Sentences with phrase «times less oxygen»

Similar islands of material in the early universe could have held as much water vapor as we find in our galaxy today, despite containing a thousand times less oxygen.
«We looked at the chemistry within young molecular clouds containing a thousand times less oxygen than our Sun.
Even with 200 times less oxygen than is currently found in the atmosphere, the sponges survived until the end of the study, 10 days after oxygen levels finished dropping.
Simple sponges can live with 200 times less oxygen than present atmospheric levels, supporting the idea that animals evolved before oxygen - rich oceans

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But we didn't have time, as the cord was wrapped tightly around him multiple times, and the tighter he was squeezed, the less able he was to get oxygen - rich blood.
The more oxygen you get, the less tense, short of breath, and anxious you feel.So the next time you feel stressed, take a minute to slow down and breathe deeply:
By looking at the chemistry of rocks deposited during that time period, specifically coupled carbon and sulfur isotope data, a research team led by University of California, Riverside biogeochemists reports that oxygen - free and hydrogen sulfide - rich waters extended across roughly five percent of the global ocean during this major climatic perturbation — far more than the modern ocean's 0.1 percent but much less than previous estimates for this event.
The late Proterozoic — the time period beginning less than a billion years ago following this remarkable chapter of sustained low levels of oxygen — was strikingly different, marked by extreme climatic events manifest in global - scale glaciation, indications of at least intervals of modern - like oxygen abundances, and the emergence and diversification of the earliest animals.
The problem lies in the extracellular fluid such devices would get their fuel from in the body — the levels of the oxygen there are roughly 1,000 times less than the available glucose.
«This period of extended low oxygen spanning from roughly 2 to less than 1 billion years ago was a time of remarkable chemical stability in the ocean and atmosphere,» Lyons said.
The oxygen situation of water near the seabed is now very good, although it worsened for a time over the past year in the Bornholm basin following the lesser Baltic inflows that occurred during the winter and spring of 2014.
By measuring the size of the largest raindrop imprints (inset) in ash that solidified soon after an eruption 2.7 billion years ago (pocked slab, main image) and comparing them to the imprints made by drops of various sizes and momentums in lab tests, the team estimates that the density of Earth's oxygen - free atmosphere 2.7 billion years ago most likely ranged between 50 % and 108 % of today's air and was certainly less than twice its modern density — a thickness insufficient to offset the dimness of the sun at the time.
On Titan, where solar ultraviolet radiation is much weaker and oxygen - bearing molecules are substantially less abundant, methane can last 10 million to 100 million years (which is still a short time in geologic terms).
As less methane was available to to remove oxygen from the atmosphere, however, the result was a build up of oxygen over time during the subsequent «Great Oxygenation Event» (or «Great Oxidation Event») between Years 2.2 and 2.3 billion (Devin Powell, New Scientist, January 12, 2009; 2007 NASA press release; and Anbar el al, 2007).
Now, if you have all this very cold, nearly freezing water surrounding these ice caps, sucking up carbon dioxide out of the polar atmosphere, at nearly the highest possible rate, 30 times faster than oxygen, and 70 times faster than nitrogen, doesn't it stand to reason that the air that remains might just have a lot less carbon dioxide in it than the atmosphere across the rest of the planet?
While about 1,000 times less dense at Pluto's orbit than at Earth's, solar winds carrying protons and electrons, as well as ionized helium and oxygen, gust outward at about 300 to 500 km / s (187 to 311 miles / s).
The results showed that after eating dark chocolate, the subjects used less oxygen when cycling at a moderate pace and covered more distance in a two - minute flat - out time trial.
As time goes on, less and less oxygen makes it to the heart, which can cause a heart attack.
Commercial fruit juices are pasteurized and their oxygen is removed to preserve them for a long time, making the juices less nutrient - dense.
Not only does HIIT take less time, but it helps you burn more fat because of an effect known as EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption).
Those consuming the dark chocolate were found to use less oxygen and cycle further in a 2 - minute timed race.
A University of Exeter (U-E) led study shows for the first time how nitrate in beetroot juice leads to a reduction in oxygen uptake, therefore making exercise less tiring Beetroot juice also aids in reducing your blood pressure.
The three drag races between the two cars end with the Stingray on top each time, though just barely, but the video host points out that the test was done at high altitude where the air has less oxygen, putting the oxygen - loving Corvette V8 at about a 15 percent power disadvantage but having no effect on the electric motor of the i8.
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