Sentences with phrase «time vocation»

But in this case, I am sure that upon reflection you will agree that volunteer Firefighters who are known to be Realtors likely bring a well - deserved aura of respect to their full - time vocation because of their inherent public spirited, unselfish personalities.
In some cases, you have a great chance to relax a bit and take a long - time vocation.
Following the success of Landscapes of the Mind and previous series such as I Am and The Choice, Al - Dowayan decided to make art her full time vocation, a career choice Cuadro is proud to support.
Part of the problem may have been that the author actually spent little time with her mom, she was basically raised in Japan by her father who seems to have made lying a full time vocation.
The new hobby soon turned into a full - time vocation, with this modern day St. Francis scattering huge bags of feed while ignoring his own personal need for food, clothing and money for rent.

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«I love books about people coming into their vocations, and this haunting memoir by musician Patti Smith brilliantly evokes a time and place in New York City, as she and Robert Mapplethorpe began to build artistic lives for themselves,» says Rubin of this one.
He retains a viewpoint larger than modernity (and thus able to judge it) while at the same time wholly committed to modernity (as one whose vocation it is to recognize in it a gift» and a challenge» from God).
Nino had found refuge at the American Enterprise Institute before returning to his real vocation as a teacher, this time at the law school of the University of Chicago.
Discovering Jesus and The Ramones around the same time shaped the music and honed a vocation.
I use any afternoon time or evening time or plane layovers — a time when I'm not at my creative / writing best — to handle the other tasks of my vocation like email, admin, marketing, social media, etc..
The Holy Father would never forget the influence Tyranowski had on him; he had a small picture of him in his bedroom in the Apostolic Palace and credited him with bringing his vocation to fruition at a time when he wanted to be an actor.
There is little appreciation for the nature of conversion as an ongoing process made up of many steps forward and backward along the way; or, for marriage as only one option among a couple, or even a few, equally viable, equally «holy» alternatives for living out one's God - given vocation... I don't have to dig too deep into my own experience to recognize the hang - ups that this glorification of marriage and a one - time conversion experience can foster.
Leisure is not just time free from one's vocation but time free from all non-job duties.
Although this vocation is at heart profoundly personal and interior, it is at the same time completely rooted in the life of the Church.
What is true, and maybe paradoxical, was the fact that Georges Lemaître, a priest deeply rooted in his faith and his vocation, introduced for the first time a way to describe, not philosophically or theologically, but from physics, the notion of the beginning of the universe.
My situation is I'm a full - time pastor and I've known for some time, this is not the vocation for me.
The word «vocation» occurs 17 times in this encyclical.
Examining these circumstances, the young person, boy or girl, constructs his or her plan of life and at the same time recognises this plan as the vocation to which God is calling him or her.
But, at age 35, I would be officially out of school for the first time in 30 years, and I leaped into the decade with a blessing in my pocket worth more than the Ph.D. — unbounded enthusiasm for the theological vocation.
What pattern of life will serve the home, the husband's work, the coming family, and at the same time fulfil the deeply felt vocation to do significant work in the common life and the public world?
Terms such as «feminine vocation» or «femininity,» which Christians use as alternatives to «feminism,» have a connotation of docility and passiveness that fails to describe the women we most admire, whether in Wilder's time or in our own.
Much of the criticism, I expect, is generated by envy of the Legion's success, especially in attracting priestly vocations in a time when vocations to most other religious orders are in sharp decline.
After reassuring that enough qualified applicants are available, she warns of the current dangerous practice of replacing full - time tenured faculty with part - time adjunct faculty, and the importance of seminaries nurturing faculty members» sense of vocation, particularly junior faculty.
Despite itself Israel is climbing Calvary, side by side with Christians — whose vocation concerns the kingdom of God more than the temporal history of the world; and these strange companions are at times surprised to find each other mounting the same path.
At all times human frailty and sin make the ministry whose business it is to point to the highest reality and the profoundest faith a morally perilous vocation.
Every Christian has a full - time Christian vocation, not just pastors.
The new «Vocations» app was designed by Father Paddy Rushe and developed by the company Magic Time Apps, based in Dublin.
The past which the Christian community or tradition inherits is first of all the event from which it took its origin — Jesus Christ as an historical reality, with all that this includes such as the preparation in Judaism for his coming, the way in which he was received and understood in his own time, his own sense of vocation for whatever he undertook, and the way in which he has come to have significance for later generations.
But we should probably conceive this time of retirement in part also as giving Jesus himself an opportunity of seeing more clearly how he was now to proceed in fulfillment of his vocation.
Although in recent times there has been a decline in vocations to the long established orders and congregations, it is noticeable that the newly established movements like Focolare, the Neo-Catechumenate, Communion and Liberation, Youth 2000, Emmanuel Community, Sant» Egidio Community, Community of St John, Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and many others have been much more successful in attracting followers.
At the same time, however, he turns with love to those around him because he recognises the dignity of the individual and the unique vocation of each person.
The vocation of St. John as the apostle of the Divinity of Christ's one person has fed and powered the true development of the doctrine of the Church at all times, not least in the first centuries in which the true doctrine of both the divinity and the humanity are hammered out in great Councils, and the concepts are refined in the fires of contrary heresy against either the full Divinity or the full Humanity of Christ.
Would - be catechists can study for three years, during which time they can explore their vocation for the priesthood.
How should one understand the seasons of a vocation, including especially the potential cost that sacrifice may be required at precisely the time one most needs to discover a sense of fulfillment?
Now living out that last vocation, I regularly find myself moved anew by my time in Krakow.
For instance, I'm incredibly proud of my mother - in - law who went back to school when her youngest went to university and then she started her new vocation as a chaplain right around the time that most women of her generation were retiring.
His time, his focused sense of vocation, his vision of his central task, his mental life, and his contemplative acreage — they are all under the chopper.
It is in such a context that 1 Cor 7 needs to be understood as a complete affirmation of the vocation to be wholly concentrated on Christ, in anticipation of that time when Christ will be «all in all» in the Kingdom of God.
Taken seriously, the sanctification of such laborious or tedious work with the language of vocation would suggest that we should struggle to find more time for it, not plot ways to escape it.
Nevertheless, both are devoted to the personal vocation of man, though under different titles... [Yet] at all times and in all places, the Church should have the true freedom to teach the faith, to proclaim its teaching about society, to carry out its task among men without hindrance, and to pass moral judgment even in matters relating to politics whenever the fundamental rights of man or the salvation of souls requires it» (Gaudium et Spes, 76).
The congregation, as a community in crisis, gathers to decide one more time about its identity and its vocation.
By the time I was twenty - one, I had never tasted alcohol, I had finished college, I was married, and I had decided on the priesthood as my vocation and career.
By the members of the Synod embracing their role as a band of joyful missionary disciples, we here in Southeast Michigan will be strengthened for our vocation «to be all in» with the New Evangelization, to have full confidence in the power of the Holy Spirit to heal and transform, to put uncompromising trust in the Lordship of Jesus over every time and place.
At the same time, I know» and this was evident again at the RNA convention» how many reporters are devoutly religious (notably evangelical Protestant and Catholic), view their work as a vocation, genuinely want to be fair, and worry about purchasing journalistic plaudits at the price of truth.
We should acknowledge that sadly many Catholic families do not welcome vocations to full - time work for the Church.
Moreover, Christ sheds light on the meaning of all things and brings them to perfection: even the stars of the night sky find their ultimate purpose as the crowning glory of the vocation of matter through Our Blessed Lady, through whom God becomes Incarnate as Lord of all Time and Space, as we graphically proclaim every Easter on the Paschal candle.
If you think your vocation is to marry, make time for it.
Poverty indeed is the strenuous life — without brass bands or uniforms or hysteric popular applause or lies or circumlocutions; and when one sees the way in which wealth - getting enters as an ideal into the very bone and marrow of our generation, one wonders whether a revival of the belief that poverty is a worthy religious vocation may not be «the transformation of military courage,» and the spiritual reform which our time stands most in need of.
At the same time, a doctrine of vocation that claims all of existence will summon workers to attend to the concerns of the common life.
Last year, the New York Times reported on the growth of Dominican vocations in Ireland, giving credit to the habit: «Once, his medieval robes may have deterred some.
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