Sentences with phrase «times someone are living in»

In my opinion, this is a major failure on the part of the games press, and truly interesting times we are living in.
Given the difficult times we are living in, it is not a good idea to take out a second mortgage on your home unless you can afford to do so.
And I wonder what effect the tumultuous times we are living in might have on the voting this year.
She explains: «At times we are living in a new space, this mirror that Foucault describes as a thin thing that we see ourselves in but don't live in.
The iconic artist and filmmaker Doug Aitken here discusses the unique and valuable time we're living in now, which forces us to innovate how we work — and survive.
Soup looks perfectly wonderful for these confused season times we are living in.
In the four years since I moved to Argentina, this year is the first year that I actually put in thought and effort into decorating our place, mostly because this is the first time we're living in our own apartment.
And the more times you say it the weirder it gets... Arsenal refused Fabregas... for 25m... crazy times we are living in.
Comedian Nick Cannon is back - and using his potent voice to attack the haters and naysayers, while discussing everything from the controversial times we're living in to how getting old affects his dating.
So maybe when I retire from the day job the dream will change again.Interesting time we are living in as writers.
Chandrasekhar: Ultimately, these are very interesting times we're living in.
In putting together a sidebar for that story about the most important FPS games in the history of the medium, I noticed a fascinating trend that seems to say something poignant about the times we're living in: brand has become a stronger selling feature than the artist, at least in games.
Before I develop those two thoughts, let me just remark on how remarkable a time we are living in.
And there's a reason for them and the importance of them being fulfilled to the T. Fulfilled prophecies are for believers, so we may further trust God on His promises and also to know the times we are living in.
A profoundly moving story of simply very decent people refusing to change the scope of their humanity to fit the times they were living in.
«At the time we were living in Horton, Kansas, in the midst of Indian reservations, and there was a strong prejudice against the Native American, which was expressed in a «nigger» mentality.
These are the sign of the time we're living in.
It is more prevalent now than ever before, because of the time we are living in.
many people think how the times we're living in has to be worse than before because of all the wars and disasters however really what's happening is we're just hearing more of it.
But, a watch is the thing I always have, perhaps that says something about me and the times we are living in now.
I have tried to keep decent salaries in this club but the times we're living in bested me.
I think in the times were living in, we need to be as transparent as we possibly can.»
I believe employees deserve a new contract, one that reflects their work and the times we are living in.
We understand that, in the immediate run up to an election, signalling a willingness to work with other parties might be difficult but we hope you'll agree that the times we are living in require leaders to be courageous and visionary, to actively build a more positive politics
Tory grandee Sir Patrick McCormack told the Commons: «The times we are living in are unprecedented» and invited Mr Martin to «dwell» on the proposition that «the condition of the House is rather like the position of the country at the time of the Norway debate» [in 1940].
Mostow: Yeah, I mean, I believe that 1,000 years from now, historians will look back at the time we are living in right now, and in distance like this, this decade or maybe even these couple of years as a turning point in the history of mankind; not [unlike the way] we look back on primitive man, when they discovered fire and how that world is changing society.
At the time I was living in Charlotte, and Charleston was just a short drive south.
At the time she was living in Los Angeles and running Les Deux Café, one of Hollywood's hidden insider spots.
PIRATE RADIO looks at the cold comfort of milk tea and chocolate cookies after a heartbreak, male posturing of many types, and the bittersweet knowledge that the times you are living in may be the best of your life.
It would be too simple to declare that The Post is a film needed for the times we are living in.
At the time we were living in Mexico but would be moving to that area.
At the time I was living in west Philadelphia, had no car and the only car dealership of any kind (that wasn't sketchy) was central city Toyota.
Here's the story I wrote for this week's National Business Review, a round up of the interesting times we're living in and my pick of the winners and losers — ... Read more >
I also didn't get a feel for what Natalie was like all the time they were living in Orion.
Here's the story I wrote for this week's National Business Review, a round up of the interesting times we're living in and my pick of the winners and losers — so far.
Definitely interesting times we are living in.
Whatever you call the times we're living in, it's pretty obvious they ain't great.
At the time I was living in the Bay Area and working at a new tech start up.
At the time I was living in Melbourne...
At the time I was living in the Bay Area and working at a new tech start...
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