Sentences with phrase «times around you hands»

For more tension, hold onto the band closer to the feet or wrap the band several times around you hands, if you can do so safely.

Not exact matches

With hands touching the car at all times, run around trying to tag each other.
It's good hygiene to cover your mouth when you cough, keep hand sanitizer on hand, don't leave used tissues around, and wipe down the desk, computer keyboard and phone from time to time to help prevent germs from spreading.
However arguments around the «burning question of our time» as Munk Debate moderator Rudyard Griffiths expressed it, was a chance to view champions on both sides of the economic trenches go at it hand to hand.
By the time the West struck back just under a week later, armed resistance in the areas around the Syrian government's seat of power had all but collapsed, further strengthening the hand of President Bashar al - Assad.
I move things around as needed, but I know I have set time to focus on a task at hand.
Set in and around a suburban backyard, it illustrates why space travelers experience time more slowly than we do back on earth with the help of a bowl of popcorn, a minivan, homegrown special effects and a hand - drawn diagrams.
Women, on the other hand, set better goals and meet them 80 or 90 percent of the time, boosting morale and encouraging employees to stick around.
Toronto has undone its bylaw; and many of the leading bag - fee proponents have gone back to handing out free bags — although they seem to have skipped the fanfare this time around.
Three interviewers, on the other hand, got it right around three - out - of four times (72 percent).
Go running (or in my case, biking) around town chasing down investors and startups all at the same time, simultaneously pitching your strategy and executing it, taking money from one hand and putting in the other as you both fundraise and prove out your strategy by deploying capital... and forget having an income for at least a year.
And by the time a species called Homo heidelbergensis had appeared, perhaps around 600,000 years ago, there was a clear right - handed preference in prehistoric societies.
Over the years, these people say, Pishevar seemed to take a liking to Geidt, following her around at company events, and at times placing his hand on her leg or lower back.
On the other hand in the crypto world, the Ethereum founder Charles Hoskinson was widely misquoted around the blogosphere with his words «Coin Market is a time - bomb».
But Kogan's academic association with Facebook, around the same time that he was taking data to hand off to Cambridge Analytica, raises questions about how user consent was obtained, the line between academic research and corporate marketing — and how scholars can sometimes use data for commercial and political ends.
I originally started mining, I tried my hand in trading last year around the time that DigiByte had been sitting around USD$ 0.01 - 0.009 for quite a while.
On the other hand, I was approved for Chase Ink around the same time despite having had like maybe 45 new accounts in the last 2 years.
20 years is not a long time and certainly not enough time for any legends to form as people were still around that saw first hand or heard about it from those who did.
This time, they crowd around me on the couch, their hands spread all over my bump, shrieking in joy with each rewarding kick or push back from inside.
So, in honor of the new addition to Team Evans, I'm joining Melinda Gates, Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith, Kay Warren, Desmond Tutu, Jimmy Carter and host of other Christian advocates in their support of an organization called Hope Through Healing Hands, and in particular the Faith Based Coalition for Healthy Mothers and Children Worldwide, which seeks to galvanize faith - based leaders and their constituencies around the issues of maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) as well as healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies (HTSP) to improve maternal health and reduce child mortality around the world.
It's not hard to see that Bright was guided by the hand of a believer, but the viewing experience is a bit messier this time around.
was guided by the hand of a believer, but the viewing experience is a bit messier this time around.
They used to start to dhikr loudly all together under the direction of their Shaikh, then stand up and, holding each others» hands, turn around in a circle, at the same time leaning forward and backward or to the right and left, keeping up this movement in an intermittent and harmonious rhythm.
How we took an hour and a half to walk one time around a lake that should take only 25 minutes, about how we stood on the bridge, and watched the moon fade into the coming day over the blue lake water in this western city in the country, how we ate blueberries they picked with their own hands, and we felt the wonder of it all, all three of us, quiet, and watching a ghost moon, together, and it felt like prayer, and a cathedral, and communion, and a gift, and kingdom come.
Joe is a snuggly boy at the best of times and when he is sick or tired, he is a clinging monkey desperate to be held, twisting my hair around his baseball mitt of a hand.
Solve for us the question of the reasonableness of athiesm, where you get something (big bang) from nothing — there must be a first cause of everything; explain implications of the anthropic principle and the wildly unprobablistic likelihood that our universe could even form in such a fashion as to be capable of sustaining life (which has, interestingly, your athiest heavy hitters (i.e. Dawkins, Schwartz, etc.) necessarily positing multiple universe theories to get around the near probablistic impossibility of all conditions be present at time of big bang for life to be possible without acknowledgement of a divine designing hand guiding the process); explain The probablistic impossibility of non-irreducibly complex basic cells (life) coming together spontaneously (DNA, cell membrane, etc), even the most basic, simple forms of life allowing for reproduction, metabolism, etc...
At a healing service around the same time, our minister laid his hands on my left leg, which curved in at the ankle and required me to wear a special heavy shoe, and as he prayed I watched my leg straighten out before my eyes.
Many times I arrived at the hospital only to see Bill with an entire family standing around him holding hands in prayer.
Dorothy Sayers, around the same time, penned the lines, «This is the war we always knew,... / When no allies are left, no help to count upon from alien hands, / No waverers remain to woo, no more advice to listen to, / And only England stands.»
By the time I had my purse in my hand and was around my car, he had inserted his credit card into the machine and had begun to fill my car with gas while he waited for his own truck to fill.
There is a variety of ways to get connected as a group — joining hands in the circle with eyes closed for a moment and then discussing what each person experienced; milling around, taking a brief time to hold the hands and look into the eyes of each member, repeating his name; talking in pairs for a few minutes about topics such as «What I hope for and fear in this group,» «What's most important to me right now,» «What I hope to become in the next year,» after which each person introduces his partner to the group, sharing what he has learned.
I loved this post and laughed out loud when I saw the adults tromping around the pole holding hands, laughing, and having such a good time.
But since Christmas in Latin America is a time for friends and families to get together, this is a perfect time to take advantage of the extra hands hanging around the kitchen and to put them to work.
It took some time to slice, dice and prep, which I did all by hand in the spirit of traditional foods, but I would totally use a food processor next time around.
You can then clean up the mess you made while mushing around in ground meat, so that by the time the (mostly) round balls come out of the oven, you have a clean kitchen on your hands.
One at a time, place the shrimp in the batter and using your hands mold the batter around the shrimp and then immediately dip the batter covered shrimp in the coconut flakes.
Isabel saw first hand the benefits that shopping, planning, cooking, and spending time around the family table had on her family.
Its easier if you put the peas in a bowl of water, 1 - 2 cups at a time, and take a handful and roll them around in your hands like you would when you rub your hands together to try and warm them up.
This time around I used homemade chocolate cashew butter in place of the almond butter because it's what I had on - hand and they tasted just as good if not better.
I used the slow - cooker method and found that after draining and cooling, I put more water in with them, swished it around with my hand to loosen the skins and then drained the water using my hand to catch the chickpeas and repeated a couple times.
What I do remember from the first time around is being constantly hungry and not having the hands to make myself food!
So, while I watched Beyonce do her incredible thang on stage for the half - time show, I munch on a couple of these potatoes and felt second - hand exhausted from watching her dance around like crazy for 15 straight minutes.
Keep a napkin on hand when you're munching on sesame and nori popcorn, and dig in during movie time or when you're sitting around reading a good book or a few favorite magazines.
The hands - on time for this almond milk recipe is around 10 minutes.
Super Special Bread Dough Tip: When the dough is completely kneaded, cup your hands around the sides of the dough and drag it on the counter towards you a couple of times to tighten the dough into a soft ball.
Appropriate for consumption at all times of the day (yes, even breakfast — try and convince me a muffin or scone is any better for you), can be eaten one handed which allows for multi-tasking, and all around amazing.
My dad sends big baskets of grape tomatoes over around this time every year and I always slow - roast them (using this recipe), cover them in oil, and then keep them on hand in the refrigerator for a couple weeks.
Though it does take a bit of time to prepare, most of it is hands - off time that you can spend doing something else around your house while the squash and quinoa cook to perfection.
I put some more shredded coconut in a bowl and took a tsp to measure out the chocolate mixture and form it into a small ball (your hands are going to get messy — rinse them off periodically for an easier time rolling) and then rolled it around in the coconut.
Brown sticky rice notes: One rinsing will do before cooking, Allow more cooking time (according to packet, around 40 mins), Brown rice does not have to be drained (unlike white), Works best with a handing rolling mat (rice on the inside of the nori seaweed too).
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