Sentences with phrase «time the dust settles»

By the time the dust settles, the model and the companies that lead that industry will likely be radically different than what we see today.
With mounting losses and seemingly bigger heads rolling every week, shareholders are left to question just how much damage the scandal will do by the time the dust settles.
No one wants to be caught on the wrong side of the divide by the time the dust settles.
By the time the dust settles it will have generated untold revenues, created employment for thousands and given pleasure to millions.
By the time the dust settles on the year, Avengers: Age of Ultron is going to be in or very close to the top 5 grossing movies of all time.
By the time the dust settled, there wasn't a single Titan left to tell of the horrors we had wrought (well, except for that one particularly creepy one hanging out in home base...)
Every time the dust settles on the most recent examples of author bullying and reviewer bashing, something occurs that makes headlines again, thus starting the firestorm all over again.
That's why we pause to commemorate the crossing of the billion dollar threshold, because from here things will move so quickly that by the time the dust settles, the book business may actually be the most digital of all media industries, even if it got the latest start.
There was a palpable buzz in the air by the time the dust settled at the end of the summer, with numbers being tallied and everyone taking a deep breath.
By the time the dust settled, the internet had pretty much crowned the PS4 as king.
These Lawyers figure that there will be about 10,000 people on this class action suit by the time the dust settles.
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