Sentences with phrase «times feel insecure»

At times they feel insecure.
And, in the absence of love feelings, you might at times feel insecure and ignored.
Fourteen years ago I was employed by a large company that let me work from home several times a week but at the time I felt insecure about the privilege.
The larger problem with that is the treatment of the women in this film, making one of their two female characters a high ranked military official who spends most of the time feeling insecure and being derided by other men, including those who were supposed to be her peers.

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Even Steve Jobs, the poster child for fearless empire - building, reportedly felt insecure about his achievements much of the time.
I remember a time during which I did not trust women, felt insecure, judged, competitive, or disconnected.
In it, the reader mentioned the fact that sometimes she felt insecure about her decision to pursue a family life before a career, explaining how challenging it can be to find time to write amidst the craziness of having young children at home.
Nobody is going to come here and admit:» I am not sure why I feel very insecure, I am not sure why I never want to call my parents when I am in trouble, I am not sure why I feel guilt all the time, etc.... And because all of these I am currently under treatment for anxiety, depression, blabla.
And I just feel so insecure about wearing a bathing suit when it is that time.
Yet many parents don't agree on what time is the «right» time to make bedtime, and these differing opinions across households often leave moms or dads feeling insecure that their kiddos are going to bed too early or late.
At a time when voters feel insecure their disillusionment with elected politicians is seemingly vindicated.
You'll not only deepen the social experience, but over time, you'll feel less insecure about your own body weight or shape.
But here I was again all the weight gained back and then some with each precious child But this time it felt different, I felt small, unseen, and incredibly insecure.
Of course, for those who can remember the time before computers were so widespread, there are many concerns about dating online; fears about privacy, security and personal factors like feeling too old or being insecure can make us more reserved.
It's not that men who are insecure never end up in happy relationships — we all have times when we're not feeling our best — it's that you don't want to spend lots of energy pursuing a relationship when you're not really ready for it.
If you start to feel insecure and become discouraged, keep in mind that this is your time to shine!
But if no, then don't hurry and pressurize yourself — just give yourself time to shake off insecure negative feelings.
Though Insecure's DNA is rooted in typical half - hour comedies — sending its characters into interpersonal misunderstandings and dating mishaps that we've seen a million times before — the show still manages to feel fresh by giving its characters room to be a little messier, a little more selfish, a little more realistic in their flaws than most other comedies would allow.
Most of the time, educators who adamantly refuse to take a risk in their practice feel afraid, insecure, undervalued, or overwhelmed, but they rarely say those things out loud.
Teachers are four times as likely as they were to feel insecure about their jobs as they were in 2006.
Another time I commented to a nurse, who had been precipitate in handling Gardner and seemed temperamentally hasty and even aggressive, that he felt insecure with her.
Feeling unsteady and insecure in the tub can be a source of bath time anxiety, causing your pup to avoid the tub altogether.
And being loose all the time will get him into trouble and may also serve to make him feel insecure and overwhelmed.
The time for every PC gamer to feel insecure about their ability to play an anticipated game has finally ended; Blizzard has released the system requirements for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.
At the time, he was better known as a critic than as an artist, and he felt somewhat insecure about his works: some time after the Panoras show, he referred to it as a «stupid» exhibition.
«Representational art answers this desire to be tethered to reality at a time when the world around us feels so insecure
But many were simply left Untitled as if she was insecure of what she felt at the time of their creation.
One ends up feeling insecure when writing a first time cover letter.
It's perfectly natural to feel insecure from time to time, especially after an affair or break up.
Imagine a possible problem in long distance relationships: E.g. your partner loves clubbing and, over time, it led you to feeling insecure, depressed, and questioning if he / she is faithful to you.
Pairs of avoidant men and anxious women are likely to stay intact for long periods of time, despite the fact that these insecure folks experience greater amounts of relationship dissatisfaction and conflict, and feel less trust in their partners.
Being apart from the person you love makes everyone feel insecure at times.
You need to sit down and talk to him when you are both calm, not when you are already feeling bad, and tell him how insecure it makes you feel when he spends time with his ex - you need some reassurance that it is you he wants to be with.
As I look back on it now I realise I was feeling a little insecure at that time becasue there was other stuff going on in my life and it schewed the way I was feeling about my partner.
However, if you have established trust in each other by making each other a priority and staying connected, this will help you feel less insecure and unsettled during these times.
Secure infants differ from insecure infants in that they experience felt security; they have faith that the attachment figure can be relied upon in times of stress and hardship.
If you have a reason to feel insecure, then it's time to take accountability of your partnership.
At a time when Canadians are grappling with historically high household debt levels — upwards of 163 per cent according to Statistics Canada — young adults are feeling insecure about their knowledge of the financial implications of homeownership.
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