Sentences with phrase «times per week trying»

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, I'm trying to limit our hot chocolate consumption to a few times per week.
Unfortunately, when trying to fit in a full - time job, a work out 4 - 5 times per week, driving 3 hours every other weekend to see my boyfriend, running a blog (among the 50 million other things I have to do), I just can't afford to putz.
Thanks for sharing this recipe I'm trying to keep to a rule where I make something new 2 times per week.
This means a whopping 300,000 GBP per week for the Chilean star, and surely if they offer him that amount then they will have to also massively increase Mesut Ozil's at the same time, not to mention how much other stars may demand if we try and bring in some more big name players.
If his ideal is to have sex 2 - 3 times per week and you want it 1 - 2 per month, try agreeing on a middle ground like once per week.
Though most women who have determined that they are fertile can conceive within two years of trying at least two times per week, many starting in their late 30s and early 40s shouldn't wait that long before consulting their OB / GYN or fertility specialist.
If your company doesn't offer paid maternity leave, and you can't afford to take unpaid leave try to work out a flexible schedule where you might be able to work from home several days per week for the first six weeks after your baby's birth, or possibly ask to work part time for a period of time.
If you're a small campaign with a single staffer, try to spend at least 8 hours planning and executing your online - specific strategy per week, particularly at the beginning, remembering that those early hours can be far more valuable than time spent right before the election.
If you're a small campaign with a single staffer, try to spend 4 - 8 hours planning and executing your online - specific strategy per week, at least at the beginning, remembering that those early hours can be far more valuable than time spent right before the election.
At the University of La Rochelle, where in the 1st year of the program students were recruited without having an assignment to start with, students spent an average of 2 days per week just trying to find a consulting opportunity, Canet says: «They found it difficult to manage their time between their thesis work and the search of company assignments.»
With U.S. commuters spending an estimated 500 million hours per week in their vehicles, carmakers, software companies and content providers are trying to figure out how to take advantage of new high - speed wireless network technologies to help drivers have better Internet access during this often idle time.
If your hips need a big stretch and a lot of love, give the following sequence a try a few times per week.
This tried and tested program was designed to increase strength and help you break training plateaus by hitting your muscles hard three times per week with 45 - minute workouts, stimulating a great increase in strength and muscle mass as well.
For best results, try to do this routine at least three times per week.
If you have time to train only two or three times per week, this doesn't mean that you can't achieve some decent strength gain over time, especially if you try a full - body training in order to work with all muscle groups.
You can endure bench pressing 3 times per week, spending 2 hours trying out different curl and triceps extension variations and do some conditioning work after a set of heavy squats.
This is why we recommend you to perform one of the following workouts 3 times per week and leave a 48 - hour window for rest and recovery between each two sessions, or at least try to do minimum - intensity activities during the off - days.
I suggest that people like you still train their full bodies three times per week most of the time, but use different exercises on each day... and try to select exercises that are significantly different from each other so that the joints aren't constantly stressed in the same manner.
Try to fit in a high - intensity interval workout like this two or three times per week, says Miranda.
Currently I do HIIT training 3 - 4 times per week and try eat pretty healthy in the 40:30:30 macronutrient range.
Have 1 - 2 serves of fruit per day and then try to have high carb foods such as potato, bread, rice, etc only a few times per week xx
In terms of the cardio, I would try to walk 3 times per week for 45 - 60 minutes each (but the longer the better) and then jog 2 - 3 times per week.
As I mentioned above, try do it 5 times per week for at least 45 minutes.
Now if you are under some time constraints and only have time for two workouts per week then try doing two full body workouts per week.
I would still eat whole grains, but just try to limit to a few times per week.
I know being in Canada must be hard but when you get some better weather, I would definitely try to walk for an hour (or just do what you can) at least 5 times per week.
I would try doing any of these circuits 3 times per week, and also add in some power walking if you can.
Try to limit it to 3 times per week and then start to decrease.
I have tried the 100 g recommendation while crossfit ting 2 - 3 times per week and doing limited to no cardio.
Really good article, I've tried the saw palmetto method and the result are quite shocking.Its been 4 week since I started applying the saw palmetto mixture n my hair got thicker but at the same time there are some hair fall going on maybe around 15 to 25 hair strands per day compared to pre treatment which is 50 +.
Throw this strategy in maybe once per week, and try to get more runs each time.
I tried endermologie massage about 18 months ago, going 2 - 3 times per week for 45 minute sessions, for about 15 sessions.
I would also try to workout at least 3 times per week minimum.
Several times per week, try adding 2 cups of Epsom salts to a warm bath and soaking for at least 12 minutes.
Try doing this strict seated press variation (which increases upper back and shoulder demands more than standing) one to two times per week for 4 sets of 4 - 6 repetitions with a moderate to heavy load, holding each rep at the top for two seconds to increase overhead stability.
But if that's not possible, try to shoot for at least three to four times per week.
I try to bathe at least 5 times per week
My current exercise regime is running 4 times per week (5 - 10k each time I run) and trying to do two sessions of kettlebell training for strength.
As a beginner if I'm going to do one set per body part for 50 - 100 reps, 3 times a week, should I try to progress each workout?
An endomorphic person trying to gain muscle mass should continue to do cardio two or three times per week.
They try new nutritional strategies like consuming calorie - packed protein powder or intermittent fasting where they skip meals for 16 - 24 hours multiple times per week.
I also walk at least a couple of times per week, either going for a family hike (typically fairly rigorous) or walking the mile uphill pushing my youngest in the stroller to pick my oldest up at school (and then the much slower walk back downhill returning home), which we try to do twice per week.
I try to get in a good plyo workout 1 - 2 times per week.
If you are exercising daily and feel like you are not seeing changes, try adding in a few full rest days or switch to walking a few times per week to give your body a break to recover.
Kasia and I had a great time last week in Mexico — we try to get away at least once per year somewhere so we can «unplug» and let ourselves recharge.
But, for those trying to boost their metabolisms or offset the accumulation of body fat, decreasing protein intake a couple of times per week can help.
I try to do these ab exercises three times per week.
Next try walking for about 15 minutes per day (or three times a week).
I would reduce your running to 3 times per week and try to increase your speed a little bit each time.
I am trying to slim my bum and thighs as I've been running long distances (10 - 14 km) about 4 times per week but I have gained 5 kg over the past 2 years despite my diet being great according to my dietician.
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