Sentences with phrase «time traveller»

Each one was picked with first time travellers specifically in mind.
Cute, but as full time travellers, not something we wanted to carry around.
Or the Back to the Future - style time traveller who kills his own grandfather, rendering his own birth impossible.
Being a full time traveller doesn't make a blogger any more of a real traveler, its just different.
I've been a location independent full - time traveller since 2012.
It's difficult as long time travellers to remember where we started.
Since the application requires an internet connection, we suspect time travellers will be out of luck this time!
Our staff work tirelessly to achieve the perfect mix of conscientious supervision and absolute fun in an inclusive, positive environment for first time travellers.
One Less Rat is a travel blog written by a first time traveller from the UK who has decided to ditch their desk in 2016 and go and see the world.
Jonathon Keats reports Stephen Hawking issuing invitations to a party for time travellers after the event (10 September, p 42).
Going with Thai Intro made a first time traveller feel a lot more at ease, everything had been arranged for you, your hotels, some meals and all travel.
The best night clubs in Seoul attract a steady clientele of local revellers and first - time travellers looking to rub Read More»
Adam Pally and Yassir Lester star as time travellers in this new comedy from the guys who brought us The Last Man on Earth.
The bartender says «We don't serve time travellers here».
Also, in the episode «Hide» there was a stranded time traveller but it was from far in the future.
From the man who was so drunk he forgot he sold his car, to police in Wyoming arresting a drunk time traveller from the year 2048, we round up the silliest stories of the year.
«It's like playing time travellers, using the DNA synthesiser as a time machine.»
A ripping yarn that tests the plucky Deering - Dolittle sisters, Earnestine, Georgina and Charlotte, as Time Travellers arrive in Victorian London to avert the destruction of the world...
Valerian and Laureline are agents who protect mankind from rogue time travellers.
Nora Dunn writes about her experiences as a full - time traveller over the past nine years.
Aimed at first - time travellers aged 17 to 35 it's packed full of advice and information.
Written and directed by Sean Penn, Into the Wild is an all - time traveller classic about an American adventurer and hiker Christopher McCandless (Emile Hirsch), as he journeys into the harsh, unforgiving Alaskan wilderness.
Police regularly check for ID, so travellers should have their passports or certified copies, as well as the yellow fever vaccination certificate, with them at all times
Most first - time travellers head to north Laos first, south second.
Yes, I wish it were safer for women (even men) travellers to move around in the country, but I can't deny the comfort I feel in my fellow Indians» smile I'm glad it was worth your time
Cathy and Frank, an American couple are part time travellers but full time adventurers.
Imagine that an all - knowing time traveller landed in 1986 in order to whisper the mysteries of 2013 to the startled mid-80s masses.
Raven Software has also said that «Singularity» will be a multiplayer game but there has been no other word on what types of games will be available to play online — we're pretty sure you will have the usual: death matches, capture the flag and last man / time traveller standing.
Put on your best time traveller outfit and step into Singapore Art Museum's latest annual exhibition titled Imaginarium: Into the Space of...
Dating from 2000 to the present, the works give an impression of a burdened time traveller.
The opportunity for the audience to engage with the installation was a core part of the concept, using a «shared language» that allows viewers to explore larger themes, while becoming «temporary time travellers,» say the artists:
If I write a story about an alien time traveller from a dying race, with encyclopedic knowledge, who sporadically visits London, travels with young companions, occasionally saves Earth and other planets, and appears to change bodies periodically.
Then there's this recent listing, where a missing word or two has narrowed the buyers» market to disabled time travellers: «This home is wheelchair friendly, in 2008.»
London About Blog Kat is Travelling, the writer behind the blog and part - time traveller with a never - ending bucket list.
Today I am delighted to feature a couple of aspiring full time travellers who love Ireland and are not adverse to sleeping in a car.
On Mood Music for Time Travellers, their first album of new music in five years, the Orchestra explo... more
James is a full time traveller who runs a web publishing business while on the road (AKA a digital nomad).
Here's some of my BEST tips I have for first time travellers!
Singapore About Blog Blog by Pamela, a dreamer and part - time traveller from Singapore.
kj the time traveller..
And this year's first time travellers have a famous name — the same as the reigning champions, Buenos Aires giants River Plate.
As a result, one of her parents would not have been conceived and the time traveller herself would not exist.
The possibility of time travel can lead to physical paradoxes, such as the grandfather paradox in which the time traveller goes back in time and kills her grandfather before he has met her grandmother.
Time travellers from any and every point in the future had been invited to join the party in Cambridge.
The 26 star flag would really make me feel like a time traveller, as well as wandering about in those hats haha.
You look like you stepped out of Swinging London's Carnby street but at the same time don't look like a time traveller or in a costume at all.
About Blog As a part - time traveller and blogger, she wants to inspire others to get out of their bubbles and step outside of their comfort zones.
I'm a bit of an old - school gentleman, a quite driven online marketeer, a hobby long - distance runner and a wannabe space - time traveller... but most importantly I'm a simple man who enjoys simple things, like travelling, reading, watching a movie, eating out or even cooking for my lady, etc.. I really love visiting new places, gaining new experiences, learning different things, and all I really need right now is a lovely female companion to have all these adventures with.

Phrases with «time traveller»

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