship... even if you believe jesus was god on earth it doesn't matter for if you take what he had to say as law then you should take with equal fervor words and commands given from god itself... it stands as logical to do this and i am confused since most only do what jesus said... the dude was only here for 30 years and god has been here for the whole time — he has added, taken away, and revised everything he has set previous to jesus and after his death... thru the prophets — i base my argument on the book itself, so if you have a counter argument i believe you haven't a full understanding of the book — and that would be my overall point... belief without full understanding of or consideration to real life or consequences for the hereafter is equal to a childs belief in santa which is why we atheists feel it is an equal comparision... and santa is clearly a bs story... based on real events from a real historical person but not a magical being by any means!
«It works because blockading the doors buys time for sidewalk counselors to talk to would - be clients approaching the clinic, and offer alternatives which can turn mother and child away from an abortion.
«We need to prepare our children for the day when we're not there and we do that gradually giving them more and more responsibility as they get older and we do it by talking about them and by spending time with them - putting those boundaries in place.»
During these times, they talk about their inner feelings and about the practical decisions they can make to help reduce the pressure of Roger's job and allow Karen to use her energies and abilities as the children leave.
The Bible talks about the end times that will those who truly are children of God be here to worship Him when He returns.
Whether reacting to a bumper sticker or listening to a radio talk show, deciding how to vote or where to invest time and money, recoiling at the prejudice a child has picked up at school or squirming under a company policy that seems unfair — people can not escape ethical issues.
He enters the crowded lobby with wall to wall people, everyone talking at the same time, various smells of babies and coffee and muffins and perfume, getting bumped here and there because it's not time for the service to start, people still talking and welcoming and trying to hang on to their children as they run for the donuts and other children...»
Believers like these feel superior over a child that believes «childish» stuff like believing in Santa Claus, an man who can perform a miracle every time he squeezes his heavyset body through a chimney opening so small a cat would not even get through there, not to talk about his magical sledge that defies gravity time and time again.
* If your child already has a diagnosed food allergy, or there's a history of allergy in their immediate family (such as asthma, eczema or hay fever), talk to a health professional before giving them food containing peanuts for the first time.
If your child is hoping to play sport in college, it is important to set a time to talk with the coach to discuss your child's role and goals for playing in the program.
Now i also have come to believe i am like this due to the fact that as a child i had a very nurturing environment From my earliest memories i remember my parents and relatives taking time to talk to me.
16 to 18 is also the time when children really need to become much more future oriented, when you're projecting what they're going to spend out in the future, this is the time when you're putting your college plans together, sit down and talk with them about what is going to cost for them to be away for 4 years.
With colleges now opening for the fall term there's no better time for parents and college - bound children to talk about the role the parent currently plays in the life of the child, and how that role will evolve so the child can build the skills she'll need to thrive out in the world of adult life, relationships and work.
While I do not have time to get into it in the talk, I am tremendously committed to supporting at - risk families around the world, and to preventing children from being orphaned by poverty.
When you're in a situation where your child is disrespectful, that's not the ideal time to do a lot of talking about limits or consequences.
During these times of transition away from our child while we ourselves are usually crying (you know, those moments where you trying to hold it in and the second someone starts talking to you, you burst into tears?!)
Talking with other new dads about how they managed time away from work might give you more creative ideas about how to take time off to bond with your newborn child.
Do you find it difficult to find time to talk, really talk, with your child?
Parents often talk about their child being 10 going on 18, and that is a good summary of how much they can swing from being just a kid, to being almost adult like at times (or thinking they are!)
This is just a good time to reflect back on the day and talk to your child for a few minutes.
Sometimes that will mean letting your child learn to sort something out herself instead of running to her rescue every time, whether sleep training a baby or listening to a child talk about a mean girl at school.
Also, make time to talk to your child about the feelings he experienced throughout the day.
Whenever possible, you should talk to your child ahead of time and let him or her know that you will be checking up on them.
But by planning in advance and talking about what to expect, you'll help your child successfully manage his or her own health care when the time comes.
When you talk to your child about his triggers, always ask, «How are you going to handle this differently next time
With your older, more verbal child, talk openly about situations that make him angry and work together to come up with solutions to help him through the problem next time.
No matter who else I'm able to talk to when the times are tough, no one seems to understand that frustration with your children and exhaustion with everything, as another mom that's in the trenches with you.
Many parents out there do not talk to their child, and as a result, the kids usually take a time to learn to speak.
-- Talk to them and ask them questions (be sure to give them time to «respond» with their eyes and / or voice, the same way you would wait for another child to give an answer with words)
Let your child know that you're available any time to talk.
This meeting would also be a good time to talk to teachers about ways that they can adjust assignments or provide work strategies to help your child complete work and gain missing skills.
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