Sentences with phrase «times less cancer»

Consider the Kuna Indians, who live on islands off of Panama — one of the healthiest populations on Earth; 20 times less heart disease compared to us; 20 times less cancer.

Not exact matches

This was spurred by the loss of my mother to cancer when I was 20, my father essentially left my much younger brother and sister to my care for many months at a time only coming home 1 - 2 x a week and then less and less until it would be only a call every week or two to «check on things».
This becomes especially evident when we consider some of our everyday acronyms: at one time cancer was the «Big C»; children have «to do a BM»; while «syphilis» may be difficult to utter, «VD» is less of a problem; the «SOB» may hand out a lot of «BS»; «HO» is to be dreaded; and of course we have our «F --» word.
Dogs fed on a diet of dry commercial pet food fed yellow - orange vegetables at least three times a week were 70 % less likely to develop cancer than dogs that weren't (2005 Purdue University)
• Organic arsenic and organic cadmium are more common and hundreds of times less toxic than inorganic versions in plant - based food, they are easily flushed out by the body, and may have benefits including organic cadmium helping fight breast cancer (Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry).
«Armand Miele's unique memoir, based on his biography and his musings for the Rockland County Times, tells the American struggle from every angle, from growing up with less than zero in the Depression - era Bronx, to building a successful business, to battling terminal cancer and winning, and surviving the devastating loss of a child.
Men can get back to their lives more quickly, which means less time away from the activities they enjoy and less time distracted by their cancer treatments.»
Similarly, Balboni wrote, the cancer patients who relied on private, unspoken religious beliefs to manage their illness were «nearly three times more likely to receive intensive life - prolonging care near death and less likely to enter hospice during the final weeks of life» than those without a pronounced religious sense.
This novel, less invasive way of detecting disease using light salient properties was employed for the first time in 1991 to identify a fingerprint for cancer in tissue by a team led by Robert Alfano, a Distinguished Professor of Science and Engineering at The City College of New York, and director of The Institute for Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Lasers (IUSL) of the City University of New York at City College.
When the T cells of your immune system are forced to deal over time with cancer or a chronic infection such as HIV or hepatitis C, they can develop «T cell exhaustion,» becoming less effective and losing their ability to attack and destroy the invaders of the body.
Depressed men with localized prostate cancer were more likely to be diagnosed with more aggressive prostate cancer, received less effective treatments and survived for shorter times than prostate cancer patients who were not depressed, a UCLA study has found.
The findings reveal that breast cancer patients who received local anesthetic had superior pain relief, spent less time in recovery rooms after surgery, and were discharged an hour earlier than patients who were put under general anesthesia.
«This is the first time anybody has used optogenetic techniques to stimulate the immune system, much less to fight cancer cells,» said study author Gang Han, PhD, assistant professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology at UMass Medical School.
Men with prostate cancer who are under close medical surveillance reported significantly greater resilience and less anxiety over time after receiving an intervention of mindfulness meditation, according to a recently published pilot study from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
While it has been well - established that people should avoid behaviors like smoking to decrease cancer risk, it is less well - known that each time a normal cell divides and copies its DNA to produce two new cells, it makes multiple mistakes.
The researchers» study also found that, compared with patients with other cancer types, patients with breast cancer were 3.7 times less likely to develop PTSD at six months, but not at four years.
That sounds unhealthy, and in some ways it is, but it does have one benefit: dairy farmers are as much as five times less likely to develop lung cancer.
During that time, those younger than 65 who got less than 10 percent of their calories from protein were less likely to die from cancer or diabetes than were people who ate more protein.
The latest studies suggest that a man's BRCA status can be an important piece of information, especially at a time when many doctors are taking a less aggressive stance in screening and treating prostate cancer.
«Now that we widely acknowledge cancer metabolism as a main player in cancer, it will take much less time to exploit metabolism in tackling this devastating disease.»
These technologies enable your care team to safely direct more radiation to cancer cells and less to nearby healthy tissues and in less time than many older technologies.
Sometimes eating less during illness promotes a faster recovery, but other times — such as when cancer patients experience wasting — the loss of appetite can be deadly.
Less than 3 percent of the time did it produce a «false positive» result, which mistakenly indicates the presence of cancer when there is none.
«The shorter the time, the less of an issue» breast cancer risk becomes, Dr. Minkin says.
Alpa Patel (PhD), an epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society, showed men who spent six hours or more per day of their leisure time sitting had an overall death rate that was about 20 percent higher than the men who sat for three hours or less.
Statistically, skin cancer rates continue to rise, despite the fact that we are (as a whole) spending less time in the sun and wearing more sunscreen.
When cells are capable of living for a longer period of time, the tissues in which they live are less prone to inflammation, which in turn reduces your risk for chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.
The second advantage is that you can consume a lot more vegetables (particularly vegetables and fruits with cancer - killing nutrients) in a shorter amount of time and with a lot less effort.
Pre menopausal women who spend much of their leisure time in physical activities are less likely to develop breast cancer according to a report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Maycancer according to a report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, MayCancer Institute, May 2008.
Furthermore, dietary fiber intake may help prevent colon cancer by diluting potential carcinogens through increased water retention, binding carcinogens to the fiber itself and speeding the passage of food through the intestinal tract so that cancer - causing agents have less time to act.
THE NUMBERS DO N'T LIE: They are 8 times LESS likely to die from coronary heart disease, 7 times LESS likely to die from prostate cancer, 6.5 times LESS likely to die from breast cancer, and 2.5 times LESS likely to die from colon cancer than an average American of the same age.
Yet in addition to being potentially addictive and causing brain fog, sleeping pills have been linked in several studies to higher mortality rates and cancer — even in people only taking them less than 20 times a year.
Ironically, when we look at plant protein — which The China Study argues so vigorously is cancer - protective — we find almost three times as many positive correlations with various cancers as we do with animal protein, including colon cancer, rectal cancer, and esophageal cancer.20 Likewise, for heart disease and stroke, plant protein has a positive correlation while animal protein and fish protein have negative or nearly neutral correlations — meaning the animal - food eaters in rural China, if anything, are getting less cardiovascular disease than their more vegetarian friends.
I've been eating more meats / fats and less carbs for a long time to stave off diabetes, etc. (I'm 67 years old) So when I heard about all the cancer diet approach (low fat, no meat, etc.) I ate nothing but rabbit food for awhile, and did not feel as well — I did add back some meat and my healthy coconut oil.
They have five times less breast cancer, ten times less colorectal cancer, and twelve times less lung cancer on average.
Since indoor workers, who get three to nine times less solar UV exposure than outdoor workers, are missing out on exposure to the beneficial UVB rays, they will have lower levels of vitamin D and therefore miss out on the «built - in» cancer protection offered by regular exposure to the sun, or a sun lamp.
Unfortunately, she had much less time left than she thought as a result of the cancer.
According to the Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center's webpage on mammary cancer, cats with tumors more than 3 cm in diameter have a median survival time of 4 to 6 months, cats with tumors 2 to 3 cm in diameter have a typical life expectancy of about two years, and cats with tumors less than 2 cm in diameter generally survive more than three years.
For those who exercised moderately, even if they didn't spend a lot of time doing it, the risk of developing 13 types of cancer was significantly less than those who were not active.
As to why the lease did not make express provision for repayment, the judge remarked that what was obvious at the present time, in the light of Quirkco and another recent case, PCE Investors Ltd v Cancer Research UK [2012] EWHC 884 (Ch), [2012] All ER (D) 111 (Apr)-- namely, that if the tenant pays a full quarter's rent on the last quarter day before the break date and the lease then terminates on the break date in the middle of a quarter, then a question will arise as to whether the landlord is entitled to retain the full quarter's rent — had been less obvious when the lease was entered into.
In 1995, following treatment for breast cancer, she took on a part - time role with less responsibility.
Compared with women, men are up to three times more likely to die of coronary heart disease, twice as likely to die of skin cancer, three times more likely to commit suicide — and much less likely to visit the doctor.
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