Sentences with phrase «times by creationists»

«Patterson has been quote mined several times by creationists, most notably from a tape recording of a talk he gave in 1981 at the American Museum of Natural History for a systematics discussion group.

Not exact matches

«Contrary to claims by creationists, macro and microevolution describe fundamentally identical processes on different time scales.»
Since creationists now claim that their putative «magic seed» volume is diluted 10 ^ 150 + times by inflation, their claim is now revealed as the most insanely erroneus idea ever devised by man!
By the time I graduated from high school I had read many Creationist books and had the debates time after time, and was no doubt obnoxiously sure of myself.
Three things happened to the TEKS and all - science education standard that called for teaching the strength and weaknesses of theories, which had, back in the last time biology text books were adopted in the mid»90s, had been used as a club to beat publishers over whether or not they included weaknesses of evolution; by which they may enlist creationists and their claims, was taken out by the writing committees and attempted to be put back on several occasions actually by the school board members.
The fossils form such a neatly graded series, getting less and less ape - like and more and more human as they get closer in time to the present, that the most earnest creationist can do little more than muddy the waters by inflating and distorting the existence of points of disagreement between specialists, or trying to revive long since discredited Homo sapiens specimens once claimed to have been from extremely ancient deposits.
He goes on to list the tiredest old creationist canards, each of which has been answered a thousand times by evolutionary biologists.
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