Sentences with phrase «times in the distant past when»

Imagine a time in the distant past when the speed of light was a million times faster than it is today.

Not exact matches

It would be otiose to give examples: a distant thunder is in the past as much as a distant star; but no matter how far in time - space a star or galaxy is, it is always faintly immanent in my Here - Now even when its action is below the threshold of human perception; its action can be made visible by a combination of lenses or a prolonged photographic exposure.
It's hard to believe now, but there was a time in my not - so - distant past when I really didn't care if I lived or not.
Strange as it might sound to modern - day educators, there was a time in the not too distant past when people questioned the importance of schools and teachers.
There was a time, in the not so distant past, when hybrids were a specialty item.
There was a time in the not so distant past when the idea of an electric car was just that, an idea.
But there was a time in the not - so - distant past when abstraction was inconceivable, and it was believed that art could only represent something that already existed in the real world.
The «time» was video art that was made in the distant past — the seventies and eighties when video art first began capturing the imagination of artists.
«There was a time in the not - too - distant past when law firms were posting profit rises of more than 30 per cent year after year.
Believe it or not, there was a time in the not too distant past when people did legal research in... books.
There was a time in the not - so - distant past when individual clients (such as you would find in the family law, criminal law, civil defense, real estate, trusts and estates, and even business law fields) had little to no tools by which they could call into question the bills presented to them by their lawyers.
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