Sentences with phrase «times more massive»

The tree in the lawn is 90 times more massive than its twin.
Eyeballing ITER compared to a fission reactor core, it's obvious that an ITER - like machine is many times more massive.
With a mass of 10,000 solar masses, it is about 10 times more massive than typical open clusters in the Milky Way.
According to a paper published this week in Nature, the exploded star is at least 50 times more massive than our sun, but probably much larger, making it possibly the biggest stellar explosion ever observed by humans.
CE: The various scales (such as time, temperature, and size) required — for example, in and around stars hundreds of thousands of times more massive than earth — are so large that experimental support for chemical evolution is necessarily limited.
GLAST is in part a follow - up to CGRO, which found high - energy radiation from distant galaxies believed to contain supermassive black holes — up to a billion times more massive than the sun.
Groups of stars such as those in Orion are born when a cloud of gas hundreds of times more massive than our Sun begins to collapse under its own gravity.
G1 [right], a much larger globular cluster, harbors a heftier black hole, about 20,000 times more massive than our Sun.
Although M87 is around 2,000 times farther away from Earth than Sagittarius A *, it's more than 2,000 times more massive, so it will appear in the sky to the EHT as approximately the same angular size.
If the abundance of dust and gas is comparable to that in typical environment in the universe (the mass ratio of dust and gas is 1 to 100), the dense region is massive enough to attract large amount of gas due to the self - gravity and form giant gaseous planets several times more massive than Jupiter.
The young star at the core of G192.16 - 3.82 is about six to 10 times more massive than the sun.
Astronomers discovered a «ultramassive» black hole that is 10,000 times more massive than the black hole at the center of our galaxy
Brown dwarfs can be tens of times more massive than Jupiter but aren't capable of carrying out the same type of nuclear fusion as stars.
Supermassive black holes are billions of times more massive than the Sun and have been found in very large galaxies in regions populated with many other galaxies.
Stars would orbit more quickly in the gravitational grip of a black hole, which would be several thousand times more massive than our sun.
By contrast, stellar - mass black holes are only a few times the mass of our Sun, and galactic - center black holes can be millions or billions of times more massive than our Sun.
Astronomers find evidence of enormous black hole one hundred thousand times more massive than the sun in a gas cloud near the galaxy's centre.
(Some were quasars which are powered by black holes, billions of times more massive than our Sun!)
The black hole, which is in the center of the quasar ULAS J1342 +0928, is about 800 million times more massive than our sun.
When the 31 solar mass and 19 solar mass black holes merged, two solar masses worth of black hole mass were converted into gravitational wave energy, which explains why the object that the observatory detected was only 49 times more massive than the sun, not 51, the authors explained.
The behemoth exoplanet is six times more massive than Jupiter.
Had it been confirmed, VB 10b would have tipped the scales at six times more massive than Jupiter.
That same year, using six months of observations from ground - based amateur - style telescopes, scientists announced GJ 1214b, a planet 6.5 times more massive than Earth and 2.7 times wider.
XMM - Newton also discovered a galaxy cluster that was extremely massive (about 1,000 times more massive than the Milky Way Galaxy) and extremely distant (about 7.7 billion light - years away); the evolution of such a cluster reveals how the universe itself has evolved.
The luminous cores of most if not all galaxies contain a supermassive black hole, which is millions or even billions of times more massive than the sun.
The black hole observed by NuSTAR, called Markarian 335 (Mrk 335), is 10 million times more massive than the sun and lies 324 million light - years away, researchers said.
LISA is tuned to detect lower frequencies and longer wavelengths produced by mergers between black holes millions of times more massive than the sun.
Among the highlights in the Hubble photo is HD 93129Aa, a supergiant star that's 80 times more massive and 2.5 million times brighter than the sun.
Kepler - 10c, a world many times more massive than Earth, has been recognized as a member of a new class of planet.
This must happen very quickly, before the gas dissipates.e (Jupiter's hydrogen and helium are 300 times more massive than the entire Earth.)
But if Jupiter were 13 times more massive and considered a small brown dwarf, it would start to exhibit some star - like qualities.
While the jets from galaxy cores are thought to be powered by supermassive black holes millions of times more massive than the Sun, the closer «microquasars» are powered by much smaller black holes or by neutron stars only a few times more massive than the sun.
There have been other galaxies found that seem to be made mostly of dark matter, but this new one is about 10,000 times more massive than any of them.
While much smaller than Pluto, about 1 percent the size and one - ten - thousandth the mass, it is thought to be 10 times larger and 1,000 times more massive than an average comet.
«[A massive black hole, 21,000,000 times more massive than the Sun, lies at the center of a small galaxy.]
Other protostars are bigger, many times more massive than our own sun.
The study calculated that the star that exploded was at least 50 times more massive than the sun and probably much larger.
MBHs are millions to 21 billion times more massive than the Sun.
The discovery was made as part of a program to detect supermassive black holes, millions or billions of times more massive than the Sun, that are not at the centers of galaxies.
NGC 5084 is one of the most massive galaxies in the entire Virgo supercluster, and it is at least ten times more massive than our own galaxy.
Comparison with the SXS simulations revealed that the signal was from the collision of two hefty black holes 29 and 36 times more massive than the sun and located 1.3 billion light - years from Earth.
A young massive star that began life around 25 times more massive than our own sun is shedding shells of material and fast winds to create this dynamic scene captured by ESA's XMM - Newton (Credit: ESA / XMM - Newton, J. Toalá & D. Goldman)
He estimates the progenitor of 3C 58 began life as a blue star of spectral type O that was 20 to 30 times more massive than the sun.
In the third paper selected, theorist Chen Zhang of Peking University in Beijing and his co-authors propose that the mystery bump is produced by a particle similar to the Higgs boson, but six times more massive.
For comparison, the Earth is 81.3 times more massive than the Moon.
Null and his colleagues found that Charon lies 11 times farther from the centre of mass than Pluto does, which means that Pluto is 11 times more massive.
Earth, twice the diameter and 10 times more massive than Mars, has no equivalent dominating feature.
(For comparison the Sun is just over 1,000 times more massive than Jupiter.)
The two stars in the system — one about three times more massive than the sun and the other a little less massive — are so close to each other that one orbit takes only 3 days.
But the East Antarctic Ice Sheet is 20 times more massive.
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