Sentences with phrase «time visiting the website»

The first time you visit a website, instead of putting your password in, you will open the password manager, and then enter the master password.
Each time you visit a website, you can be traced back to your exact location thanks to that IP address.
Even though they didn't convert into a sale the first time they visited your website, keeping your brand and offer in front of them can help you pull them back in at a later time.
It often seems that every time you visit a website related to binary options, there is a business advertising their software.
Every time I visit this website, it is like reliving the Tower of Bable.
Your banner will be placed in the rotating slider on our homepage, and will be seen by Lamaze members and childbirth education professionals each time they visit the website to access membership information, teaching resources and more.
Each time you visit the website the privacy policy will apply.
Add a pop - up disclaimer every time you visit a website that is testing something and we're done.
This is the first time I visit this website, it's useful and free for all, great.
The one thing I absolutely despised on this e-reader was the certificate errors that would pop - up every time you visited a website.
Whether readers discover you on social media, on Amazon or in the stacks at Powell's, every time they visit your website it's an opportunity for you to deepen an emotional connection, sell a book, add a subscriber, and gain a fan.
What most people don't realise, is that every time you visit this website, I secretly deduct $ 2 from your paypal account.
We may also collect information about your browsing or use behavior, such as the date and time you visit our websites or use our mobile applications, the areas or pages of the websites or mobile applications that you visit, the amount of time you spend viewing or using the websites and mobile applications, the number of times you return to the websites and mobile applications, other click - stream or website or mobile application usage data, emails that you open, forward or click - through to our websites, other sites that you may visit, and your activity on our websites and mobile applications.
It often seems that every time you visit a website related to binary options, there is a business advertising their software.
If this is not your first time visiting the website you know I have resource pages devoted to famous value investors.
So if you're looking for a completely new topic every time you visit a website, look no further than Hand Luggage Only.
That means, every time you visit a website you're like a stranger, and that opens up the opportunity to get different offers.
I as the customer didn't do what you wanted the first time I visited your website (buy a widget), but I did leave behind some useful information along the way — namely that I am aware of your company, that I have an interest in your products / services, and that I am specifically interested in widget A (computers) as opposed to widgets B or C that you also sell (televisions, etc.) This is a distinction that is particularly important to larger organizations that sell a wide variety of products or services.
Cookies are placed on your computer every time you visit a website.
The next time you visit the website's login page, Chrome will automatically fill in your username and password.
After the API learns your payment information, it offers it up as a default the next time you visit a Website.
We save passwords in our browsers for the sake of convenience, so that we do not have to remember them every time we visit a website.
Ansip hopes any implemented legislation would grant everyone «more control of their settings» so that users «do not have to click on a banner every time they visit a website».
Hi this is my first time visiting the website and I've herd some great tips to keep my house clean but some how I can't keep on top of thing.

Not exact matches

Remember, visiting your website requires no significant investment, in transportation or time, for your customers.
While the search engine will start crawling your website as soon as you make it live and will visit often as and when you add new content, the algorithm is designed in such a way that it will take some time to recognize the changes.
What matters most is page - views, which accounts for ad effectiveness over time, including visits to a website, seeking more information, product purchases, becoming a lead or keeping a brand top of mind.
Still can not find time to access websites and read regularly or can not go through the trouble of visiting tens of websites to get the news?
For example, let's say I frequently visit websites about the Red Sox and use MLB's streaming app all the time.
By visiting the website directly and reviewing a retailer's coupon code policy, you can save yourself a lot of time searching for coupons.
Cookies are small amounts of data that websites deposit on a hard drive, allowing sites to remember users» previous activity the next time they visit.
Yet most of us forget, and ignore the fact that organizations are amassing copious information — our every log - in time, every website visit, every keyboard punch — on our actions and movements every single day.
Install a browser extension like StayFocusd and set time limits on visiting certain websites.
As per Facebook, «Once you've captured awareness and created demand for your business, encourage potential customers to sign up for more information, spend time in your app or on your website or visit your store — actions that signal they may make a purchase.
Baser says that «most websites and apps» send information to «multiple companies each time you visit them.»
Users visiting the websites of the New York Times, Newsweek, BBC and AOL, among others, may have installed malware on their computers if they clicked on the malicious ads.
A few years ago, the Washington Post used comScore to compile data on the most visited websites from the last 20 years, giving us a snapshot of how people were using the internet over time.
Intent: Kelly can see that that someone from that same account has visited her company's website several times, downloaded a datasheet of the integration capabilities of her product, and signed up for a weekly recruitment - tech news round - up.
Newsletters can be sent to the email list you've built from the people who provided the necessary information on your website, for instance, providing these potential customers with news updates about your company, upcoming events and / or special offers — and, of course, reminding them that your business exists and that maybe it's time for another visit.
The ability to highlight personas ensures that we can deliver the right message to the right prospect at the right time, whether the prospect is visiting the website, is receiving a marketing email, or is being contacted by a sales rep.
Buyer Personas: The ability to highlight personas ensures that we can deliver the right message to the right prospect at the right time, whether the prospect is visiting the website, is receiving a marketing email, or is being contacted by a sales rep.
Put yourself in your prospect's shoes for a moment: if you're trying to choose a vendor, and you visit one website that shows the product has been covered in the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia, the Business Times in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and the Boston Globe in the United States — but the other websites you visit don't mention any press — which are you more likely to choose?
Whether sales is making a cold call or a B2B buyer is visiting a website for the first time, AI creates a personalized, engaging experience out of the gate
In fact, most websites and apps send the same information to multiple companies each time you visit them.
The reality of digital services is that the amount of data each of us generates at basically all times is astronomical; your phone always knows where you are, but so does every app you use and every website you visit.
Most of the giving websites now focus on Bitcoin, a few of these websites you might be required fill in a captcha after a particular period of time and are rewarded with a small quantity of coins for visiting them.
In addition, when you visit our website, third parties will not collect personal information about you or your online activities over time or across websites.
The terms of use may be amended or modified at any time at the sole discretion of the management and therefore you are requested to visit our website at regular intervals.
For inbound marketing and paid search, your conversion rate is simply the number of new leads you gain in a period of time divided by the number of visits to your website.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my website.
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